Mon 27 Jan
Aggressive Behavior 4 Submissive Panty Boy Or Slave~ Foot Fetish Avail - 29
=*= ADDORABLE =*= ASIAN =*= BEAUTY =*= SENSUAL =*= TOUCH =*= INCALL=*= 713-782-5772 - 23
(10616 westheimer rd~~~SAKURA)
*♡ ♥Absolutely PHENOMENAL ➡ Most DESIREABLE "true exotic" ☆VOLUPTUOUS Soft & Sexy ♥ accurate pics★ ♡ - 32
(Houston, OUTCALL will travel! ........ sexy bbw!)
***** ABSOLUTELY HOT Brunette Bombshell! * The ULTIMATE E Companion ! ***** - 25
(Houston and Surrounding Areas!)
► AM I THE OLDEST, HOTTEST ESCORT AVAILABLE? Take a peek for yourself right here... ◄ - 62
[[[All * American * Pie]]] ** Beautiful ** Tall ** Blonde ** [[[ All * American * Pie]]] Ready Now* - 26
(Houston Northwest, Northwest)
ALL-AMERICAN★ ————————— ★ (( KiNKy _W_H_I_T_E_ BLOND )) ★ ——120 HOUR—— ★100% Super Freak !!!!!!!!!!! - 28
(Houston, 1960 / 45 NORTH AREA)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(_♥_ HoUsToN/SuRr ArEaS _♥_)
AiMing_JuSt_ 2 _ PLEASE-:¦:- CUM Discover A Rare-:¦:- JEWEL -:¦:-832 885 6576 - 21
(45 & cRosstimbers)
After Hours Special Right Here Right Now!! HOTT & STEAMYY XOXO! SEXII BLONDE SNOWBUNNY - 27
(Houston Southwest, Northwest Houston)
((A TEXAS TREAT ))---(( TASTY & Cuddly Jumbo HOOTERS ))--70 In / 80 out -- READY NOW -- North 70 - 25
(Houston, spring, conroe, woodlands, humble, 1960)
-- ** All new SEXY SQUAD!! HOT LATINA, ASIAN cupcake!! Plus DALLAS ATF RUBY!! @ Miami Spa!! - 21
(4505 N HWY 6)
**** ***** ***** *** **** **** *** ****** ALL ****** THAT ****** BOOTY ********* MMM MMMM MMMM M - 31
***** ABSOLUTELY HOT Brunette Bombshell!!! ~ * THE ULTIMATE GFE Companion! BEST REVIEWS ON BP!! - 25
((A TEXAS TREAT ))---(( TASTY & Cuddly Jumbo HOOTERS ))--60 Incall NORTHSIDE / 80 out -- READY NOW!! - 25
(Houston, INCALL 45/beltway8/greenspoint/humble/59)
All ladies interested in making money and getting away for (FREEEEE)!!!!!! CLICK HERE!!!!! - 27
(Texas to chicago)
All DAY LONG »» Chocolate Love_+_Koko _+_+Sexy Fun_+_ - 24
(Houston, 290 & Cypress, 1960 Willowbrook NW Htown)
★★★★★★★★ {{{ ALL AMERICAN PIE }}} ★ Tall ★ Sexy ★ Blonde ★ {{{ ALL AMERICAN PIE }}} ★★★★★★ - 28
(Houston Northwest, Northwest/290)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(Houston/all surr areas)
{ALERT} PiNk LiPs TiGhT HiPs DoUbLe D TiTeS* WiLd NyMpHo LooSe( - 22
(59 and beltway Private location)
-(¯`v´¯)* >> SEX Y BI G BOOTY NYMPH O
(INCALL/Southwest Freeway Frontage Rd.)
***** ABSOLUTELY HOT Brunette Bombshell! * The ULTIMATE GFE Companion! *****!! This Week Only! - 25
(Houston and Surrounding Areas!)
