Sat 04 Jan
Every Hot Provider at every Erotic Massage Parlor in Your Town. Here's all the Dirty Details
(Beaumont/Pt Arthur, College Station, Galveston, Houston, Huntsville)
Beware of Backpage frauds! Fancy's tips on spotting escort fakes and scams. - 51
(Houston, I-45/FM1960 & far beyond!)
Beware of fake Backpage ads with stolen photos & bad info! Tips on how to spot a fraud.
(Houston area & far beyond)
Fri 03 Jan
MILF --- 832-272-5454 --- 2 hot, & sexy "Genies in a bottle" to grant you 3 wishes! Call ----- MILF - 37
** (( Gorgeous Italian Goddess ))** (( Visiting))** (( Your Newest Temptation )) ** ((Galleria)) ** - 18
High-End Agency Now HIRING!! $10,000 sign on BONUS... Incredible BENEFITS, TUITION and much MORE!!
(Houston and surrounding areas!)
Natural Busty gal 38ggg Hooter's Slick glossy lips Unlimted oil Change 90.00 Hour unlimted hour - 24
(Houston, 90.00 Unlimted hour 38ggg Slick lips)
LeT Me GiVe You ThE HoLiDaY ChEeR WeLl ReViEwEd MaTuRe LaDy No HuRrY No WoRrIeS - 39
(Houston, 1960/45 North Houston Spring Conroe)
!!!!! INCALL Special!!!!! Get Your Piece of this GFE Cutie with a NICE BIG BOOTY! - 21
(45 South and Fuqua, Houston metro)
BEAUTIFUL.. BLONDE .SEDUCTRESS ..only a phone call away ......Available now in Houston Galleria area - 30
(City of Houston, Galleria area in/out to all surrounding)
Thu 02 Jan
MaTuRe LaDy LoT's Of KiSsEs FoR YoU SaTuRdAy SpEcIaL To KiCk OfF YoUr WeEkEnD WeLl ReViEwEd - 39
(Houston, 1960/45 North Houston Spring Conroe)
Freaky, Sexy, Hot NEW Playmate HUnTSVILLE, MADISONVILle AREA - 26
(Houston, Madisonville, and Huntsville)
❀ BReakFaSt IN beD { DaLLaS giRLs Do iT beTTeR!! } LaST DaY iN ToWN! ❀ - 24
(Galleria / Westheimer Area)