Mon 27 Jan
--► 60 60 60 SPeCiALs ALL DAy!!!!! SExY REdHEAd BUStY BEAuTy,LetS PLAy 60 60 60◄-- - 21
52 i.n.c.h @$$ °EVA DA BEAST° {S. Main } MEGA BOOTY *e.c.c.i.e. reviewd* REAL 44DDD_ Adorable Face - 21
(Houston, S. main 610 area/ out 2 u)
$80/ 15 minutes $120 / 30 minutes $200/ 60 minutes UPSCALE, CENTRAL & PRIVATE .832.721.0520 - 26
(River Oaks/Central Houston 832.721.0520)
$45 christmas special with ms gorgeous check my specials out look look - 38
(Houston Southwest, sugarland sw houston)
50 Special* GFE*Multiples* Fantasy* Just For You..100.SUPER WeTT & Ready Become A Regular - 20
(north houston)
50, 50 Amazing Specials!!!! 100, 100 Have fun with Kash - 30
(Houston, North Houston, Greenspoint, Bush Airport)
$$50 BIG BOoTY ~~ThICK~~ EBOnY ~~ClASsY CHICK~ AVAIL 24/7~~$$PECIALS $$50 - 22
** 4th Of July Specials Till Midnight, I Am Your Fire Works Its to hot to wear a coat in Houston - 26
(Houston, Westchase)
40/80/100It's America guys loaded with Specials 150 outcalls in call silly specials - 20
(Houston, Hobby 45 south)
50 SpEc ~♡♡ GooD dAy To GeT uR OiL cHaNgEd PaPi, C{U}M c Me ♡♡ ~ Incall spec - 24
(City of Houston, 59s,beltway 8, southwest, beechnut)
$$45Incall All DAY with Jasmyn 214-475-1350!! !! SOUTHWEST Departure Special leaving at 3 - 19
(beltway8/westheimer rd)
🌹🌹 409 683 6997🌹🌹 120 hr speacial.. fetish friendly - 24
(City of Houston, Houston, Southwestest..Stafford 59th fwy)
3102707014 £ustful treat for the €lite 👄💦🍆OUTCALLS Available24/7 - 25
(City of Houston, Houston, Outcalls Servicing the Houston area)
2Freaky 2Sexy 2Latinas Dream Girls Kinky &Wild; Ready To Have Some Adult Fun - 24
(Houston, 290/northwest side)
30 min special 💋Very Curvy lucious and freaky 15 min specials just ask - 25
(Houston, Sugar land - Stratford - Southwest)
•••••• 2 Sexy 4 U ***----- Relax ••• PleAsuRe ••• SeXy ••• EroTiC ••• - 22
(Houston, WestChase, Galleria)
2 Day iS A gOOd DaY 2 LeT iT aLL haNg OuT PaPi !! 60 incall special - 23
(Houston, 59S/ Sugarland Stafford)
*~* ♥ *~*2 GiRL $100 SpEcIaLs *~* ♥ *~*DoN't WaiT CaLL NoW *~* ♥ *~* - 22
(Houston, 45 & West Rd)
1OO% uNrUsHeD__CHECK °*°; OUT °*°THIS °*°; SEXY °*°; BLONDE__1OO% InDePeNdEnT - 21
2 itty bitty hot bruntte vixens barely 5ft tall... We re warmed up and waiting for your call... - 24
(Houston, OUTCALL ONLY Houston& Surrounding Cities)
100$~UltimatE Special$~ KilleR CurveS ~NaughTy BbW~ SeXY~ N~ REAL in Every waY! - 24
(Houston, 1960/45)
___100%me _____ ___ ReD - hAiR - bLuE - eYeS _____ GREAT REVIEWS -- & -- SPECIALS ___ - 25
1{O} {O} == ? ((Wet Pink Pu$$y Cat)) ((Make My Kitty Prr)) ? == Last Night Here!! - 20
(59 Southwest Hwy Kirby/All areas)
$120 incalls *******AFTER THE GAME SPECIALS ****** Sisters Amy and Emily - 21
(Beltway 8 and Westheimer)
100Special🍑💋💏♠♠👑Sweet exotic Spanish goddess 🍑💋💏💦👑💦💦 - 22
(Beltway& 45 1960 Cypress JFK Downtown, City of Houston, Houston)
120/FULL HOUR (xXx) ((T H E **U L T I M A T E** F A N T A S Y)) (xXx) ((PUERTO RICAN)) 120/FULL HOUR - 21
(Bush Airport Area / Greenspoint / JFK)
$120 ******* FRIDAY WEEKEND SPECIALS ********** Amy and Emily Sisters - 21
(Houston and willing to travel to you)
$120 - Incall ******* AFTER VOTING SPECIALS ******* Sisters Amy and Emily - 21
(Beltway 8 and Westheimer)
