Wed 08 Jan
🌟New🌟 Amazingly Beautiful Blonde👯 Young 💋Sweet & Petite💋 ‼️120🌹 Incall Special‼️ - 19
(Houston, Incall Beltway8 45 59)
Gorgeous Bouncy Blonde BubbleButt Nympho! Don't waste your time looking elsewhere! - 24
(IN/OUT North Houston & Surrounding Areas)
100%Freaky puerto rican.mouth like no other!.Couples Welcome $ 40$ specials all nite!HoT nd REAdy - 22
(Houston, s main 610 downtown incall)
Tue 07 Jan
Mya is BACKKK..♡♡♡832-9887511 u tell me wat rub u ╠╣OT ╠╣OT ♥ S—E— X—Y ♥ FreaKy YOUNG BEAUTIFUL - 25
(Pasadena, Pasadena blvd)
▬▬▬▬▬▬✿⎛Milly ✿⎛ ▬▬▬⎛✿1OO% REAL Pics⎛ ⎛✿⎛—— Gorgeous ——Latina —❤❤ (281)810-8431 - 21
_________ __________ J _U _M_B_O __J_U_G_G_S ____&____3_X 'S__ T_H_A__ F_U_N_____ ______ ___________ - 28
(Houston, ACCESS ME FRM 610 290 59 45 OR I-10)
***** F i R s T __T H i N g S _______ F i R s T ***** M o N D a Y M o R N i N g H e L p is HeRe - 29
(290 and beltway 8)
........ AvAiLAbLe NoW ...... ,cLaSSy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ * GeTaWaY *....PLeASuRe A wAiTs - 30
(northwest 290)
........ AvAiLAbLe NoW ........ ,sX(x)Xy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ *S a T u R D a Y SeDuCtDreSS *.... - 30
(northwest 290)
------100$ Special with Erotic Red Head Come and Get it Now!!!------- - 23
Ms Juicy 45 InCall SPECIAL * 832 483 1422 * 38DDs KiLLa CURVES BiG Phat Squeezable AZz * Up 24/7 - 21
(Houston, i45 @ cavalcade!!! Outcalls 150 hr!!!)
©• {LET} °o©• {ME} °o©• {BE} °o©• {YOUR} °o©• {SATISFACTION} °o©• {GUARANTEED} °o©• ! 80 specials!!! - 20
(Houston, I 10 WILCREST)
) ..... LeT SaNTas SiNFuL HeLPeR SiT oN uR LaP !!!!!!!!!!!! B4 i LeaVe for the NoRtHPoLe 2maRRoW .. - 30
(290 and beltwy incall...outcall EVERYWH)
Let Me be the BEST Part of YOUR Day and the Naughtiest Part of YOUR Night - 28
LeAvIn SoOn!!!! CoMe SeE mE bEfOrE iTs 2 LaTe!!! 40 SpEcIaL!!! 45 N. Up All NighT!! - 25
(Houston, 45 N.)
