Mon 27 Jan
⭐⭐ 💯 % Independent ⭐⭐Specials Avail 24/7 ⭐⭐Incalls!! - 29
(290 @ fairbanks-beltway 8 @ westview, City of Houston, Houston)
☑ I Have A MASTER'S In Ple@sing And A PHD In Te@sing!! ☑ - 22
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks In/Out [CLICK HERE!])
☆ ❤ I _ NEED _ SOME _ AFFECTION... DO _ YOU? ❤ ☆ - 22
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks In/Out & Surroundings!)
★☆★ I _ DO _ IT _ JUST _ LIKE _ IN _ THE _ MOVIES!! ★☆★ - 22
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks In/Out & Surroundings!)
✖✖✖ HONEST PROVIDER.... Let Me Restore Your Faith In Using Backpage!! ✖✖✖ - 22
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks In/Out [CLICK HERE!])
♥ HeAVeN is waiting... ★new specials!★ HOT exotic jUicY LaTinA!! habla espanol.. ♥ - 25
(Houston, 290/and Fairbanks♥specials!)
G O T __ T O __ G I V E __ T H E __ B O Y S __ W H A T __ T H E Y __ W A N T ! ! - 22
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks In/Out [CLICK HERE!])
-:¦:- ✧ G O O D ✧ G I R L ✧ G O N E ✧ N @ U G H T Y !! ✧ -:¦:- - 22
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks - In/Out Specials!!)
🌴🌴EXOTIC & GORGEOUS LATINA BUNNY🌴🌴ONE DAY ONLY SPECIALS🌴$75/15min🌴Come enjoy me🌴si espanol - 22
(Houston, HWY 290 & Fairbanks , North Houston)
••ⒺⓍⒸⓁⓊⓈⒾⓋⒺ ⓢⓔⓧⓨ• ⓤⓛⓣⓘⓜⓐⓣⓔ• ⓟⓛⓐⓨⓜⓐⓣⓔ••♛ - 21
(290 and Fairbanks N Houston, City of Houston, Houston)
🍑🍉Dripping & Sweet!! 🎉The Ultimate Experience!! 🍎🍌 Awesome Specials All Night🏪 - 23
(290 & Fairbanks, City of Houston, Houston)
Don't waste your time💋Come let take you to paradise💋Highly Reviewed 💋Specials incall &outcall; - 24
(290 Fairbanks Tidwell /NW FREEWAY/IN&OUT;, City of Houston, Houston)
-- ( ❤ C€R†¡F¡€Ð B€ÂU†y❤ ) --- ❤HiGhLy SKILLED❤ ---- ( BlG BOOTY) ♥ (SpEciAL 60/80/100) OPEN 24hrs - 28
(Houston, InCallOnly--290 & Fairbanks/Northwest)
👅💦Come Visit Your Favorite blonde 👸 80-QV / 120- HH SPECIALS💋 - 21
(290 & FAIRBANKS N HOUSTON, City of Houston, Houston)
👅Always Available💦 🕒FRIDAY SPECIALS 60-15 Min/100-30 Minutes 🏩 Incall ONLY(409)331-5540 . 💋👸 - 21
(City of Houston, Houston, NW Houston / 290 & Gessner / Fairbanks)
Amazing PERFECT BODY 😍😍 WOW I gaurabtee you will LOVE ME 34DD - 24
(Houston, 290 langwood oak hollow NW fairbanks)
*[•★•] A TaStE of SuMtHiN NEW ★•$60/80/100•ALL XXCESS AVAIL•*[•★ •] OPEN 24hrs - 28
(Houston, 290 & Fairbanks (Northwest Area))
❦‿❦ A -- -- B A D D -- -- G I R L -- -- W I T H -- -- A -- -- S W E E T -- -- S I D E ! ! ❦‿❦ - 22
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks In/Out [CLICK HERE!])
