Mon 27 Jan
-:¦:- ECCIE Reviewed .-:¦:- CHaRmInG BruNETTE °° .-:¦:- SeXxXi M$. BeNtLeY - 21
(hoUstON(hwy 6) incalls oNly)
/*\/*\/*\E*R*O* T*I*C=$50==EBON Y PLAYGIRL===$50 ==S*E*S*S*I*O*N *S/*\/*\/*\priv ate incalls - 25
(Houston, Beltway/8 and 59/SouthWest)
█ ► • • • ► 💘💞( ( E V E R Y T H I N G ____ U R ____ L O O K I N G ____ F O R ) ) ) 💘💞 █ ► - 19
(Houston, FM 1960 AND THE 45 FREEWAY ( in calls ))
💋Early Morning Freak 💋 Before Work Treat 💋 Credit Cards Accepted 💋 - 26
(Houston, 290 and Hollister anywhere you want me)
Doorstep Delivery "Exotic Cutie" Delivered 2 (Home, Apt, Hotel, Or Office) Let ME Come To U
(Your Place As Soon As U Call)
~~~~Don't Miss Out! ~~~ Hot Curvy Blonde From Next Door ~ Monday Specials 💝 ~~~~~~~~ - 25
(Houston, Houston/Galleria Incall - Can Travel)
(¯`'·.¸ ☆ ¸.·'´¯)_DOWN ON MY _KNeeS_ WiTH_ SHAMeLeSS_ CONFESSiONS (¯`'·.¸ ☆ ¸.·'´¯) - 20
~~~~ *** Don't Miss Out ! ~~ Classy All Natural Blonde Beauty ~~~ Monday Night Specials ~~~ - 25
(Houston, Houston Area - Can Travel Anywhere)
~~~~Don't Miss Out! ~~~~ Hot Curvy Blonde From Next Door ~ Afterwork Specials 💝 ~~~~~~~~~~ - 25
(Houston, Baytown/Channelview Incall - Can Travel)
Didn't get enough tender white breasts, stuffing, pie? Then come see ME! - 53
(Houston, Deep South Ireland near Spring)
~~~~ *** Don't Miss Out ! ~~ Classy All Natural Blonde Beauty ~~~ Looking 4 Regulars ~~~ - 25
(Houston, Galleria/Houston Area - Can Travel)
DAngeR0USLY ADDicTiVE **New* *blonde* *CuTIE* on* DutY**JUST got HERE GUYS**TODAY** - 23
Did Your Last Encounter Leave You Disappointed? No Worries Here, My Reviews Say It All! - 27
(Upscale Midtown Incall)
Dallas Exotic Spinner Has Touched Down In Your Lovely City! Come Experience The Time Of Your Life :) - 19
(West Loop South (Galleria Area))
▒█*☆ ◤◢CuTiE!! ☆BiG BoOtY !!💝PueRtORiCaN & AsiAN HoTTie!█ ◤◢*☆In/OutCa AvAiLabLe!*◤◢CaLL NoW!!☆80** - 20
* -*-*-* DeLiCiouS, HOT, SEXY, YUMMY & SOFT To THe TOUCH LATInA BArBie -*-*-* - 22
✄ ✄ CUT OUT THE FAKES! ☏ ☏ CALL THE REAL! * 100% ME & NeW PiX - 26
(north,northwest,s.w/outcalls also!!!)
Contribute to my Creature Comforts, and you'll howl like a big, bad dog with a good conscience! - 51
(Ranging the Houston area and far beyond.)
%(( Come SEE New Girls @ Lucky Spa {{ VietnamGirl New Today Come Meet Come Play }}% - 23
(5003 Antoine dr/713-269-1977)
100/60mins * * * * * * I Will Come Anywhere U Want Me Too - Just Call Me * * * * * * 100/60mins
(Outcall All Houston)
Come see what all the talk is about Leaving Soon Don't miss out(Pink is always on my menu) - 20
(Galleria Area Leaving Soon!!)
$# Cum Have A ultimate GFE this FRIDAY SPECIAL with MYA All Day#$# - #18 - 18
(westheimer & beltway8)
*:.♥ :*¨¨*: Come See This Amazing 2 for 200 Christmas Special *:.♥ :*¨¨*: - 23
(y brookshire,sealy,sugarland houston)
CoMe AnD PlAy WiTh mE... GrEaT sPeCiAlS!!! NaTiVe AmErIcAn InDiAn BbW!!! - 25
(Houston, 59/beltway 8 S.W.)
CoMe AnD PlAy WiTh mE... GrEaT 40 sPeCiAlS!!! NaTiVe AmErIcAn InDiAn BbW!!! - 25
(Houston, 290/610N.W)
Exotic, Erotic & And I Come To Your Place, Outcalls 24/7 XxX XxXXxX XxXXxX XxX
(Outcalls: Your Place)
** ** *** ** ** Its Easy For Me To COME, All U Have To Do Is Call ** 5'9" 135(lbs) ** Exotic Cutie!!
(Your Place As Soon As U Call)
Clearance sale! Time to clear out the old O's and test drive the new ones! - 53
(Houston, North near Spring)
Rare Beauty, Great Performance, Outcalls To Your Home, Hotel, Apt. or Office, Call Now!!!