.iF YOU DiDnT gEt eNuF STuFFiNg oN THaNkSgiViNg sEE mE ** DiScReet and CLEAN INCALL... - 30
(290 and beltway 8)
° ღ ° Let Me Make You ?°? TOP PRIORITY ?°? Nite Time Creep ° ღ ° !6!0! Specials - 25
(Houston, Rankin Rd >> INCALL ONLY >>)
!!!!!LATE NIGHT SPECIALS !!!HOT AND READY!!!! 60half hr 100forhr BECKY 713 566 1139 - 25
(Houston, southwest houston)
■○□● incalls only in Brazoria County Angleton too late Jackson in free port ♥♡♥♡ - 24
(Houston, freeport.clue LakeJack.Angleton)
Eva Da BeAsT ™ REAL Pics™ 40DD's & 50" @SS █ █ █ (e.c.c.i.e. reviewed) Video Vixen Look-a-like - 21
(Houston, Westheimer & 610 (gated) Incall)
Catch me now! __ ★EX0TIC BOMbsHELL __ ★100% REAl ___ ★ELITE COMPANi0N*80$hh - 20
(Houston, I 10 & Hwy 6)
60Quik visit SUPER SEXY (ebony) w/ THE PRETTIEST AZZ IN HOUSTON" 100% real pic in/Outcalls Available - 21
(Houston, GALLERIA area, midtown, DOWNTOWN)
S U P E R---S E X Y---B L O N D E---I N D E P E N D A N T--- 💋 R E A D Y N O W - 22
(Houston, 45 North & Houston Surrounding Area)
Mon 06 Jan
(( NEW )) ::♥: :* GoRgeOuS ** YoUnG ** ExOtIc **Playmate *::♥:: (( G.F.E )) - 19
((westheimer &Beltway8;)))
~ETRA Special ..special ~150 incall 130 Early Bird ~New PIX ~bridgette - 39
(south of hobby/ clear lake)
❤ ☆ ❤ ☆ ❤60Special☆ ❤ EVERYTHING❤ You ❤ DESIRE ❤ Lies ❤ With ❤ ME ❤ ☆ ❤ ☆ ❤ ☆ ❤ ;) - 29
(City of Houston, 59s SW SUGARLAND/STAFFORD)
100$hour Special Everything! Available Now. Sexy, Slim, Chocolate💃 - 22
(Houston, 45 south🚙Clear Lake, Woodlands,Katy)
Ms.Chocolate * Never 👅taste👅so gud!!! *Available in calls/outcalls*specials - 19
(City of Houston, Houston, North Houston,1960,Richy,woodland,1960)
🌴💖🌴💖EXOTIC & GORGEOUS LATINA💖🌴💖🌴BEST IN HOUSTON🌴💖🌴$75 Saturday Specials🌴💖🌴Ablo espanol - 22
(Houston, North Houston , 290 area, Fairbanks)
*{CaUtIoN}* HoT {HoRnEy} ReAdY {GFE} *{ReViEwEd}* {100 SpEcIaL} *SqUiRtEr* - 25
(IN-45N/BuSh AiRpOrT ArEa *100/60 MiN)
$40/60/100 Hot & Ready ... Come Get A Taste $40/60/100 - 24
(Houston, 59 south @ beltway 8 / southwest)
48 I N C H E S = B O O T Y = 48 I N C H E S =- B O O T Y = T H E = B E S T = O N L I N E - 24
(Houston, we can meet)
A Mind Blowing Exsperience With A 18 Year Old Spinner Ebony Jasmyn Umm Cumm Have Fun !!!!!!! - 18
(beltway 8 /westheimer)
✨✨👳🏽👳🏽💆🏽 Namaste ✨✨ East Indian Naughty Girl ✨✨✨ Sensual Massage ⭐️⭐️⭐️🎀🎀💕💕 - 22
(Houston, Houston Galleria Incalls Only)
LOOK!!NEW ASIAN BIG BOOTy fantasy! 90$/h special! 925-529-7231 - 21
(Houston, outcalls / incalls.beltway 8 westheimer)
___ (¯`?´¯) -:¦:-_* BeT___iLL * -:¦:- GiVe _ U -:¦:-_ * aHaRD__ TiMe * _ -:¦: - (¯`?´¯)____
(NW in and out)
💗 biggest sweetheart NO RUSH 😘 Let's Have Fun 💋💦 snow 🐰❄❄ call now 😘 - 19
(Baytown, BAYTOWN incall, Galveston, Galveston/Webster/Dickinson, Houston, Pasadena)
........ AvAiLAbLe NoW ...... ,sX(x)Xy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ *MoNDaY MaDNeSS *....PLeASuRe A wAiTs - 30
(northwest 290)
Sun 05 Jan
▇♥▇♥▇ ▇♥♥▇ ▇♥💋♥💋▇ ▇💋▇▇💋▇ LUV ME -:¦:-SQUEEZE ME -:¦:- HOLD ME ♥▇▇♥▇ HOT KISS NOW!!!♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ - 21
