Tue 07 Jan
Exciting but very Relaxing full body therapeu sensual massage escape, i am available now - 30
(Houston, Galleria)
A healing experience, a solid focus on bringing u the best physical and emotional release possible - 30
⎷⎛ NERDY STUDENT ⎷⎛ sh.... I have a SECRET to tell you !! Call me !!! - 19
(private townhouse in complex)
HOT NEW PICS!! 💕 Beautiful EXOTIC Sexy... ROXY!! 💋 Available NOW!! 💎Upscale Suite & HOT Towels!!! 💕 - 20
(Houston, Galleria - WESTPARK)
_____ ________ __ ______ ______G ___A ___L ___L ___E ___R ___I ____A ________ ________ ____________ - 30
Bored? Stressed? just want a cool place to ralex in? Come enjoy a wonderfuil Massage from me!! - 37
Mon 06 Jan
★★ VIP TREATMENT ★★ -- SeXy Sensual Toe-CuRLing & Relaxing --★ SuPeR BuSTy CuTiE !! - 30
(Houston, galleria/westchase/westheimer In&Out;)
▶▶ ╠╣o t ◀◀ ★ SEXy PLAyMATE ★☆ Sensual & Satisfying ★☆ (ReaL PiCs) ★☆ AMAZinG!!! - 31
(Houston, Galleria~~In&Out;)
In the mood for sensuous, playful, rejuvenating, mood enhancing massage! Stop here - 30
(Galleria/behind the mall)
★HoT SPeCiAL ★ VIP TREATMENT ★★ -- Sensual Toe-CuRLing & Relaxing --★ SuPeR BuSTy CuTiE !!!★ - 30
(Houston, Westheimer -Galleria/Westchase In/Out)
________ _____ _________ ___________ WHITE ___ MEN ___ONLY ______________ _____________ ____________ - 30
Today is HOT HOT HOT My Massage room is cool cool cool.. and my Hands are always Warm Warm Warm!!! - 37
█▒ ╠╣OT〓〓〓► █▒ ╠╣OT〓〓〓► ♥ BRuNETTE 34DDs ♥▬ SEXXiEST ♥ BODY2BODY ♥ -----$$ Specials - 30
(Houston, Galleria Westchase--- In/Out--Houston)
_______ ____ __________ ___________ ________ G A L L E R I A_______ _______ _________ ____ _________ - 30
Enjoy feeling your entire body touched in a caring, healing and relaxing sensual way? - 30
(Houston, Galleria)
🎊Bajan baby! 🎉Come relax with the Island beauty herself 😋💥🌟 110% REAL pics with PROOF!! - 24
(City of Houston, Galleria area, Houston)
Sun 05 Jan
Uninhibited hot brunette! Mutual touching - clothing optional - 23
(Houston, Houston Galleria (in/out))
★ UP LATE ★ ★ CuTe ★ ★ SuPEr S E X Y ★ ★ •:*:• LuCiOuS * •:*:• BODY BLiSS !! ★ ★ - 30
(Houston, --Galleria, Westchase In or Out)
❤ • SWEET * SEDUCTIVE * SENSUAL ---❤--- # ❶BODYRUB ★ ---❤--- S E X Y 34DD BRUNETTE !! - 30
(Houston, Galleria /Westchase--- In&Out;)
It's getting HOT HOT HOT ... so COme in and get a cool refreshing Massage from me!!! - 35
★★ VIP TREATMENT ★★ SuPer BUSTY CuTiE ★ I KnOw JuST WHaT YOU NeeD!! .. HoT Sensual Relaxation! - 30
(Houston, Westheimer/Galleria/Westchase In&Out;)
★★ VIP TREATMENT ★★ Petite & Busty CuTie ★ HoT- SeNSuAL - SeXXy -ToE-CuRLinG - ReLaXaTiOn! - 30
(Houston, Westheimer/Galleria/Westchase In&Out;)
Work, Girlfriends, Wifes, Bosses. ENough! A Massage from me is what you nEEd!! - 40
(Houston, Midtown/Montrose)
★★VIP TREATMENT★★ -- Hot ° Sensual ° Toe-CuRLing ° ReLaXing--★SuPeR BuSty CuTie ★ - 30
(Houston, Westheimer -galleria/westchase- In/Out)
100% Warm Fullbody Therapeutic, sensual healing massage will dissolve ur stress, U Relax & Recharge - 30
(Galleria, Behind the Mall)
WOW!! ★# ❶BODYRUB ★---★SUPER *:•: ♥.•:* SEXY ✮ ( 34DDs ) *:• ♥.•:* BRUNETTE •*★--- Sunday FUN - 30
(Houston, Galleria /Westchase -- In&out;)
xXx ** xxx Check me out! Sexy Asian xxx ** xXx - 26