((Outcalls: All Of Houston))
💯% CHoColate HeRshey $100 SPeCIaLS 🌅🌄CoM GEt YoU 💲OmE aMAziNG PeTItE 🍓🍌🍍TReaT🍇🍉 100%REA - 24
(City of Houston, humble beltway, 1960, spring)
~C A R M E L L A**** !!! S P E C I A L~~2* 8* 1* 7 *4* 0* 9 *0* 6*7* ENJOY ME - 19
(45 North / Beltway 8)
Back to School Special - (O)(O) The Fab F*R*&*&*K* w/ the 40JJs & the 58" HIPS GET W ME - 32
(Surfside Freeport San Luis Galveston)
Atomic Bomb ASS Just $60 Bucks! Top WILD Mixed Chick Has A BIG PHAT Juicy MASSIVE ASS! - 35
(Post Oak+Westhimer Area)
♥AsK 4 HoNeY♚♡♚ █ [ X ] R@T€D αvαiℓabℓε ➜ALL DaY & NITE ♚♡♚【 1 CALL ΛWA ¥ 】RΞΛÐ¥ TØ PŁΛ¥ - 20
🍆💦Anny from Puerto Rico 👅 ...I Dont Have 2 Many Rules.. 3way !!... 8329948022 - 23
(City of Houston, Conroe, Houston, I10 and beltway 8)
🔥🍆💦Anny Colombiana 🌹🌹specials..I Dont Have 2 Many Rules.. 3WAY!!👉👌LAST DAYS. 8329880431 - 23
(City of Houston, Houston, westheimer, galleria area)
>>>> ..........MIMI SPA .......... NEW Glamorouse GIRLS .......... Body Work ..........
(990 FM 1960 West, Houston TX 77090)
=>=>=> NO G ° A ° G ReFleXeS HeRe** [SuPeR FrEaK]100% My PhoToS Me R It's FREE!! 2105845292 - 21
(Houston, You Come 2 Me)
+*+* ALL YOU EVER WANTED +*+* Extra Juicy ---W*t ---Delicious & T*ght =$100 SPECIAL 832 297 9992= - 19
(westiemer n dairy ashford)
amazing amazing!! gorgeous2 girl show!!!! wow....outta sight!!! chocolate & vanilla..we're ready!!! - 23
(Houston, south Houston near 59)
Amazing specials👅Treasure💎here let me make ur dream come true👅💦🎂🍨 - 22
(45 & richey, City of Houston, Houston)
Amazing Mouth & Big Booty Freak 100%Fetish Friendly-ALL THE WAY OPEN!!!!!! - 24
(Houston, Greenspoint,IAH,1960,Spring,Woodlands)
+*+* ALL YOU EVER WANTED +*+* Extra Juicy ---W*t ---Delicious & T*ght =$100 SPECIAL 832 297 9992= - 19
ALL NIGHT!!!!!!! S T A C E Y **** S P E C I A L ~~5 0 ~~~~ 7 1 3 - 4 9 9 - 0 4 9 1 - 22
(45 North / Rankin rd.)
(°aLl FaNtAsIeS & fEtIsHeS °..-:¦:-° (($100 SpEcIaL)) °..-:¦:-°hOt, SeXxY, hOrNy, N rEaDy °)) - 19
(°aLl FaNtAsIeS & fEtIsHeS °..-:¦:-° (($100 SpEcIaL)) °..-:¦:-°hOt, SeXxY, hOrNy, N rEaDy °)) - 19
🌟Amazing Mouth Skills🌟 Come Take A DIP In MY Jacuzzi 💦 BIG Clapping BOOTY!! ** CALL NOW** - 21
(Houston, Southwest /610/ Galleria /S.Main)
AfTeR WoRk SPCLS {(PLaYFuL *SeXy* EXOTIC MiX)} AvAiLaBlE NoW {( InCaLL/OuTCaLL )} - 21
(Houston, Galleria/i10/290/Bltwy/45/610/Reliant/59)
(°aLl FaNtAsIeS & fEtIsHeS °..-:¦:-° (($100 SpEcIaL)) °..-:¦:-°hOt, SeXxY, hOrNy, N rEaDy °)) - 19
- A-v-A-i-L-a-B-l -E-~^~ -R-i-G-h-T~^~ -N-o-W-~^~ 1,2,or3 H0TT GIRL ~*~ **SPECIALS** - 21
(Galleria Area/ Westheimer)
(°aLl FaNtAsIeS & fEtIsHeS °..-:¦:-° (($100 SpEcIaL)) °..-:¦:-°hOt, SeXxY, hOrNy, N rEaDy °)) - 19
(westiemer n dairy ashford)
(°aLl FaNtAsIeS & fEtIsHeS °..-:¦:-° (($100 SpEcIaL)) °..-:¦:-°hOt, SeXxY, hOrNy, N rEaDy °)) - 19
A super busty blond beauty beyond your wildest dreams does exist here, open ad if you dare.... - 33
(City of Houston, Galleria area, Houston)