Sat 04 Jan
💎$60 Specials💎💞Lets Have Some Fun💞✨Sexy Brunette✨💥Bombshell💥 - 21
(Houston, Houston / Galleria Area / Westchase)
60★•]100% REAL MIXED CUBAN[•★•]UPSCALE[•★•] NeW [•★•] ♛♛ [BOMBSHELL☆] ♛♛ PINK & jUICY 🐰🍸60 - 20
(all Day & NiGht 60$%Special Greenspoint, Houston, The Woodlands)
(Southwest Houston & surrounding area)
60 SPECIALS Hi Guys My Name Is Diamond N Im Here To Plz U Call Me Now!! 832-701-6652 - 19
(Houston, (IN CALLS ONLY) 45 & RANKIN)
»-★-»$60 SPECIALS »-★-» JUST »-★» THE WAY »-★-» YOU »-★-» WANT »-★-» IT $60 SPECIALS - 26
60 ⓢⓟⓔⓒⓘⓐⓛINCALL special ☎#❶SEXY☜❤☞ freaky ☜❤☞ Mix.X.xed☜❤☞☜❤☞ Barbie ☜❤☞ - 20
(Houston, S.E.,HOBBY AREA, ClearLake, 45 & Airport)
[[5]]🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟Upscale Service {{NeW iN ToWn}} 🔥💋🔥💋🔥((hOt)) TaRyN ❤️ - 21
(Houston, galleria and Richmond ave)
—▓ ►60/HH SPCL 60/HH▓ ►AVAILABLE until 10P.M.★►45/Q 120/HR ★ SuPeR So@keR ★ ★ 36DD SuPeR ThIcK - 26
(Houston, Northwest-In Call /W.Tidwell & Fairbanks)
⭐60⭐Professional Providers are Here!Wait No More!Session of a Lifetime!⭐💫⭐ - 30
(Houston, I10 Wayside navigation45Dwntwn south&eas;)
$60 Special ♥Sweet Sexy Adventures ♥Hot Kayla Available NOW 60Special - 22
(Houston, 610/ S.Main/ Houston)
60 SpEcIaL AfTeR WoRk ReLaXaTioN hobby ✈ area 7138190979 (MiSS TrInA) - 20
(Houston, 45s/hobby ✈ area)
Limited Time !! ** Amazing Specials ** Limited Time !! Exotic Mixed ** Summer ** - 19
(59 // kIRKWOOD // iNCALLS)
60 SPECIAL today only; GoRgeOuS~ ExoTic ~BEAUTY ♥ ;60 SPECIAL - 23
(Houston, westhimer &beltway; 8 60special)
60 $pcl__A UniQue & SuBmIssIVe PLaYmAtE __ [Incall $pcL] - 21
(Houston, westchase, westheimer&beltway;, richmond,)
60 - 80 - 120 (214_777:3198) ✈✈ Sooon fetishes are opened for review ☎📞Im waiting - 19
(Houston, ¿000 air port blvd 77061 in or out calls)
🎀$60 QV Special 💓Exotic Playmate Silky skin&hips; of a GODDESS - 24
(beltway 8/ westheimer, City of Houston, Houston)
1960/45N ~ $80 Special Half Hour -MS.HOLLYWOOD- The Arabic Barbie ~ 1960/45N - 23
(Houston, 1960/45N Incalls Only)
$100hh incall💖FINNER THEN WINE💖GORGEOUS FOREIGN Cuban Queen 😍NEW PICS✋si espanol - 20
(BELTWAY 8 / Willowbrook mall incalls, Houston, The Woodlands)
**** 100/60mins ** New PIcs ** One Is Fun But Twice Is Nice **** 160/60mins (2 Sessions) **
(Outcalls Houston Area)
100%-- YESS --- GUYS --- ITS -- REALLY --- ME -- 100% --- REALLY -- ME - 24
150 Qk incall special spend your time with a Sexy Slim Red Head Snowbunny😍😘 - 20
(The Woodlands, 45&Rankin;,1960,spring,hou,woodlands,tom)
(($1OO$)) ♥ (HoT BrUnEtTe) (FrEaKy FuN) (ExCeLLeNt ReViEwS) ♥ (($1OO$)) - 25
(♥ Galleria Incall ♥)
*★* 100%Real Pictures WELL REVIEWED Ex0Tic BEAUTY *★*1 = oF = A = KiND - 21
(Houston, Galleria Southwest Downtown ALL AREAS)
🌟🌟🌟 100% ✔Real ✔Recent ✔ Pictures 🌟🌟🌟 - 19
(45 north (out calls and in calls), Houston, The Woodlands)
$1OO$ __((W o W)) ♥__ Se ((XxX)) y BrU nEt Te PL aY Ma Te!!__♥ ((W o W)) __ $1OO - 25
(♥ Galleria Incall ♥)
(* 1OO% ReAL PiCs *) * *SwEeT *&* SeXxXy* * ((*WeLL (ReViEwEd) BLoNdE*)) - 25
(Houston/All surr areas)
100% REAL __ 100% UNFORGETABLE __ iT's PlAy TiMe BoYs __ CALL NOW __ PERFECT SIZE BoY ToY - 19
100HH **SPECIALS** CALL NOW!! Slim Sexy Fire RedHead Waiting To Please You!!! - 20
18 !@!@!@ Exotic Italian Playmate @!@!@! CLICK HERE If you like the finer things in life - 18
(Houston, katy/galleria/memorial)
🎀$120 OutCall Special 💕 Sweet 💋 Sexy 😍 The Best You'll 💕 Ever Have 💋 - 24
(beltway 8/ westheimer, Houston, Sugar Land)
❤100 SPECIALS!!❤ Veronica is AVAILABLE NOW and is ready to play! Incoming and outgoing calls💋 ❌⭕❌⭕ - 20
(Houston, Beltway8 and westheimer)
💋 100% REAL .. TATTOOS DON'T LIE! Pretty face, All Natural Body!! Don't miss out!! 💋💋 - 21
(Houston, southwest (WESTCHASE) INCALL)
$100$ *SINFULLY Sweet* ★🍧 TaStY ✖🍦*♡* ALL aMeRiCaN ❤ *♡*🍧 yOuNG *👀✖ wiLd💎 & ★ soo NAUGHTY! ★🌸 - 21
(City of Houston, Houston, Sw-Incall/59/Beltway8/Mo-City/Stafford)
## DRiver NEEded ## Nighttime Driver for ESCort service ## ASAP - 31
(Houston, Houston-SOUTHWest side)
Houston Hottest Escorts Hiring!$20 - 30 thousand a Month, Students, Dancers,Need Help,All Needed.
