Mon 27 Jan
Dont miss out on some fun im back alisha come check me out💝 promise u will leave with a great 😃 - 26
(City of Houston, Hwy6 sw outcalls in calls)
— • ❖ • — DÂNG€R0U§L¥ ÂDDiC╊iNG!! — • ❖ • — §N0WBUNN¥ — • ❖ • — - 19
(Houston, FM 1960 AND THE 45 FREEWAY ( in calls ))
discreat little BLONDE TREAT . . . INVITING AND FUN ( in call specials) - 23
(Houston, in calls only- richmand near galleria)
°°° DIAMOND °°°"Call about my special ! I'll do what your wife or girlfriend won't ! °°°° - 24
(Houston, channelview/east side)
*** DIAMOND ***( Happiness Consultant !)i'm waiting for your call ! - 23
(Houston, East Houston/channelview/east side/I-10)
[ 🌟] Did You Miss Me?😝 💞[🌟] 🍹🎱Party Friendly [😏]Independent & Available Now - 22
(City of Houston, Galleria . Bush . River Oaks . Kingwood, Houston)
🍒🍦🍭 deliciously sweet young && petite COUNTRY 🍭🍦🍒 - 25 - 25
(City of Houston, Houston, northside/woodlans/Galeria/Downtown)
*** DELUXX BUBBLE BOOTY 40DD's W/ the Perfect Freak SESSIONS ==== $50/Spcls === 24/7Skills 2nite = - 25
(Houston, 610/South@Reliant Stadium/Medical Center)
_______________ ________ DDD KAYLA_______ _________ NO LIMITZ _________ _HOUR_ _______________ ____ - 26
(ACCESSABLE 2 U FRM 290 I-10 45 59 OR 610)
*♥* DeFiNiTlY *♥* BeTTeR *♥* ThAn *♥* ThE *♥* LaSt *♥* - 24
(Houston, 1960/woodlands/conroe/spring/humble)
DALLAS#1 Mixed Beauty* * * SmAcK mY A** & PuLl My HaIr. . . ! KiNkY fUn LuNch SpEcIaL!! - 22
(59/ kirkwood)
DALLAS#1 Mixed Beauty * * *LaSt dAY iN HoUsToN ***DESI***DoN't MiSs mE! ! ! ! LeAvInG in A FeW hOuRs - 22
(59 Kirkwood)
( Don't MISS this TrEaT HOUSTON ) , stop @ 45N RELAXATION ( RUB DOWN with Session) - 23
(290 (Northwest Houston))
°•°•°*** DIAMOND ***°•°•° CALL ABOUT MY Thanksgiving SPECIALS !!! ***°•°•° - 23
(Houston, channelview/east side/exit sheldon rd.)
@@ Desire Is On Vacation Will Post When I Get Back Please Do Not Call My Phone @@ - 51
(Houston, 249/1960 North)
@@@ Desire Is Working Now. Come And Enjoy Me Working Till Midnight Tonight @@@ - 51
(Houston, 249/1960 North)
DALLAS#1 MiXeD BeAuTy... *~*OvEr WoRkEd ,UnApPrEcIaTeD or Just LoNeLy?? I'm YoUr #1 PROVIDER - 22
DALLAS#1 MiXeD BeAuTy** **TaKe A BrEaK WiTh Me. . . . . I HaVe ThE LuNcH YoU nEe D***WiNnErS LuNcH - 22
(59 Kirkwood)
(Nw 290 incall)
~*~💋DoUblE TrOuble💋~*~ we're back...East Houston incall only!!! - 21
(City of Houston, Eastside, I-10 an Mercury dr, Market st.)
