Tue 07 Jan
(((( N a t u r a l _ E x o t i c _ B e a u t y ))))GFE (( 38 GG HOOTER'S )) UNLIMTED HOUR 1OO.OO
;»»M*S¦:-*H¥ Bab¥!!__I'v Go m¥ Lu§ciou§ Lip§.. §of Curv§.. and.. hick Boo¥.$100hr_ .. - 20
(In/out houston all over)
miss stacy*****super juggs ***:) are ....the biggest ....tripple ddd melons *in town - 42
(Houston, 610/45 south/288/galleria)
Guaranteed the BEST SERVICE in town @MIAMI SPA!! Hottest Sexyist YOUNG ASIAN girls in Houston!!! - 22
(4505 Hwy.6 north Houston TX 77084)
____ ______ *Classy* ____ _____ _ *Barbie* _____ _____ *REDHEAD* _________ - 24
(in/out all over houston)
Look no more guys the girl next door is here at your service! - 19
(i-10 west houston/katy/brookshire)
* j_U_s_T *)...(* w_H_a_t *)......(* Y_o_U *).......(* w_A_n_T *)... HOT *PETITE * SEXXY & READY !!! - 26
(In 1960/Out all over)
It's me Eevee *** it's cold brrrr glacion has nothing on texas right now 2818277968 - 19
(rosenberg, outcall within)
His loss is your gain ... I just had someone cancel so I have 1 appointment available tonight! - 27
(Incall ONLY - Midtown - New Pic)
"Guess who's back"? WT Wild DlciouS EbOnY PLaYmAt WitH SKilLs OuT oF THiS WoRLd? In & Out - 20
(59 Southwest Hwy)
~^~♥~^ HaPpY H0LL0WeEn SPECIALS TRiCK 0r TR3AT 22 ~^~♥~^ - 22 - 22
(Houston, all houston deerpark galleria hobbyairpr)
® Eva Da Beast ® NEW 42 Triple D's & 50" @$$ more pics @ e.c.c.i.e.c.o.m. BoOtyFuLL DrEaMz FuRfiLLeD - 21
(Houston, Galleria area / out 2 ur area)
52 i.n.c.h @$$ °EVA DA BEAST° {S. Main } MEGA BOOTY *e.c.c.i.e. reviewd* REAL 44DDD_ Adorable Face - 21
(Houston, Reliant area IN / Out withn 15miles)
$50 special now. Having a HARD day? Sensual stress relief I aim to please. Stellar Reviews - 30
(College Station, In/out College Station & all over)
SWEETHEARTS ESCORTS** We Have the HOTTEST Ladies Who Make the MOST Money!** Work With the Very BEST!
(Houston, Work Locally, tour or in South Florida!)
# ❶ Internet Modeling Agency PAYING Over $2,000/wk - WORK FROM HOME - FUN - SAFE - LEGAL █★█★█ - 38
(Houston, Work From Home)
Mon 06 Jan
New Exotic & adorable ASIAN, Im ready and willing...eager to please! Special RATES all day! - 22
(Houston IN or OUT...Galleria area!)
Every Womans Worst Nightmare! _ *Hot Housewife Bianca $80 *_ Every Mans FUCKIN Dream CUM True! - 80
(Houston-Icall only)
EVRY WMNS WORST NGHTMRE ೋ Bootylicious Action / Satisfaction ೋ EVRY MANS DREAM COME TRU - 30
_____ ___________ __________ _____ ( Bootylicious Action & Satisfaction ) _____ ________ ___________ - 30
________ ________ __________ ( BOOTYLICIOUS ACTION & SATISFACTION ) ___________ ____________ ______ - 35
(______GALLERIA 100 NO TIME LIMITS_______)
BACK IN TOWN NOW! ☆.•* wHeRe ArE yOu?! ☆.•* (¡M €V€RYTH¡NG UR LØØK¡NG 4*} ☆.•* SeXxIe BlOnDe ☆.• - 23
$65 * ❤.* L✪ ✪K * ★★★★★ __5__ STAR__ EXPERIENCE__ ★★★★★ N!CE_H!PS & LUC!0US L!PS Fetish Friendly - 21
(Houston, I10 and Highway 6)
60 Supa Good Astrodome. G.um. E.ater! Text for video No Time Limit! I love to do it so I do it well - 26
(Houston, Fondren@59)
♥♥♥ ASIAN & LATINA GIRLS Needed ♥♥ LEGAL BUSINESS. ♥♥ Room and Board included ♥♥ ASIAN & LATINA! ♥♥♥ - 21
(ELKO, NEVADA, Houston)
*KiLLeR HoTT PICS!* ViSiTiNg ShOrT TiMe OnLy! *PerFeCt TiGhT BLoNdE!* - 21
(*(610) *(SaN-FeLiPe)*!)
