Mon 27 Jan
Hey guys I'm a New in town'''Sexy,beutifull Professional escorts ''' .Prostate massage available - 26
(Houston, 290 & hollister)
hey its indiana only intown for a couple days !! incall only - 28
(Houston Southwest, I10 channelview)
Hey my name is Queen lavish aka Lovely 100% real pics Sugar land, Stafford 🙈👅💖 New to the area! - 24
(Houston, Houston sw, sugar land, stafford, Sugar Land)
$# HEY DADDY Cum Have A ultimate experienceGFE with new TIGHT PUSSY MYA##$$ - 18
(richmond & beltway 8)
Hello I'm a Latina Lover....Let me be your dirty little secret 80/100/175 409-549-4313 - 29
(Beaumont/Pt Arthur, MID COUNTY AREA)
Horny ,Drippin ,Wet$60>> IM THE CURE >> $100 >> FOR YOUR SWEET TOOTH $160>> - 19
(59 Southwest Fountain View Near Galleria)
HOBBY AIRPORT ✈️💕50QV💕Mocha 8327637731 👅 Spank me && 👋Pull my Hair💑 In & Outcall - 20
(Pasadena, 45s/610s/Pasadena/225/airport/288/laport)
HiGH Class BRUNETTE Companion ❤1OO% ReAL NeWw PiCxX, YOU wont FoRGET ME!! AVAiLABLE NOW!!! - 19
Highly Reviewed & Certified .... Young & Beatiful .... LATINA SPINNER!!! ~WETTEST RIDE OUT~ - 20
***** Hi! It's Cris & I Am Back from Cali!!! ***** Come on Texas Guys, Welcome Me Home!!! ***** - 31
(Galleria Area)
Hispanic Honey. Make it a FunDay - 39
(BW8/Fallbrook/249. JV Area. 290/Belt, City of Houston, Houston)
Hey its sky thick sexy big booty,15 min=40$ 30min =60$1hr=85$ incalls..outcalls 30$,more - 29
(Houston, houston southwest out calls every were:))
###### HERSHEY BUNNY ... C@n I B()Unc3 ()n UR l@p ??!! ...hobby airport incalls 60*80*140 - 22
(Houston, 45s HOBBY AIRPORT !!!! 60/ 80/140)
**hAve A carAmel Sundae With me on tOp**Call Now lunch time Specials - 19
♥ Hispanic /Panamanian!! ♥ Incalls Available? $80♥♡ 9794530347 - 23
(Houston, 59 sw Stafford Sugarland Galleria)
█ ★ █ ☆ █ § H € █ ★ █ ☆ █ W A N t S █ ★ █ ☆ █ t 0 █ ★ █ ☆ █ b € █ ★ █ ☆ █ M €!!! ★ █ ☆ █ - 20
(Houston, I 10 EAST - FEDERAL)
highly reviewed eccie Sexy Hott mixed beauty rated # 1 ! ! 713-518-5778 - 24
(all of houston sugarland)
((°•❤•° _ HIGHLY _ °•❤•° _ SKILLED _ °•❤•° _ PROVIDER _ °•❤•° ))🍭AVAILABLE Now💋🍭 incall and out - 20
(Houston, hobby airport)
H H E E Y Y Fellas ! ! ! Looking For A Classy Young Lady To Spend With ? ? ? ? - 20
(webster, clear lake, nasa, friendswood)
@ @ High WAY to Heaven! Hot* Gorgeous! THICKNESS & a PRETTY'll LUV me!!! ********* - 24
(610 & kirby)
~~Happy Freaky Friday~ $75in~ SpeciaLs~ $100out ~Let's Get FreaKy Together~~ I'm Hot and Ready~~ - 25
H O T_&_S T I C K Y_B L O N D E _B U B B L E B U T T_C U T I E _O N_D U T Y! CALL ME @ 713-476-2002 - 24
(<<===InCaLL GaLLeRia / OutCaLL by APPT.)
@@@ @@@@ *** EX0TIC TreaT FR0M The MIDDLE EAST *** @@@@ @@@ - 21
✌HEY U 829;••658; 734; ❤YES U 829;••658; LOOK HERE SuPeR TH¡©K BLonde 💋 Real Pics ✔ - 24
(City of Houston, Galleria incall upscale, Houston, Pasadena, Pearland, Sugar Land, The Woodlands)
► HѼ R ° HaN ° ѼuR ° Â V R Â G °Outcall Special 120H - 20
(°West Airport & 59°All of Local Houston°)
Hey Guys Im Hot and Ready 4 You.. Come Find Out - 19
(Houston, southwest houston/beltway 8/stafford)
________ HERE'S _______ WHAT ________ UR ________ L@@KING _______ FOR!!! ______ Sexiest GFE Latina!!
(North Houston!! Call Me 24/7!! (:)
♥ HeAVeN is waiting... ★new specials!★ HOT exotic jUicY LaTinA!! habla espanol.. ♥ - 25
(Houston, 290/and Fairbanks♥specials!)
Hazel Eyed Exotic!!!Come for the Thrill and leave with the Chills!!! - 25
..... .HaViNg a TeRRiBLe TuESDaY ?? !!!! !lets HAVE a TuEsDaY NiTe C(0)cK FiGhT.... !!!!! - 30
(incalls and outcalls)
*-:¦:-° HAPPY 4TH OF JULY*-:¦:-° HeLLo Gentlemen of Houston Best WeTT WETT - 19
(Richmond & Beltway 8)
!!HAPPY HOUR 12-6am**Lets play**Lollipop Specials**Come See Me B4 u go home!!** - 21
(Houston, Houston, 45n/1960/ spring/)
▃ ▅ ▆ █ █▒ Guarantee 100% REAL █▒ NeW 2 Da ToWn ThAi BeAuTy ( 24/7) █ █▒ CaLL NoW!! █▒ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ - 24
(Houston, I45 north, FM1960 Airtex, Rakin)
HEY YOU!OVER HERE^_^60spls spls slps**CLAPPING bOOty ♥◆♡ FreaKY Mixx HOttiE ♡◆♥ °•°• - 21
(Houston, airport blvd/INCALLS)
$# HEY Cum Have A ultimate experienceGFE with new TIGHT PUSSY MYA##$$ - 18 - 19
(Richmond & Beltway 8)
Hello Gentelman just arrived in town come let me give u the time of your life:) - 29
(Houston, Woodlands/springs)
Heaven & Angel 50!!!!! special til 1pm!!!! its going down... hottest 2 girl special in town >> - 24
:*☆¨: HaPpY hOuR on THE way HOME SpEcIaL!! ReAl G.f.E. FaT, wEt, TiGhT kItTy :*☆¨: - 24
(Southeast/Pasadena/INCALLS ONLY)
«~GrEen-EyEd PlAyMate~»CaLL NoW IM ReAdY ---»███ONE NIGHT ONLY!!██████ - 22
(Houston, Northside-Hwy 249 & 1960 (In or OUTCALL))
Have You Seen The MASSIVE & HUGE Phat Juicy 55" ASS On The 1 Of A Kind Miss BADUNKADUNK? Just $100! - 35
(Post Oak+Westhimer & Loop)
H y p n💗t🎐z🎐n g ~ H 🎐p s (💥 Bbw 60_60_60 💋💥! ฿€$T~•°❤°•~ ₭ε₱τ SeCrEt - - 31
(290. /43rd near Tidwell / hollister 🏦, City of Houston, Houston)