Mon 27 Jan
★★ - Come over and see our pretty Asian girls for a wonderful massage - ★★ - 22
(Houston, Pearland and nearby cities/towns)
Sat 11 Jan
★ -Meet our pretty Asian girls for a total relaxation - ★ - 22
(Houston, Pearland and nearby cities /towns)
Fri 10 Jan
★★ - Meet our pretty Asian girls for a wonderful massage - ★★ - 22
(Houston, Pearland and nearby cities/towns)
★ - Come see our pretty Asian girls this evening for a relaxation - ★ - 22
(Houston, Pearland and nearby cities/towns)
Thu 09 Jan
★★ - Come see our pretty Asian girls this evening - ★★ - 22
(Houston, Pearland and nearby cities/towns)
Wed 08 Jan
★★ - Come see our pretty Asian girls for a wonderful body rub - ★★ - 22
(Houston, Pearland and nearby cities/towns)
Mon 06 Jan