$100 OutCall NEW ▃ ▅ ▆ MIxED▃ ▅ ▆ █ █ ▆▅ ▃ PueRto RiCan▃ ▅ ▆ █ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ BARBIE▃ ▅ ▆ █ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ FrEaK - 18
(Houston, 290 &34th/ Galleria/ S.E./ I-10/Downtown)
$100 Outcall Specials! Bush Airport~ Humble~ Spring~ Woodlands~ Conroe~ Tomball - 21
(Houston, 45 & Rankin)
100, 80, 60 Specials All Day Incall ***$$$*** Come Relax & Unwind ***$$$*** Friday Specials - 24
(Houston, (Southwest Incalls) (All Over Outcalls))
~~~~100$ IN CALL specials black&indian; *~~~~* SLIM** BEAUTIFUL* EBONY SPECIALS ALL NIGHT LONG!!!!! - 19
100 % Asian ... Ms. Suki is Back.. Let Me COME Warm U Up? 832 837 1312 OUTCALL SPECIALS CALL NOW - 19
•[•★•] Top Notch 2 Girl TreatMenT [•★•] PURE SaTiSfAcTiOn [•★•] Great rates!!! - 20
(Houston, westheimer&&beltway;)
Sun 26 Jan
Mon 13 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
=== === BUSTY === === BLONDE === === ALL AMERICAN === === PLAYMATE === === FOR YOU === ===
Brand New BBW *** R€aL D€aL BaB¥ »-★TOUCH M€ ★T€Å§€ M€★ Pleas€ mE ** 60HHR - 25
(Houston, 59 N inside 610 Loop)
BLONDIE GoT 🇲💋🇺🇹🇭 👅 ₷₭ⓘ🇱🇱z 💋 ₮H₳T 🇰ⓘ 🇱🇱🔫 WoNt✋StOp. UnTiL The LaSt D r Op💦 - 21
(Houston, Incall- sw freeway outcall all of huston)
(¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯)LOVELY *80roses all day specials call now(¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯)LOVELY *!!!! - 22
(45n and 1960)
Lonely and NEW In TOWN;-) ;-)60rosesHH★ Specials Call NoW Here ONE Day Only!!!! - 20
(Houston, baytown tx,dayton, la porte)
♛ ExOtiC [ReDBoNE] PRiNcESS ♛ 💯 A+ SeRViCe EvErY TiME╰☆BuBBle BuTT - Luscious ViXeN☆╮CLicK ME! ♛ - 22
__~ ** EXOTiC - TROPiCAL TASTY G!RL ** ~ . . . . Waitinq to please !!! - 19
(Houston, westheimer & beltway 8 -outcall all over)
Exotic Ebony (Back by Popular Demand) Must See!! - 20
(Houston, 5mins from Hobby Airport/ exit Fuqua)
EXoTic TReaT aVai LabLe nOw ► CoMe B@*Ng My Br@in$ Out - 19
(Galleria Area! Incalls! off 610fwy!)
'***713 226-9192***' Specials all day. Call SNOW ..young ..white;) and Alone.. New in town - 18
(Houston Southwest, 3rd ward close to U H(in/out)call avail)
150 OutcallSpecial With Hot Kinky Exotic Tight Young College Girl.Incall Available - 22
$80 special Cute thick white girl Amber call me for specials 713/261/2603 - 21
(Houston, 45 n &1960)
___80!______ REAL PHOTOS _________ SMOKIN HOT ______NEW______ SEXY BRUNETTE ____________ (CALL NOW!) - 22
(Houston, 59 SouthWest Galleria 610 Hillcroft Belt)
#1 **L@tina,green eyes,pettite,kinky barbie doll!!! - 25
(Baytown, Baytown,laporte,deerpark,Houston,seabroo, Houston)
"Karen and gurls75$ hr special""".from New Jersey. 1960 and 45.!8327824788 .290-249! - 27
(City of Houston, Houston, nw /. Cypress 290 45 and 1960. 249 tomba)
*[★] JuSt WhAt ThE DoCtOr OrDeReD ★ *80 SPECIAL[★ ] AVAIL 24hrs - 25
(Houston, GREENSPOINT/45 @Rakin)
}}}}}}} GUARANTEED AMAZING EXPERIENCE w/a Caliente COLOMBIANA. {{{{{{{ Hablo espanol - 28
(Houston, Galleria/ Downtown/ Sugarland/ Katy)
★★★ GORGEOUS 💚💚 IRRESISTIBLE T¡GHT & Flexible 💚💚 ★★★ PERFECT Petite Playmate 💚💚 281-725-2533 - 25
(Houston, Galleria Westchase In & Outcall)
Gorgeous Caramel Exotic and ready to please! $100 Specials!! $100 Specials 404-997-2832 - 19
(Houston, Anywhere In Houston)