(80/30) (60/15) G o r g e o u s (Mixed) Model With Perfect Curves (Discreetly Independent & SAFE) - 21
(Houston, 290 & Fairbanks LAST NIGHT IN TOWN)
-:¦:- ( A ) .-:¦:-. ( N e C e $$ a R y ) -:¦:- ( E V i L ) -:¦:- xXxCLusiVE ViXxXEN - 27
(60/15mns) Call NOW (80/30mns) Beautiful Mixed Latina With Safe & Discreet Incall ( Indepedent ) - 22
(Houston, 290 / Gessner ; Fairbanks (INCALL ONLY))
(60/30) & (100/1hr) G o r g e o u s Mixed LATINA With Perfect Curves (Discreetly Independent & Safe) - 21
(Houston, 290 & Fairbanks : [SPECIALSS])
100%Hot Asian Independent ~~ 713-263-9229 ~~ great service 24hrs Walk Ins Welcome - 24
SPECIAL SEXY PETITE FEMALE available all day 281-386-0176 (80/30) (120/hr) 290 & Fairbanks (incall) - 25
(Houston, 290-fairbanks (80/30mn) (120hr) specials)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
*`~~ $eXY Big BOOTY Diva ~ ~STallion~*24/7* ** Incall* *$100 SPeCiaL** - 27
(Houston, 290 & Fairbanks (Northwest ))
AVAILABLE 24/7😜💦Visit Your Favorite blondie 👸Incall 70QV SPECIAL😜💦💋 - 21
(290 and Gessner/Fairbanks N Houston, City of Houston, Houston)
Fri 10 Jan
( ❤ ÂmÂz¡nG $k¡LL$❤ ) --- ❤ UP$CALE COMPAN¡ON❤ ---- (W/ CuRVe$) ♥ (SpEciAL 60/80/100) OPEN 24Hrs - 28
(Houston, InCallOnly--290 & Fairbanks/Northwest)
••••••► LeT Me K E E P u W@rM ❤ HiGhLy SkiLLeD ❤ SUP€R ThIcK ❤ V€RY ÂÐÐi€TiV€ ❤60Q/80HH/100Hr - 26
(Houston, My Place/290 & Fairbanks/Private)
BUSTY👊BUlLT👊★➋🌟 PLEASE ❌⭕ WiTH◯UT ★A🌟 D◯UBT ❌⭕★Bombshell★IN T◯WN❌⭕❌⚪ D◯NT ★MiSS 🌟◯UT ✖Available Now - 22
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks/Cypress/Galleria👳💂👲👴)
Gorgeous, Discreet, Exotic Beauty Ready to Please!!! REAL & RECENT PICS!!! 5'6" 125 lbs 34C - 25
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks/Northwest- Incalls&Outcall;)
Thu 09 Jan
*[•★•] JuSt WhAt ThE DoCtOr OrDeReD• 60/80/100 & ALL AXCESS is AVAIL [•★ •] 6pm to 6am - 28
(Houston, 290 & Fairbanks (Northwest Area))
100% PURE ★ CURVY ★ SEXY ★ EBONY 5★ PLAYMATE ____ $50Spcls 2DAY ____★ Pick Up The Phone Hunny!!!!!! - 26
(Houston, 290-NORTHWEST@FAIRBANKS N. Incal/Outcall)
Wed 08 Jan
L👀king to satIsFy all your desires .. jump start ur Day and be with me!!! - 27
(290 610 Fairbanks beltway 8 Antoine, City of Houston, Houston)
😘$77 half hour💞 Incall Specials 💞🌟 Call NOW!!!! 📱 - 27
(290 beltway galeria fairbanks tidwell jv, City of Houston, Houston)
*[•★•] JuSt WhAt ThE DoCtOr OrDeReD ★ •—••$60/80/100• AVAIL 24hrs - 26
(Houston, 290@Fairbanks Via 249 (Northwest))
Tue 07 Jan
Incall & Outcall🌴💕ρυRε EXOTIC💕 τθρ Qυαℓιτγ •ThIcC_ K_N_O_C_K_O_U_T💋 - Incall & Outcall • - 27
(290 610 beltway antoine 249 Fairbanks, City of Houston, Houston)
** N E W. T O. T O W N. K R I S T A. COME PLAY WITH ME - 27
(Houston Northwest, northwest 290 fairbanks)
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Everybody Needs A Little TLC Sometimes... Don't MISS Your Chance!! Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - 22
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks - In/Out Specials!!)
👅AVAILABLE NOW😜💦Come Visit Your Favorite blonde 👸 80Qv/120 HH SPECIALS💋 - 21
(290 & FAIRBANKS N HOUSTON, City of Houston, Houston)
(60/30mns) NEW PICS (80/45mn) G O R G E O U S Upscale Latina W. Amazing Body - Private INCALL Only . - 22
(Houston, 290 / Gesser / Fairbanks (60/30mns))
Mon 06 Jan
★.•*¨¨*•- ☆ FULL OF LUST... Don't Let The SINLESS Look Fool You!! ★.•*¨¨*•- ☆ - 23
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks In/Out [CLICK HERE!])