(All Houston Areas.)
MS. FLAWLESS, " PERFECT booty, PERFECT skin, PERFECT babyface" Incalls/Outcalls ebony FREAK - 21
(Houston, 610 reliant,galleria,45s)
mz vegas got good action call me kisha 702 445 8149 i stay ready 50 speci - 27
(Houston, Rankin rd 1960)
Mourning Rush 40-60-80 specials SupaThick fReak 2623590627 - 21
(Houston, interstate 69 / 59/ southwest freeway)
.N E W % P I C S % B O M B S H E L L % J U I C Y % BOOTY % N E W % P I C S - 22
🍒🍒🍒 Ms.kelly***60$***INCall special Call Now 🍒🍒🍒 - 28
(City of Houston, Houston, i45 1960 woodland area)
(NW Houston/Tomball/Woodlands/Conroe)
***** Ms Water Fall ***** Sexy Diva In town today only 337 - 707 - 0940 - 21
(Houston, hobby airport)
★Ms. MiRAcLE UP & ReAdY To PlAy ☑ NEW PiCs☑ 100% REaL ☑100%SeXY★ iNCALL ONLY - 20
MouTh WaTeRiNg SuPeR HoT Bl0NdE ViXxEn #1 Eye Rolling Lip Biteing Toe Curling Treatment - 23
Monday Outcall Special!!! Angel Kisses (GFE) looking for one good Man Today!! - 21
(Outcalls all of Houston)
★ MORNiNG $PECiAL$ INCALLS ONLY★ --> Ms.MiRAcLE☑NEW PiCs☑100% REaL ☑100%SeXY - 20
MZZ ThIckNess....@ YoUr SeRvIcE...ReaDy to GiVe U 3v3RyTh!nG U wAnt & JuSt How U w@nT !t - 23
(Houston, (Westheimer / Galleria / Richmo / 59))
💖💙❤💚💖💙❤ Morning/Lunch Special/100💙 Beautiful! 💖 Curvy 💚Sooo Tight!! 💖💙❤💚💖💙❤💚 - 34
(City of Houston, Houston, Westheimer,Westchase,Galleria,Dairy Ashf)
:):):)Monday Night Special!!!!!! Enjoy a Quality GFE with your sexy BIG BUTT Girl Next Door! - 21
(SE Houston, Houston and surrounding area)
MoNSTER AZZ HuGE TITS ——-- ◆♥❤❤♥◆ BIG BooTY StALLioN —— ★★★ - 24
(Houston, Westchase Area Westhaimer (Beltway))
******All U Can Eat Buffet Special***100 In Calls 120Out calls****** - 28
!!!Monday Special!!! You cant Pass up this Sweet Sexy (GFE) next Door!!! Outcall Only!!! - 21
(Outcalls All of Houston)
Miss Chantel 💋💋💋😈😈 Blonde bombshell 💨💨 OUTCALL - 24
(City of Houston, Galleria,downtown,Baytown,westheimer, Houston)
* Mouth Watering CuTie *❤* TEASE ME Touch Me *CoMe SeE*❤* - 18
Miss.Frankie Yes im here in Clear lake/san leon area!!! - 104
(Houston, Clear lake/league city/Dickinson)
Mixed Beauty~☎ ✔ ☆ CHECKOUT☆ TOMoRROw☆ N@ughti€$t ☆B€h@vior!! ☎~☎ 100% real 100%HOT8178529839 - 19
(Houston, hobby outcall/incall)
ms. cream Young Sexy Hott snowbunny Ready To Make You Scream ooohhh weeee!!!!!!!! - 24
(all of houston)
Ms. Elizabeth ~ 8*3*2 * 2*0*8 *6*6*6*5 ~50~ Morning SPECIAL ~ !!!! - 20
(Houston, 45 SOUTH / BELTYWAY 8 / Hobby area)