Mon 27 Jan
$ Incall $pecial ✰ All Day Boys!!!! ✰ Don't Miss Out!! NEW PICS!! - 26
(Hobby,Clearlake,League City, Clear Lake)
!!!!! INCALL Special!!!!! Get Your Piece of this GFE Cutie with a NICE BIG BOOTY! - 21
(45 South and Fuqua, Houston metro)
💰💋💎dimond💋💰💎😘💋you💋have 💎to💰 Come💋back 😍for❤️more❤️💋💰💎😘👯💖💖💖 - 21
(Houston, Outcall Spring Bush IAH Humble Woodland)
★ "CHERRY" The Readhead of Your Dreams, In Town Today!!! ★ Incall $pecials ★ - 26
(Clear lake, League City, Hobby)
✰ "CHERRY D'MINA" ✰ ThE ReDH*E*A*D Of YoUr DrEaMs ✰ $60 SuNdAy Special ✰ - 28
(Houston, Clear Lake/Hobby/League City)
Are YOU stressed let me help you with that GREAT RATES Specials60 - 19
(Houston, 45 south houston :Hobby Pearland)
45 south 💝 ▄THICK LATINA ▀▄▀ ❤ 😘💋💎 ▀▄BIG JUicY booty ▀▄ •★©• 😘💎💋 UPSCALE doll - 23
(Houston, Hobby, Clear lake, Pearland ,League City)
24/7✳✳Upscale💦💦👅👅 #1 big booty 👑👑 Puerto Rican princess ☎☏☎☏ - 21
(Clear Lake, Pearland , Hobby league city, Houston, Pasadena)
Sat 11 Jan
It's another cold night but the HOTTEST REDHEAD GFE in Houston knows how to warm you up!!! - 35
(Houston Metro Area)
Come Experience One of Life's Lil Pleasures...... (Available for In and Out Calls) - 26
(Clear Lake,Texas City, So Houston(Hobby))
Fri 10 Jan
24/7☆☎☏Puerto Rican❤💋THICK BiG Juicy Booty LATINA ▃💥▃ Upscale doll ▃💥▃ - 23
(Clear Lake, league city , Hobby, NASA, Houston, Pasadena)
Thu 09 Jan
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
Happy New Year from Cheyanne Discount flowers - 43
(south hobby area clear lake league city bay area friendswood pearland south 288 45 610)
Mon 06 Jan
🍴Lunchtime Treat🍦 Pick 1 or Double✌your Fun🎁🎉 See what's on the Menu ♨ - 21
(Houston, outcall anywhere)
Sun 05 Jan
✰ $60 "CHERRY" ✰ ReD HoT ReDH*E*A*D CoMe OuT & play Boys, $$60 Incall Special ✰ - 28
(Houston, Clear Lake/Hobby/League City)
★ "CHERRY" IN TOWN Today!! ★ $$Incall $pecial all day.. Don't miss out!$$ ★ - 27
(45S, Clear lake, League City, Hobby)
✰ "CHERRY" ✰ ReD HoT ReDH*E*A*D ✰ HaPpY ThAnKsGiViNg!!! $$60 Incall Special - 28
(Houston, Clear Lake/Hobby/League City)
✰ "CHERRY"HoT ReDH*E*A*D Come in OuT Of ThE RaIn $60 InCaLL Special ✰ - 28
(Houston, Clear Lake/Hobby/League City)
★ "CHERRY" In Town Today!! ★ Incall $pecial Don't miss out!! ★ - 26
(Hobby, Clear lake, League City, Hobby)
Sat 04 Jan
★Hey Boys ★ RED HOT"CHERRY" for YOU!! ★ INcAll $PecIAL ★New Pics★ - 26
(Hobby Clear lake, League City, Clearlake)
Fri 03 Jan
💋Last night in town 💞💋 last minute specials★★incall only 🈳❗❕❕ - 25
(City of Houston, Hobby, arandale, 45south/ park place, Houston)
💞💋Let me be that💋 one thing you've💋 been looking forward💋 too all day 💋💞 - 25
(City of Houston, Hobby, alandale, 45/ park place, Houston)
🎩Gentleman's Choice🌴Exotic Beauty 🌺Ebony Treat 🎁2grl Special 🎀OutCall 🚕 - 20
(Houston, Outcall 59 45 beltway8 290 1960 Galleria)