Sat 04 Jan
---Luxurious ___ ___ Place ___ Sweet _____ ___ andSexy New Viet Asian Staff _____ Best Service !88 - 24
(5003 Antoine dr/713-269-1977)
**LaSt DaY iN ToWn** Get iT While iT Last WhiTE HoT && SeXy ReAdY To Get MeSSy Baddest ON BaCk PaGe! - 25
Last Day ForThe BIGGEST ASS ON EARTH 60$ For 30 Mins. Special! 48FF-26-64 Ass-tastic! Cum SPANK It! - 35
.*¨¨* -:¦:-* L A T I N A *-:¦:-* B O O T Y L I C I O U S *-:¦:-* FREAK .*¨¨80!! - 21
(45 South hobby /IN-OUT CALLS)
> L {✰} {✰} K > ( i GET iT JUiCY 4 YA ) *SUPER SQUiRTER* (DiRTY BLONDE) - 19
I'm Frisky & Ready 2 Please You. ( Ex-House Wife Horny As Hell & Willing & Ready) Kali Joy - 40
(Houston, Bush Airport - 45 North - 59 North)
HOT NEW PICS////// SERINITY For $80 Rose SPECIAL!! $$ ~~~ SERINITY~~ 281 ~ 739 ~ 2093~SE~~ - 22
(SouthEast Houston hobby)
**GFE** Wet & Freaky, Spank Me & Pull My Hair! All About U! Eye Rollin' - Toe Curlin' Satisfaction! - 26
Give to my Creature Conforts Drive and you'll howl like a big, bad dog with a good conscience! - 51
(Ranging the Houston area and far beyond.)
Give yourself the gift! A confidant with genuine passion, and sincere companionship ... not pretense - 54
(Houston, Galleria/Inside the loop)
Fulfill your wildest fantasies now with .... BLONDE BOMBSHELL PLAYMATE .... Claudia McPherson!
(Houston River Oaks area Incall & Outcall)
Get warmed up with P.E.P.P.E.R. for the best session ever !!! 832-305-0177 !! - 24
(Southside incall/outcall anywhere)
► ErOtIc EbOny PLAY MaTe ★ 60/80 Until S U N R I S E★ NO RuSH ◄ - 25
(Westheimer/Dairy Ashford/I-10/Beltway 8)
******Ebony Playmate*******Miss DeDe $$$$ CALL NOW 70$Specials 70$Specials -(281☎969☎6550) - 25
(City of Houston, Houston, Richey/North Freeway)
Ebony young active an beautiful New in town all day special 50****** - 19
(Houston, Houston south west beltway, main, 59 610)
*~Dtown's FiNest MiXXed Dessert~*~ Hot New PiXX~ *~$80in~ Sizzling SpeciaLs~ $100out~* - 25
(i10/hwy6 in/surrounding area out)
Come have Fun w/ this fun Sized Ebony Princess* CUTE! CUTE! CUTE! CUTE - 21
(Houston, 290 in/ outcall Houston)
*BusTy 38dd ** SeXy )) SExY HoT BlOnDe ))))) BloNde )))) BloNdE )) BloNde )) BloNde ))
BRAND New !!! Petite EBONY BARBIE !!! Don't MISS My $100 SPECIAL 832-297-6563 - 21
█▬ ♛▬▬█ ★♛★█★♛★█▬ ♛▬▬█ ★♛★█★♛★█▬▬**((BLONDE)) HOTTIE**▬▬▬█★♛★█▬ SPECIAL$$ ♛▬▬█ ★♛★█▬ ♛▬▬█ ★♛★█ - 27
(Houston, 1960 spring 45 north beltway 8 magnolia)
BLONDE WHITE GIRL WITH ROUND ASS i have the curves and the thighs, GRAB MY ASS, POUND ME - 24
► BLONDE *GiRL NexT DooR* *LeAViNg SooN HuRRy! *ExXxTreMLy HOT PICS!!