💞🎀💞BOMBSHELL ✘⇗💞💞💘 ❌⭕❌⭕ H🔥O🔥T 💔 L🔥I🔥K🔥E 💔 F🔥I🔥R🔥E ❌⭕ - 22
(Houston, 290 hollister fairbanks tidwell)
🌴💖🌴💖EXOTIC & GORGEOUS LATINA💖🌴💖🌴BEST IN HOUSTON🌴💖🌴$75 Saturday Specials🌴💖🌴Ablo espanol - 22
(Houston, North Houston , 290 area, Fairbanks)
4* NEW * !°°° VERY HoT, STUNNING ASIAN GIRL FUN, °°.^-^ - 23
(5003 antoine dr/43th,st)
••••••► LeT Me K E E P u W@rM ❤ HiGhLy SkiLLeD ❤ SUP€R ThIcK ❤ V€RY ÂÐÐi€TiV€ ❤60Q/80HH/100Hr - 26
(Houston, My Place/290 & Fairbanks/Private)
☆ ••••••• ☆ BETTER Th@n GOOD... I'm A PRO At Wh@t I Do!! ☆ ••••••• ☆ - 22
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks In/Out(specials!))
Sun 05 Jan
*[•★•]•B R I C K H O U S E ★ ReAdy 2 P L A Y•$60/80 /100•ALL XXCESS BiG BOOTY *[•★ •] AVAIL 24hrs - 26
(Houston, 290@Fairbanks Via Beltway8 (Northwest))
B e i n g __ T h i s __ B a d d __ F e e l s __ S o __ G o o d ! ! - 22
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks In/Out [CLICK HERE!])
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Lets Make a NEW Holiday... It's called PLEASURE GIVING!! Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - 23
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks In/Out [CLICK HERE!])
******* Black Ebony******** $60 special****** - 24
(Houston, 290&1960&45 north&fairbanks;&hollister;)
•••••••▶▶▶ ♡ Petite & Sweet Ebony ViXXen - Available Now for a Limited Time ♡ ◀◀◀••••••• - 23
(Houston, 290 Hollister Fairbanks Northwest 249)
(60/30) & (100/1hr) G o r g e o u s Mixed LATINA With Perfect Curves (Discreetly Independent & Safe) - 21
(Houston, 290 & Fairbanks : [SPECIALSS])
Sat 04 Jan
L e t s __ N o t __ R u s h __ U n f o r g e t t a b l e __ P l e a s u r e ! ! - 22
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks In/Out [CLICK HERE!])
❦‿❦ B E I N G __ T H I S __ B A D D __ F E E L S __ S O O __ G O O D ! ! ❦‿❦ - 22
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks In/Out [CLICK HERE!])
Miss Bella ( ♥☎♥ HOT LUSCIOUS BODY♥☎♥ )) :BUSTY:100% REAL :42DD: (( ♥☎♥AVAiLABLE NOW♥☎♥ )) - 20
(Houston, 290 Fairbanks Hollister)
🌴🌴EXOTIC & GORGEOUS 🌴🌴$75 special BED ROOM FUN🌴Come enjoy me🌴Cuban&White; Bunny🌴si espanol - 24
(City of Houston, North Houston in and out 290 ,fairbanks)
SPECIAL SEXY PETITE FEMALE available all day 832-373-6623 (80/30) (120/hr) 290 & Fairbanks (incall) - 25
(Houston, 290-fairbanks (80/30mn) (120hr) specials)
Fri 03 Jan
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ If U LIKE It... I LღVE It... I Can Make U VERY H@ppy!! Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - 22
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks In/Out [CLICK HERE!])
█▓ *** ———————— NEW ARRIVAL ————————§UP€R §€XY BÂRB!€ ◀█ ——————————————- - 22
Thu 02 Jan
🚩LAST Days in Area🚩 Unforgettable 🌟Caribbean Beauty🌟Ready Now 🍦 Delicious Spcls🍦 - 24
(City of Houston, Fairbanks/W.tidwell/290 Incalls, Houston)
💋💋L00K * 💋SEXXY💋 U Won't Regret it ~Exotic ~ h0NdUrAn bEaUtY *60*80*100* SE HABLA ESPANOL 💋💋 - 22
(Houston, 290 & Fairbanks ♡♡♡ 💋60💋80💋100)
I'm Not A BADD Girl... Just A GOOD Girl That Does BADD Things!! - 22
(Houston, 290 & Fairbanks In/Out & Surroundings!)