Mon 27 Jan
1 BADAZZ BBW 2 keep u warm* BEAUTIFUL face*tasty 38DDs * soft phat azz * 832 207 9034 *available24/7 - 23
(Houston, Hwy 6 & Westheimer , westoaks, katy)
Sun 12 Jan
Blonde Knockout!!!! looks very appealing (outcalls only)Specials all night - 26
(Houston, northwest290/249/hwy. 6 north/katy)
♥♥80 Special♥ Pretty Petite Exotic Playtoy ♥Incall Special♥♥ - 21
(Houston, i10 & mason / katy / hwy 6/i10)
{75$} →★ INCALLS @ HWY 6 ★ → (SOUTHWEST)→ (HOT MiX LATiNA)←《Hablo Español》♥[126 LBS = 5ft_5in] ♥ - 20
(Houston, Westheimer Rd/Southwest/Hwy 6/I-10/Katy)
$70 SPECIAL ★ ★ T E N D E R --- S K I L L E D --- & R E A D Y !!! ★ ★ - 26
(hwy 6 and interstate 10/ katy/ west /)
Sat 11 Jan
lets have fun alisha is back thick in sexy in all the right places 24/7 - 26
(Houston, southwest...hwy 6.. katy..incall&outcall;)
Let This Sexy Chica Put A Smile On Ur Face With Some Satisfaction - 33
(Houston, Katy Area Hwy 6 Near Keith Harrow)
•••► LeT ME ★BE YouR ★SeXY SeCrET ¯`'•.¸ ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀-:¦:-I DO IT -:¦:- THE BEST▀▄ Available Now - 19
(Houston, Katy Freeway hwy 6)
Just Made 2 HOUSTON TX, New In Town Las Vegas Hottie! Double D's 80 Special& Kings Special Available - 21
(Houston, West Houston & Hwy 6 & Katy Area)
█ █ ♥ _ ! I've GoT ThE BooBieS ThAt DRiVe MeN CrAzY ! _ ♥ █ █ - 27
(Houston, Keith Harold / Hwy 6 Katy Area)
‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️FAKE PICTURE ALERT‼️‼️‼️DONT be fooled!FAKE AD KAREEMA 3054016014 - 20
(City of Houston, Hwy 6& katy/ college station)
available now!!! @maZing Ms. Coco!!! come indulge !! - 19
(Houston, all Houston new 290 1960 hwy 6 i10 katy)
*(*(*100% GORGIOUS Curvy HOLIDAY EBONY thickness __ $50spcls __*** COME *** open up my GOODIES 2DAY - 25
(Houston Southwest, I-10 West)Katy@HWY-6 In & Out Specials)
LOOK'S ► *¨¨*-:¦:* LIKE-:¦:-* A MODEL *-:¦:-* PLAY'S LIKE A TRIPPLE X STAR! - 19
(katy/west houston/hwy 6)
♡ i10 West Hwy 6 ♡Exotic Latina ♡ Llamame estoy esperando tu llamada♡♡ - 21
(City of Houston, Houston, i10 West katy hwy 6 Barker Cypress)
EXOTIC COLLEGE FREAK!!! ready to test my SKILLS ;-) incalls and outcalls 24/7 - 20
(Houston, i 10 west,Hwy 6,GALLERIA,Katy, southwest)
Brittany *A cutie w/ a booty* Well reviewed & adored by all!! OUTCALL SPECIALS!! - 24
$70 SPECIAL ☆ *:. ★* A _T R U E _ B L O N D E _ S T A L L I O N ☆ *:. ★* - 26
(I 10/ park ten / hwy 6/ katy/ west /)
$80 HELP ME !!! I'm CONSTIPATED and need someone to OPEN ME UP $80 - 20
(Houston, KATY, S.W Houston, I-10 and hwy 6)
*FliP & TurN Me * -:¦:-In EvErY WaY -:¦:- FlExiBlE HoTTie* - 24
(SouthWest Houston In/Out All Over)
(¯ ` ' 100% REAL PICTURES' ´¯) * o ((EXOTIC EBONY MIX)) o * (¯` ' $100 sp ' ´ ¯) - 22
(Houston, katy/ I 10/ hwy 6)
Fri 10 Jan
~ ~KINKY KARLEY iS bACK!!!! cUMM & mAKE mE gUSHHHH!! LET mE TaLk DiRtY iN yOuR Ear!! HWY6 - 29
