Mon 27 Jan
❥Cum and Play with (YOuR DreAm GiRL))aLL FanTaSieS FulLFilLed HeRe☆ - 24
I CaN KeEp yOuR SeCrEtS oR DrOp tO My kNeEs n bECoMe oNe!! CaUtIoN wEtTeR tHaN A SuBmArInE - 24
I CaN KeEp yOuR SeCrEtS oR DrOp tO My kNeEs n bECoMe oNe!! CaUtIoN wEtTeR tHaN A SuBmArInE - 24
I CaN KeEp yOuR SeCrEtS oR DrOp tO My kNeEs n bECoMe oNe!! CaUtIoN wEtTeR tHaN A SuBmArInE - 24
⇨⇨⇧Come play w/this Queen Bee & see If You can make my HONEY drizzle!! ⇦⇦⇦(( INCALL ONLY)) - 19
(Houston, 45 NORTH/1960/249/Spring/Beltway 8)
💋 ASIAN BOMBSHELL💋80 80 80 80 80$pecials!!!!! Available Now!!! - 19
(Houston, 45 North 1960 Beltway 8 / In/Out)
60 Special!*~*Sexy, Kinky and Ironic Just For YOU 60 Special 60 Special~*~*~ - 19
(Houston, 45 North/ Beltway 8, Fm 1960)
Sat 11 Jan
--** Lexi ** -- Beautiful N Petite Late Night TREAT!!! Just 4 u!!! Specials 60 80 100 :) - 19
(Houston, 45 North Beltway 8 1960)
*FliP & TurN Me * -:¦:-In EvErY WaY -:¦:- FlExiBlE HoTTie* - 24
(SouthWest Houston In/Out All Over)
Fri 10 Jan
--** Lexi ** -- Let Me Start your day the Right way!!! Specials 60 80 100 :) - 19
(Houston, 45 North Beltway 8 1960 Woodlands)
Wed 08 Jan
--** Lexi ** -- Beautiful N Petite Sexi TREAT!!! Just 4 u!!! Specials 60 80 100 :) - 19
(Houston, 45 North Beltway 8 1960)
80 80 80 80 80 $pecilals!!! 💋 ASIAN BOMBSHELL💋80 80 80 80 80$pecials!!!!! - 19
(Houston, 45 North 1960 Beltway 8 / In/Out)
▬❤▬【 】▬❤▬ 【 1000%★YOUNG&HOT;★MIXED GIRL】▬❤▬ 【 2HOT2HANDLE 】▬❤▬【BBW】▬❤❤▬ Clean, fun, - 21
(45 North/ 1960/Spring/ Beltway 8 Tomball, City of Houston, Houston)
Tue 07 Jan
--** LEXI ** -- Beautiful N Petite SEXY TREAT!!! NEW PICS!!! Specials 60 80 100 :) NeW PiCs - 19
(Houston, 45 North Beltway 8 1960)
( MUST SEE ) -- 3 EXOTIC -- -- Cuties -- Come PARTY with us Tonite - UP LATE - (60 INCALL ) - 19
(Houston, 45 north & beltway 8 / 1960 / 290 / 249)
★{LET} °o©• {MY} °o©• {BODY} °o★°o {DO} °o©• {THE} °o©• {TALKING } $60 Specials - 23
(Houston, 45 North / Richey / Beltway 8 / 1960)
Mon 06 Jan
** LEXI ** Pure ** Upscale ** New Pics ** Specials 60 100😍💋❤ - 19
(Houston, 45 North 1960 Beltway 8)
Introducing the blonde blue-eyed bombshell ** Bonnie Bank$ ** - 19
(Houston, beltway 8, 45 north & 1960)
Sun 05 Jan
((JUST VISITING BRAND NEW)) #1 Erotic Volumptuios Ebony Call Girl 24/7 Im Hear For You - 25
(Houston, 45-North * Rankin * Beltway-8 * FM-1960)
*¨¨*:☆ Chocolate ☆ ¯`·._.· ☆ Barbie ☆ ¯`·._.· ☆ Jenna ☆:*¨¨* - 22
(Galleria Incall/Outcall *Your Place*)
Sat 04 Jan
█▬ ♛▬▬█ ★♛★█★♛★█▬ ♛▬▬█ ★♛★█★♛★█▬▬**((BLONDE)) HOTTIE**▬▬▬█★♛★█▬ SPECIAL$$ ♛▬▬█ ★♛★█▬ ♛▬▬█ ★♛★█ - 27
(Houston, 1960 spring 45 north beltway 8 magnolia)
Fri 03 Jan
MORNING~ IS ~ GREATLY~SPECIAL ~WITH~AMBER~ (8*3*2) 2*6*1* 4*6*0*7* - 21
(Houston, 45 NORTH/ BUSHAIRPORT/BELTWAY 8/ 1960)
Thu 02 Jan