=_♥_= ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE =_♥_= WeLL ReViEwEd =_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(Houston ALL surr areas)
(westchase ::::: beltway8 ::::: incalls)
* . * . * Adult Film Stars Do It_ _ •?• _S W_ E_T _T E_R _Than Regular Girls * . * . * - 100
All new pics! Taken today! No waiting no games! Great Friday! Available Now! Woodlands incall! - 27
(Houston, woodlands incall)
🎆All Men of Different Color, Shapes and Size come check this out!! - 29
(1960 @ 45, City of Houston, Houston)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL - 26
(Houston In's & Out's)
🎀💜💚A stunning beauty like NO OTHER 💚💜🎀 - 20
(45 north (out calls and in calls), Houston, The Woodlands)
***All of THIS Ju$T Ha$ To be Touched***/ PrE-BOOkINg FOr TONIGht - 22
(Houston, (45 N )Sam Houston parkway)
All Night ██████ 100% Real Pix ██████ ██████ (Ask about my Special) 832-883-1279 - 34
(Houston, All of Houston Incall / Outcall)
=_♥_= ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE =_♥_= WeLL ReViEwEd =_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(Houston ALL surr areas)
AiMing_JuSt_ 2 _ PLEASE-:¦:- CUM Discover A Rare-:¦:- JEWEL -:¦ :- 713 545 6844 - 21
(59 & new castle galleria)
AftEr WoRk TrEaT *** ExOtiC ThAi/BlK MiX Meng Lee*** ErOtiC EvEninG SPCLS /// InCaLL-OuTCaLL - 20
(Houston, 1960/45/59/Woodlands/All of Houston)
---- A=B=S=0=L=U=T=E == P=L=E=A=S=U=R=E - --$80 - A= B=S=0=L=U=T=E == P=L=E=A=S=U=R=E $80 - 20
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(♥ Houston In's & Out's ♥)
Addicted to love or looking for lust... Your choice Houston - Feb.21st-23rd ONLY! - 24
(Near the Galleria Mall)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN SeXxXy BLoNdE)) =_♥_= (( WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(Houston/surr areas)
ALL - AMERICAN BLONDE *Co*eD* So AdoRaBLe! HuRRy! AvAiLabLe NoW! - 21
(~Houston/Galleria~ Visiting Blonde!)
=_♥_= ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE =_♥_= WeLL ReViEwEd =_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(♥ Houston ALL surr areas ♥)
⬛◉ ALBANIAN BEAUTY ◉ JUICY ⚫n⚫SOFT ლ ⬛ E✖✖✖otic 〽 Your New Addiction❣ SATISFACTION Guaranteed⭐ - 21
(City of Houston, Houston, ♣45 south and hobby (In & Out))
(¯`'. ♥ ..'´¯BRaND NeW BigBoobie HoTT BruNette & Hott BLoNde¯`'. ♥ ..'´¯)
(oUTCaLLs OnLy @ THe MoMeNT)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL - 26
(Houston ALL surr areas)
=_♥_= ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE =_♥_= WeLL ReViEwEd =_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(_♥_ HoUsToN/ SuRr ArEas_♥_)
Adult Sensation ... Full Presidential Treatment .. Come Be With An Elite Companion!!! - 19
(GALLERIA ... All Of Houston)
***** ABSOLUTELY HOT Brunette Bombshell! * The ULTIMATE GFE Companion! *****!! This Week Only! - 25
(Houston and Surrounding Areas!)
[[ All * American * Pie ]] [[[ Beautiful ]]] [[[ Tall ]]] [[[ Blonde ]]] [[ All * American * Pie]] - 26
(Houston Northwest, northwest)
LAST DAY IN TOWN. . .CUmM See How REALTexas Gals Do It/ VISITING from the 24th-26th - 22
(Houston/ Galleria Area!! (IN or OUT))
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL - 26
(Houston In's & Out's)
***** ABSOLUTELY SeXXXy Brunette Bombshell!!!! ~ * THE ULTIMATE GFE Companion!!!! ~ ***** - 25
(Clearlake(incall) Outcall(anywhere))
""" Addicting ! ☆ (NYMPHO)_ Magic L!pz★ 1OO % ReAL""""" IN /OUT /100 /150
(45/fuqua/sugarland/pearland/stafford/medical city/downtown/galleria/in/out)
A+++ Perfect TrEaT! Sexy Blonde & Petite from head to FeEt! - 22
(Houston, Spring and WoodlandAreas In&Out; Calls)