I CaN KeEp aLl yOuR SeCrETs BaBy...oR DrOp To mY KnEeS n bEcOMe OnE
(Stafford/Southwest Houston Private condo)
CALINA/real pretty and sexy soft body redbone - 24
(City of Houston, Galleria/290/1960/pasadena/pearland/59s, Houston)
(¯`★´¯)Busty 38D(¯`★´¯)Latina (¯`★´¯) THICK(¯`★´¯) Ready for you NOW 832.326.5303 - 22
(Houston, NW / I10 / KATY / HWY 6)
100% ReAl, *BeAuTiFuL, *GaRaNtEeD *SaTiCfAcTiOn* Incall/outcall - 24
(Houston, hwy 6/290/Katy/FM529/Houston/I-10)
MI$$ * BUBBLE * BUTT * EBONY * BEAUTY ===$50Spcls=== Come & See THE BEST Freak AROUND H-town - 25
(Houston Southwest, I-10WEST(KATY)-HWY-6 Great IN/OUT SPECL)
{ Breath-TaKiNg }*--*{ MiNd inG-*---*{ ExOtIc NaUghtY BlonDe pLaYmAtE } IM BACK>> - 19
(Katy Freeway & hwy 6 HOTEL FREINDLY)
LIPS HIPS AND FINGERTIPS! Unrushed, Uninhibited & Unstoppable Absolutely Gorgeous Ebony Companion. - 24
(Houston, Houston katy cypress westchase hwy 6)
$65 * ❤.* L✪ ✪K * ★★★★★ __5__ STAR__ EXPERIENCE__ ★★★★★ N!CE_H!PS & LUC!0US L!PS Fetish Friendly - 22
(Houston, I 10 & Hwy 6, 59,Katy, SW, 290, 610)
$65 SPECIAL*:. ★* E X T R E M E L Y S K I L L E D *:. ★* *:. ★* - 26
(Interstate 10/ hwy 6 / katy/west houston)
Thu 09 Jan
Katy Katy back Miss Kaylee Sweetness come let me ease your mind - 28
(Houston, Katy i10 west hwy 6 Beltway galleria)
Ho T ▇♥▇ F U N ▇♥▇ S E X Y ▇♥▇ ErOTic▇♥▇ GiRL NEXT DOOR ▇♥▇ FETISH FRIENDLY - 23 - 23
(Houston, I-10 west & Hwy 6 near Katy)
: ♥ : _C__A__R __A__M__E__L __ _::_ (((__ E X o T i C __)))_:: _P__L__A __Y__M__A__T__E_ : ♥ : - 20
(Houston, InCall / Katy / Hwy 6 / i10)
👊BUlLT👊★➋🌟 PLEASE ❌⭕ WiTH◯UT ★A🌟 D◯UBT ❌⭕★Bombshell★IN T◯WN❌⭕❌⚪ D◯NT ★MiSS 🌟◯UT ✖Incalls Avail - 23
(Houston, Katy/Hwy 6/i-10👌)
*(*(*100% GORGIOUS Curvy FRIDAY EBONY thickness __ $50spcls __*** COME *** open up my GOODIES 2DAY - 25
(Houston Southwest, I-10 West)Katy@HWY-6 In & Out Specials)
🆕➜№➊ ◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣ LOOK HERE FUN BLONDE NYMPHØ ◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣ - 23
(City of Houston, Houston, Katy Area I-10/Hwy 6 Incall & oυтcall)
♥ LooK _NeW _MiXeD_GiRL _oN _ HWY 6 ♥ = 36DD's ( HouR GLaSS BoDy ) RounD BubbLe BooTy 100% ReaL - 20
(Houston, HWY 6 ,Westheimer , Katy, I-10 , S.W)
80/120/160 ......Wowww A Natural Porn Star!!! Ready to deeply Appreciate you!!!! Call Now - 22
(City of Houston, Houston, I-10 ,Katy ,Hwy 6)
$70 SPECIAL ★ ★ F A N T A S I E S----F U L L F I L L E D !!! ★ ★ - 26
(I 10/ park ten / hwy 6/ katy/ west /)
{{{{{{{CLICK HERE }}}} 2 B [[[S3DUC3D]]] Men 30 & Older Ncalls...Call J.A.Z.Z.Y - 26
(Hwy (6) / Katy / I10)
:::::+::::: B R A N D _ SPANKING _ NEW _TO _THIS:::: C O M E _ B R E A K _ ME _ IN :::::+::::: - 19
(I10/HWY 6/KATY)
Wed 08 Jan
★♧☆º·○● Indulge Yourself With Nothing, But The Best .100% REAL!!!!♣☆º·○○ - 19
(Houston Southwest, I-10 & Hwy 6, Katy.)