(Houston 832-593-8800)
Hot Mixed Latina ready to ease your troubles away. *!*!*!* Christina *!*!*!* - 22
(Galleria/Westchase, Galleria)
________ _____________ _______________ _______ GALLERIA _______ __________ _______ _______________ - 30
_______________ ___________ GALLERIA ___ RIEVEROAKS ___ WESTCHASE ___ BELTWAY 8______ ______________ - 30
(Houston, W H I T E * M E N * O N L Y)
** CUTE & Super SeXy ** *** ** HOT * Sensual * EROTIC ***** **** special - 30
(Houston, Galleria In&Out; ~special)
>>>> SeXy DIRTY Blonde >>>>>>> Let ME Put My WARM Hands ALL OVER YOU!! >>>> >> AMAZING ! - 30
(Houston, In&Out; galleria (specials))
Sat 04 Jan
❤ WaRM © SeXy © SeNsUaL © ToE-CuRLiNG © ReLaXaTiON ❤ *** CALL *alysa* ToNite!! - 30
(Houston, Galleria - Westchase In&Out;)
Til 1AM ~~~ ★"OnE IN a MiLLION" ★ ~~~ SEXXiEST Brunette 36Ds ~~~ ★ hOt SenSual SaTiSfying! ★ - 30
(Houston, Galleria area---- in / out -----SPecial)
★★ SUPER SEXY 34DDs ★★ 100% REAL ★★ SENSUAL ★ ★ ★ H O T BODYRUB - 31
(Houston, In/Out -Galleria Westchase all areas)
SUPER SeXy & BUSTY __★__ SOo SWEET ★__ SOo SENSUAL ❤ HOT B0DYRUB __ 4U ! ❤ AVaiLaBle TiL 12AM! - 31
(Houston, Galleria - Houston areas _ In/Out)
WOW!! ★# ❶BODYRUB ★---★SUPER *:•: ♥.•:* SEXY ✮ ( 34DDs ) *:• ♥.•:* BRUNETTE •*★--- - 30
(Houston, Galleria /Westchase -- In&out;)
( SeXy ★ SenSual •*★*• SaTisfying ★ ReLaXaTioN )) __★ SPECIAL ToDAY! _ ((★HoT★ BuSty ★ CuTie ★ - 30
(Houston, Westheimer-Galleria-Westchase --In&Out;)
*H0T* *DiRtY BLoNdE* ~~~~ * SENSUAL * InToxicating TOUCH ** AMAZING!! ~~ AVAIL LATE! ~Specials - 30
(Houston, In-galleria / Out-all over *specials)
_________ ________ __________ ____ Galleria Babe ___ Sun spcl ____ _______ _______ - 40
(Houston, White Men Only)
BEST♥ ———— •☆• SeNSUaL •☆• SOOTHiNG •☆• TOuCHeS •☆• BUsTY PLAYMaTE ———— ♥ - - 30
(Houston, westchase/galleria .... In/Out)
Fri 03 Jan
Valintines Day is coming!! Let me make it perfect for you and your special love!!! - 37
Outcall Sensual Body Rubs by Sexy Egypt *CC Accepted* - 27
(Houston, Outcall to your residence or hotel)
Ignore the Rest !! Sensual Relaxing Full Bodyrub !! Leaving Soon !! Don't Miss Me !! - 43
(Houston, Galleria Area)
BRUNETTE w/34D♥ [[ Sexy ]] ♥ I KNoW JuST What U NeeD!! ♥ [[ Sensual ]] ♥ AvAiL LaTe! - 30
(Houston, galleria ~In/Out~)
Tired of ordinary?? Come in and have a session with the Goddess of Massage!! - 35
★•★ SuPer BuSty ★•★ SeXy Q-T ~~ {★❤ SeXy ° Sensual ° Toe~CurLing ❤★ } ~~Real Pics! - 30
(Houston, westheimer/galleria * In/Out -all areas)
_______ ____ __________ ___________ ________ G A L L E R I A_______ _______ _________ ____ _________ - 30
2 in 1 Full body massage (Therapeutic & Sensual ) - an incredibly powerful combination!
(Richmond @South Rice, behind the Galleri)
❤HoT BUSTY CUTIE ~~~~ MY Hands.. ALL OVER YOU! ~~~~ ❤ AMAZING! - Relaxation - 30
(Houston, galleria/all areas ( in/out ))
H❤T SuPeR SeXXy ~❤~ SeNSUaL * InToXiCatInG TOUCH! ~❤~ Late~Nite ReLaXaTioN!! - 30
(Houston, galleria/westheimer/all areas ~~in/out)
☆★ H O T ★ H O T ★☆ #❶ BODYRUB! ----- ------★ S E X Y BUSTY 34DD BRUNETTE ★ ----- - 30
(Houston, Galleria /Westchase In/Out)
All you need today is a therapeu sensual fullbody massage escape with Yvette. Taking apts now. - 30
(Houston, Galleria)
Thu 02 Jan