❤Don't Miss Out! 💙Natural Redhead 💚 Well Reviewed 💜 Amazing Specials 💚 Big Booty 💙 Come See!❤ - 26
(City of Houston, Houston, Houston and All Surrounding Areas)
♥ DONt CHeAt UrSELF, tREat UrSeLf * FrEsH nEw FaCe! a MuSt SEE BaNgIn BoDy!!! ♥ - 21
(HoUsTON- i-10/hwy6-iNcALLs onLy)
DiD yOu WaKe Up STIFF? WeLL i'M SoOo MOiSt & StIcKy AVAILABLE 24/7 - 24
(45n/Beltway 8 & Willing to Travel)
DALLAS#1 Mixed Beauty* * NoBoDy CaN Do It LiKe Me! !#1 SQUIRTER ! ! DESI.. DESI ... DESI...DONT MISS - 22
DALLAS#1 MiXeD BeAuTy.... LaSt NiTe In HoUsToN **DESI** LeAvInG LaTe ToNiTe... DoN't MiSs - 22 - 22
DOUBLE DANGER ^&^ SeXy MiXed eXotiC PlaYmATEs *%* Mid Day SpEcIaLs &^& DOUBLE TROUBLE - 21
Dont MiSS OuT OuTCaLLs 1@@!!! 2NITE OnLy!!! WoW !!! - 35
(Houston, Clear lake, Pasadena, League city)
//Do you crave a thick curvaceous sloppy wet latina? Look no further! >(TOUCH ME HERE)
discreat little BLONDE TREAT . . . INVITING AND FUN - 23
(Houston, in calls only- 10 west/ memorial city)
°•°•° DIAMOND °•°•° Call About My Wendsday Special ! CHECKOUT MY NEW PICS. ! - 24
(Houston, channelview/east side)
DALLAS#1 MiXeD BeAUtY **ReAdY to KnOcK YoUr SoCkS oFF** The BeSt of the BeSt!!! IM HERE CaLL NoW - 22
(beaumont/ near you)
Dana has hit town! Sexy EBONY Goddess ~ AmAzing CurVes ~ Ready to Play! 80 special - 26
(hwy 59 & W Airport Blvd)
DALLAS#1 Mixed Beauty * * * GeT Up & gEt ReAdy * *! ! I'm Up & ReAdY _ - _ EaRlY BiRdS gEt ThE WoRm - 22
DALLAS#1 Mixed Beauty * * * Up LaTe nITE ReAdY fOr yOu! ! WeT StIcKy fUn !( tHaT,s ME) ! ! - 22
DAngeR0USLY ADDicTiVE **New* *blonde* *CuTIE* on* DutY**JUST got HERE GUYS**TODAY** - 23
♥ ♥ D R I P P I NG WET E X O T I -- C - - 21
(Bush Airport Area / Greenspoint /Incalls)
★ D -A -N -G -E -R -O -U -S -L -Y -- A- D- D- i- C- T- I- N- G ★ READY NOW!!!! - 19
(Bltwy 8--I10--Memorial City Mall Area)
D - A - A - A - M - M - M - M - M - M === T - H - A - T - S === B -O - O - O - T - T - Y - Y - Y - 24
(we can meet)
_______ D O M I N I C *** I S *** B A C K (( TiMe **2 **gEt **NaUgHTy)) 120/F U L L**H O U R - 21
(Bush Airport/ North Houston)
♦ CUVRES In ALL The Right Places & Talents That Will Leave A Big Smile On Your Face!♦ - 11111111
(Galleria Area)
Don't MISS My SPECIAL $100 Outcall !!!! SUPER HOT Brunette !! - 28
--- DoN'T JuST STaND THERE with Ur MouTH OPEN --- " GO ON " FEED Ur iMaGiNaTioN --- WEEkEnd SPECiaL - 24
?? Do You Seek: PLEASURE? AmAziNg SkiLLS That Will Knock Your Scocks Off? Look NO Further !! - 23
(Galleria Area)
🌹 Discreet Upscale Provider✨ Let's Play 💦💦 🏆 Specials All Night - 21
(City of Houston, Cypress,Heights,Katy,Pearland,Downtown, Houston)
Discreet, Mature companion available for out calls N Houston - 48
(Houston, Spring, Humble, Kingwood, IAH, 1960 area)
DALLAS#1 MiXeD BeAuTy * * *ToDaY's MoNdAy! ! ( *I KnOw *) ! ! LeT Me tAkE YoUr StrEsS AwAy - 22
Daddy's Little Girl All Grown Up~Mature/Older Men Welcome & Wanted!!! - 19
(Katy~Cypress~Heights~DwnTwn Area)
Dont Waste YourTime With Silly Girls..Come Relax With A Sexy & Sensual Real Mature Woman - 35
(Reliant Area)
**DONT MISS ME** ·[ NeW CuTiE ] ** [ HoT BoDY ] ** [ N@uGHTY] ** [ ReALLy SeXY] - 19
(Houston, Houston 77056)
Dominican SW££T & T¡GHT💦💦💋 £XOT¡C ♥ New ♥🐰Beautiful THick EbOnY🍭🍭Special - 24
(Houston, Spring, Conroe, Woodlands, Houston)
LATINA Lucia's__ 3 POINT ENTRY________ ACTION / SATISFACTION ___$80 FLAT FEE __ No Rush / No Fuss! - 90
DALLAS#1 Mixed Beauty* * NoBoDy CaN Do It LiKe Me! !#1 ! ! DESI.. DESI ... DESI...DONT MISS - 22
DALLAS#1 MiXeD BeAuTy.... SpEcAil $80**** DoN't MiSs!!! AvAlIaBlE nOw* ThE BeSt Of tHe BeSt - 22