***BruNeTTe PEtITe HOtTie MaDIson ***AVaLiAbLE NoW !!!!***** - 18
$60 ✨MS MYA ————— ✨💜❤ ————FRESH 20Y.O 💋 HOT & READY BOMBSHELL $80 ❤💄 ————— 100% REAL 💄🎀👛 - 20
(Houston, N Houston 45n)
(( $60 SPECIAL )) --- ((( COLLEGE FREAK ))) -- BIG OLE BOOTY - 19
morning special snowbunny available incalls only 2817397814 classy amazing skills will leave 110%r - 20
(Houston, La Porte Pasadena baytown area incalls)
MOLLY (512)296-4022 100% really ME or its FREE ! Westheimer RD & Crescent Park DR - 19
......LeT mE bE tHe ToPPiNg 4 uR SuNDaY ... !!!!!! im sensual personal and UNLIKE no OtHeR.. - 30
(290 and beltway 8 &610)
~~~~ Let me be your sexy treat! Sexy MILF ready to play! Call Jade @ 281-507-2008 ~~~~ - 36
Beautiful classy busty DD Blonde Very New Here./30 Day Specials - 38
(Houston, Houston,Galleria,Spring,Humble,Alvin,Etc)
beautiful Blonde ... I WANT U ... (2Girl Shows)Houston's Finest!!! open anytime!!! -Super Specials - 29
(Houston, Galleria/Downtown(O/C w/my girlfriend))
Beautiful Blonde Seductress ❤️ Luxurious Galleria Area Incall ❤️ Outcall To All Areas 🎗 713-677-3537 🎗 - 32
(Baytown, Beaumont, Beaumont/Pt Arthur, City of Houston, College Station, Conroe, Galveston, Galveston/Webster/Dickinson, Houston, Houston Galleria Area Incall / Outcall, Huntsville, Missouri City, Pas)
Beautiful Blonde Seductress ❤️ Luxurious Galleria Area Incall ❤️ Outcall To All Areas 🌸 713-677-3537 🌸 - 32
(Baytown, Beaumont, Beaumont/Pt Arthur, City of Houston, College Station, Conroe, Galveston, Galveston/Webster/Dickinson, Houston, Houston Galleria Area Incall / Outcall, Huntsville, Missouri City, Pas)
-4 -3 == I -N -C -H -E -S == A -L -L == B -O -O -T -Y == 4 -3 == I -N -C -H -E -S == - 24
(belt8 n westpark)
need passion back in your life? lets meet eachothers needs. like thigh highs? - 31
(Houston, spring, north houston, IAH airport)
:*·*.· Nakita ·.*·*: Don't Miss Out :*·*.· Sexy SLIM Sweet TREAT :*·*·. - 25
(Houston, Hwy 6 near Westheimer)
Mary Jane💋 Sexy and sweet 🎀 100 roses🌹 for 30 minutes (346-801-9295) - 19
(290 & 1960, City of Houston, Houston)
Luscious 34DD's⭐️⭐️⭐️New Upscale Busty Petite Companion Gia~Luxury Treat for Upscale Gentlemen ⭐️⭐️⭐️ - 20
(Champions, Upscale apartment, City of Houston, Houston)
>>>>> LooKing FoR SoMe ExcITeMeNt ToDaY? CoMe SeE ~JaDe~ and YoU Won'T Be DiSsApPoInTeD!
(45 & Rankin-Northside)
!! NeW LET ____"This LUCIOUS LaDy"___ LOVE YOU LONG TIME < !!!! ( a must see) !!!!!!! - 26
(NORTH HOUSTON /Southwest 2incalls)
Friday night Specials FREAKY FRIDAY!!!!! 7132998847 - 38
(59 n humble kingwood woodland beltway 8, City of Houston, Houston)
Available for all your fantasy needs 8323424821 (NEW INCALL) Lili - 23
(City of Houston, Houston, Westchase/Hilton Hotel/Westhimer)
Sat 04 Jan
Early bird NEW LOCATION!))* !f u like thick u'll love me!! {50 kisses let's play Incall stafford @ - 20
(/outcall/incall murphy road/Hwy90)
BOOTY LoVerS!!!Have Me!!! Im URS!!! FREAKY Outcall n InCall Splz! - 22