{cLiCk HeRe} Amazing RedHead Mind Blowing Skills Juicy Booty 36 DD's {CliCk Here} - 22
(Southwest/stafford/sugarland 59/beltway)
Beautiful, Busty, Blond - Sweet & Willing w/ Outstanding Reviews - Available TONIGHT & TOMORROW - 27
(Midtown - Downtown - 7006)
New 50 SPCL《《 BiG MELON 38DD Breast 》》New & Eager ¤ Come get this Phat BoOty 2day_ ALL Races Welcome - 20
(Houston, in Galleria area / out all over)
NEEDA T A C O with that B U R R I T O ????? Delivery OPEN E A R L Y - 28
Need your motor revved by a tall, tart, mature but mischievous redhead? Vroom, vroom! - 53
(Houston, North near Spring)
Let Me Massage Your Aches Away ... Then Give You "3 Ways" To De-stress From Your Day! - 27
(Upscale Incall - Midtown - Downtown)
Its me or free stop cheating ur self n treat urself 8327527417outsonly - 22
(Baytown, sw katy laporte galleria pasadena 45s cl)
})i({She's "JAZZY" a Exotic Cocoa Companion... with all the "ASSETS" u require!})i({ - 28
(Bellaire Area)
I Have 1 Appointment Available TONIGHT & I Am Also Pre-Booking Appointments 4 FRIDAY - 27
(Midtown - Downtown - 77006)
Evry Womans Worst Nightmare! _____ BOOTYLICIOUS ___ ACTION & SATISFACTION _____ Evry Mans DreamTru! - 35
(______GALLERIA 100 NO TIME LIMITS_______)
EVRY WMNS WORST NGHTMRE ೋ Bootylicious Action / Satisfaction ೋ EVRY MANS DREAM COME TRU - 30
(*NoTime Limit$150*)
Click HERE Click HERE_You've GOT To See It For YOURSELF Bangin' body that WILL TURN YOU ON_CALL NOW - 22
▶CALL ME NOW!◀ Southwest / Sugarland = GiRL NeXt DooR ★》100% REAL ★》SLiM LATiNA ★》126Lbs / 5ft _ 5in - 20
Beware of Backpage frauds! Tips on how to spot fakes and scam artists. - 51
(Houston area & far beyond)
70 Special»- (¯?¯)- »H0RnY-N-PeTiTe DrIpp 1n W.3.T (¯?¯)Specials 90 Back in Town Near Galleria - 19
(59 S.Hwy Fountain View/Richmond)
Make $450/day Webcamming at home + gifts (females only) Rent is due in 6 days! - 40
(College Station, Houston)
Sun 05 Jan
NEW 290n iNcALL ( NEW PiCs ) © Eva Da Beast © 40DD & 48" @SS █ BLK/LATINA █ aLL rAcE fRiEnDLy SPCL! - 21
(Houston, in 290n / out all over Hou TX)
×× Model Material ×× [×°x°× GORGEOUS ×°x°×] × 1O0% me × [×°x°× PuErTo RiCaN×°x°×] ×× ViXxXeN
( MILF) # Diamond IN THE Rough # (TOTAL G.F.E ) (Houston) -$60HHIncalls Special - 35
★★★ IM bACk & ReAdY FoR YOU ★★★ LeTs HaVE FuN☆☆☆ I wont TeLL iF U WoNT ☆☆☆ - 22
*¨¨*-:¦: G.F.E FuN *-:¦:-* JuIcY BooTy *-:¦:-* LaTiNa*¨¨* (( !GoRgEoUs! )) ** REAL PICS!**
™ Eva Da Beast ™ Best Value SPCL! BiG JiGGly BOOTY w/ {HUGE 42DD} private pics @ e.c.c.i.e.c.o.m - 21