%% BACK ON THESOUTHEAST SIDE %% ~ SYNFULL ~ Naughty ~ By ~ Choice ~~ CALL ~ 832 329 0630 ** - 22
(SouthEast Houston/Gulfgate)
AVAiLABLE NoW**// SPECiALS (80) ** All NiGHT //_( SeXy _ PLAyMaTE _ at _ YoUr _ SERViCe )** - 22
(Houston, HIGHWAY 6 & I-10)
*** $60 SPECIAL ***T R U L Y _____T A L E N T E D____ & ____G A U R A N T E E D___ - 24
(Hwy 6 and Interstate 10)
*****$70 SPECIAL #^*~ Hott, & Ready #### Available ALL NIGHT !!!!!! $70 Special ***** - 18
(45 NORTH)
$60 Special ♥Sweet Sexy Adventures ♥Hot Kayla Available NOW 60Special - 22
(Houston, 610/ S.Main/ Houston)
60 Special Sweet Sexy Adventures Hot RAIN Available NOW 60Special - 24
(Houston, westhimer/ beltway 60 special)
(1OO$) The Ultimate Companionship for the older Gentleman - 22
(City of Houston, Houston, My Place SOUTHWEST clean safe & private)
150 Qk incall special spend your time with a Sexy Slim Red Head Snowbunny😍😘 - 20
(The Woodlands, 45&Rankin;,1960,spring,hou,woodlands,tom)
19 YEAR OLD ebony COLLEGE GIRL. 8328921401 lexi..... Amber and juicy 3 girl speci - 19
(Houston, north houston, i45, 1960 woodlands 290)
$125 WINNER All Day: C Two Girls, PICK 1:ERICA Green Eyed // MICHELLE Stacked & Natural - 23
(Beaumont/Pt Arthur)
😎😁😎👄👠$!$!$$Mz. Blaze Inferno, THICK IN ALL THE RIGHT PLACES!$!$!💄👓👠👜 - 32
(Houston, 45 N and Greens Point Area)
Mixed Beauty~☎ ✔ ☆ CHECKOUT☆ TOMoRROw☆ N@ughti€$t ☆B€h@vior!! ☎~☎ 100% real 100%HOT8178529839 - 19
(Houston, hobby outcall/incall)
* •••• L•e•t•s ★ P •L•A•Y• ** •#1 • ★ B•L•O•N•D•E H•O•T•T•I•E $$ SPECIALS! - 24
(Houston, Westheimer/ Beltway)
•❤•° LET ME BE°•❤•° _ Y.O.U.R _ °•❤•° _ L.i.T.T.L.E _ °•❤•° _ S.E.C.R.E.T _ °•❤•° S P E C I A L S !! - 20
(Houston, Hobby/Pasadena/ClearLake/SouthEast)
★ [[ K=i=N=K=Y= ]] ★ [» SMoKiN *HoT* BoDY «] ★ .[[ BLoNDe & SeXy! ]] - - 24
(Houston, Greenway Plaza area)
((( KINKY Brunette TREAT ))) (((( AMY ))) TEMPTING -N- TASTY ((( 80Special ))) 100%REAL PICS!!! - 26
(45n and 1960 exit)
I Love to Kiss! Romantic Wild Tiny Girl ! 281-886-9603 - 18
(Houston, Galleria Katy Sugarland 59 Beltway 8)
Hey Guys Why Call A Fake?.... When You Can have The Real Deal...(Ready Now!) - 24
(City of Houston, Houston, PRIVATE INCALL(Dairy Ashford/Westheimer))
★💕💋EXOTIC 💋💕💋 EBONY★💕SEXY 💋★CUTE💕💋 100% REAL💕💋★ ~IN&OUT; calls - 22
(Houston, 45 south beltway pasadena league city)
Exotic Busty Ebony ***** Doll ( 70 OUTCALL)**** - 25
Early Worm Special - ★ - Early Worm Special - ★ Early Worm - ★ - Galleria - 37
(Galleria/Westchase, Galleria)
^~•♥•~^~ ╠╣ E•♥•ART ~^~RACING •:*• ☆ ¨* $ 60 SPECIALS •:*• ☆ ¨*:• - 24
(Houston, 45 North 1960 59 Downtown 610 Spring I10)
Beautiful Blonde Playmate.... Only a phone call away! I'm here to fulfill your "Wildest Fantasies" - 23
BEAUTIFUL BLONDE SEDUCTRESS... Only a phone call away! Accepting Cash, Visa, M/C, & Discover
(Houston (Memorial area incall) Outcall t)
BEAUTIFUL >>> BounCy >>> BLoNDE >>> BOMBSHELL >>> * BANGIN * Special$ 50/100/150 - 24
(Galleria Area / Midtown InCall)
Beautiful Asian Goddess!!!!! Ready to Make Your Dreams Come True!!!! - 23
(Houston, Bush Airport/ W Hardy)
~~~~ ***** BEAUTIFUL ***** MATURE ***** HOT , VERY HOT ***** BRIGITTE ***** ~~~~ - 40
(Houston, 290/FAIRBANK)
50 special OoO.CoMe SiNK INTo My SoFTNeSS SWeeT SeXY ADVeNTuRe 50 special - 23
(Houston, WESTHIMER &BELTWAY; 8 50special)
$50 SPECIAL * $FREakY SATURDAY SPECIAL * $50 SPECIAL * $50 SPECIAL * $50 SPECIAL * All day/night
(Location: 610 /s post oak)