AVAILABLE 😊 ♥ G▒O▒R▒G▒E▒O▒U▒S »- 💋💕💄C▒U▒R▒V▒Y »-♥-» B▒U▒R▒N▒E▒T▒T▒E 💖💖💖 B▒E▒A▒U▒T▒Y♥ $70 Spec - 19
(Houston, 10 & Hwy 6 ; Katy Area Incalls Only)
♥♥60 Incall♥ Pretty Petite Playtoy ♥Call 4 Specials♥♥ - 21
(Houston, i10 & mason / katy / hwy 6/i10)
{LoOk NO FuRtHeR} ~ Ill Do It LiKe No OtHeR ~ IN&OUT; 👉[$.p.c.l.] - 20
(Baytown, City of Houston, Houston, Katy, Hwy 6, i10 west, Energy Corridor, Pasadena, Pearland)
💗 Brunette ___ Beauty ___ 💗 Total ___ Cutie 💗 New ___ Playmate 💗 - 23
(Houston, Katy freeway & hwy 6)
$65 Sp. L00K ==>> THE Best of the BEST!! Top of Line Services!! Come Experience a wild Night - 21
(Houston, I 10 & Hwy 6, 59,Katy, SW, 290, 610)
👉$7O👈 🇸🇺🇳🇩🇦🇾💎🇸🇵🇪🇨🇮🇦🇱(Top 💞Notch Beauty & Amazing Skills) @ 💲Reasonable Rates!💲 - 20
(Houston, Hwy 6/ Westheimer Rd./ I-0 /Katy)
K n o c k o u t ----- L o o k s ----- & ----- P e r f e c t ----- C u r v e s!!! - 21
(I 10 @ Hwy 6 (West Oaks/Katy) In/Out!)
**%**♥ APRIL Is Here And Ready to Get this Weekend Started with you. ♥**%** - 19
(I 10 /Hwy 6/ katy freewAY)
☑1OO% Independent ☑1OO% SeXy & ReaDy! ☑ 1OO% Total Package!!! - 24
(SouthWest Houston In/Out All Over)
Tue 07 Jan
Juicy With the BIGG BOOTY Mexican & White Mixed Cutie Short & Thick in all the right places - 25
(Houston, West Houston & Katy Area Hwy 6)
Just Made it 2 Houston New In Town Las Vegas Hottie! Double D's 80 Special& Kings Special Available - 21
(Houston, West Houston & Hwy 6 & Katy Area)
CALL ME!! 832 272 0288 Immediately Available Blonde " HOT YOUNG SNOW BUNNY " - 20
(katy,cypress,249,290,HWY 6 the heights)
$50 Special! Busty,Sexy, Playmate Waiting On You Now!! Come enjoy a non rushed pleasure filled time! - 20
(Houston, I 10 & Hwy 6, 59,Katy, SW, 290, 610)
EXOTIC (ebony) COLLEGE PLAYMATE!!! Early Bird wants da Worm incalls and outcalls 24/7 - 21
(Houston, i 10 west,hwy 6,katy,westhiemer,249,610)
EarlyBird🐦Petite Busty blonde spinner. , Miss Riley 😇 - 20
(City of Houston, Houston, I10 katy hwy 6 energy corridor galleria)
~**~ NEW BEAUTIFUL ~**~ Top NOTCH ~**~ BLONDE ~**~ BEAUTY ~**~ ~ ~ ~ (($ 150.00 )) OUTCALL ONLY - 24
(Houston, --- (( Specials ALL Day )) --- CALL NOW)
I-10/ HWY 6 /KATY/ENERGY CORRIDOR★ Brittany 100% Recent & Accurate pics **VERIFIED** - 24
★ ~ ★ Best HOT -SeXy A-S-I-A-N .SWEET girls ★-.23 - 23
(windchase/hwy 6 geldridge /i 10 /richmo)
WaRNiNG. (( Big Booty Alert )) Skills that Drive U Wild ! (( Come Experience the Best BBW!)) 60 Spec - 23
(Houston, Katy Area/ I-10 & Hwy 6 / Incall Only)
☆ Big BooTy ((TASTY)) TrEaT ☆ DoN't MiSs OuT BoYs ☆ 60 Specials - 23
(Houston, Katy Area/ I-10 & Hwy 6 / Incall Only)
ITZEL * Young submissive, thick hispanic babe ready for some fun. - 18
(Houston, Hwy 6. Westheimer. 610. Katy. 1960.)
Mon 06 Jan