(Houston, in Galleria area / out all over)
$65 Exotic Barbie That LOVE To Fulfill Fetish Fantasies!! VERY Open Minded
(Houston, I10 and Highway 6)
$65 Specials! Sexxy°•° Fetish °•° Petite °•° MixED °•° HOTTiE! a call you WONT regret! :) - - 28
(Houston, I 10 & Hwy 6, 59,Katy, SW, 290, 610)
♥♥♥ ASIAN & LATINA GIRLS NEEDED ♥ New Mona's Ranch is Hiring GIRLS ♥ Legal Business in Nevada ♥♥♥ - 21
(ELKO, NEVADA, Houston)
MondAY NIGHT THICK & SWEET CaRaMEL DIP ====== $100~In/Out ====== I CoME or U SToP by 2 PLaY !!!!!!! - 26
(Houston, ~59-SouthWest@Beltway-8 Incalls&Outcalls;)
Let Me Tell You About My 4 Part - 1 Hour - All Inclusive Session .... AVAILABLE TODAY 2pm - 12am - 27
(Upscale Incall - Midtown - Downtown)
~ICYESS ~~~~ 4 0 ~~~ S P E C I A L~~ ~~~8 *3 *2 *8 *9 * 1 *8 *1*6*8* - 19
*=DtoWN's FiNeST MiXXd DeSSeRt=* DeLiCiouSLy eXoTiC w/a SPiCy AttiTuDe=* SWeeT In/OuT SpClS=* - 24
(Houston, i10,wilcrst In/all over Out((NeW PiCS)))
Beautiful, Busty, Blond - Sweet & Willing w/ Outstanding Reviews - Available TONIGHT & TOMORROW - 27
(Greenway Plaza - 59 @ Kirby)
45/1960_Da "REAL" Eva Da Beast • INVADES 1960! Da BiGGeSt 52" BOOTY cute face & HuGE 42 Triple D's - 21
(Houston, Safe rm 45 & 1960, out 59,610,bltwy,290)
NEW 290n iNcALL ( NEW PiCs ) © Eva Da Beast © 40DD & 48" @SS █ BLK/LATINA █ aLL rAcE fRiEnDLy SPCL! - 21
(Houston, 290n in/ out 45,290,610,bltwy)
¨¨*- ¦:-* IRReSiStiBLe EOTIC RedHEAD HoTTiE YoUr ULTiMaTe DReAmGiRL .*¨¨*- ¦:-*_ - 26
(all over in/out)
!!!!!!! Guess Who!!!! --->>None Other Than... ( If you're curious find out & click here)> - 25
(Houston, Outcalls/Incalls All Over)
FREE BOOTY PiXs °EVA DA BEAST° OUTCALLS all ovr *Fine BBW* REAL 44DDD_ Gorgeous_ FAT Bouncy Backyard - 20
(Houston, S. main 610 area/ out 2 u)
Evry Womans Worst Nightmare! __ Bootylicious Action & Satisfaction 24-7 ! __ Evry Mans Dream Tru! - 35
(......$80 NoTime Limits.........GALLERIA)
~*:. ☆ .:*~ 2 Is always better than 1 .:* ~8* 3* 2* 3 *1 *0 *0 *2 *4 *8 *~~~~ - 21
(45North/Rankin rd.)
"Busty" * Lavish * "Ebony" * "Cutie"{{NEED A REAL FREAK}}"Busty" * Lavish * "Ebony" * "Cutie" - 26
(Houston, (59-SouthWest@Beltway-8) In/Outcall Spcl)
♥ B E A U T I F U L B L 0 N D E ♥ Huge 36 dd'S - Great A S S ♥ B o M b S h e L L ♥ - 26
(Houston, Incall / Outcall)
Looking for work in the Adult Industry? Look No Further! www. Adult Talent Registry .com - 18
Make $5000 per week with the fastest growing Webcam Community on the Net! ◄ ◄ ◄ - 18
(Beaumont/Pt Arthur, College Station, Galveston, Houston, Huntsville, Work From Home)
Sat 04 Jan