Mon 27 Jan
!!!MIAMI sPeCiAl UpScAle ChIcK♤♡♤northside incalls/0utcalls 50 QuIcK sToP!!! - 21
(Houston, INCALL 45 NORTH Houston ALDINE 1960 spri)
👑 Incall special 👑 👐 Ready 👐 Set 👐 Go.... 👐start your day off right 👍👑 Incall Special 👑 - 22
(Houston, 1960 & 45 north (west) Incall ONLY)
❥Cum and Play with (YOuR DreAm GiRL))aLL FanTaSieS FulLFilLed HeRe☆ - 24
I CaN KeEp yOuR SeCrEtS oR DrOp tO My kNeEs n bECoMe oNe!! CaUtIoN wEtTeR tHaN A SuBmArInE - 24
I CaN KeEp yOuR SeCrEtS oR DrOp tO My kNeEs n bECoMe oNe!! CaUtIoN wEtTeR tHaN A SuBmArInE - 24
I CaN KeEp yOuR SeCrEtS oR DrOp tO My kNeEs n bECoMe oNe!! CaUtIoN wEtTeR tHaN A SuBmArInE - 24
dNt Stress oVer monDayZ LeT thIs DomIcaN GivE u thE giFt u RealLy wAnT - 18
(Houston, 1960/45 NORTH HOUSTON INCALL)
·· °·°*°·°* Curvy Mixed Delight *°·°*°·° Pure Satisfaction *°·°*°·°* 80splz All Day ·· - 22
(Houston, North Side Near 45&1960 (incall only))
Budget SPECL 40 | Latin/Black| xXx Bbw ST☆R *Naughty* [HUMBLE] •Fetish Queen• Incalls 40$ - 24
(Houston, INCALL NORTH 45 1960 Bush)
Sat 11 Jan
👑 Incall only 👑 the best 👍Hot Fit Female 👑 Incall only👑 - 22
(Houston, 1960 & 45 north (west) Incall ONLY)
*FliP & TurN Me * -:¦:-In EvErY WaY -:¦:- FlExiBlE HoTTie* - 24
(SouthWest Houston In/Out All Over)
19 YEAR OLD ebony COLLEGE GIRL. 832 892 1401 lexi.... 2 girl special - 19
(Houston, north houston, i45, 1960 woodlands 290)
Fri 10 Jan
°•° MORNING/LUNCH SPECIALS __ Aint A Saint But I AM Worth It __ °•° 60qk/100hh/180H - 23
(Houston, 45 north /1960 INCALL)
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 😍😍😍😍 B U S T Y ❤️❤️❤️❤️ C O L L E G E 🔥 I N D I A N 🔥 H O T T I E🌹🌹🌹🌹 IM REAL ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ - 20
(45&1960 AREA INCALL north Houston, City of Houston, Houston)
Thu 09 Jan
$60 80【PerFeCt BѺDy】【pRetTy FαCє】★【spaNKaBℓε αSS】★【 SiMpℓy* the * BeSt* 】★【rEal PiCs】★$pecials 60 80 - 19
(Houston, 45 North 1960 Luxury InCall Suite)
#1... Beauty [ ALL REAL ] *** ( U + ME ) * ( ~> REALITY, :-) = 100% *** petite BaBy DoLL - 19
(Houston, I-45 & 1960, north Houston ( INCALL))
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
Desire Is Working Sat Repeats Only Text Me Tonight For Appt :Call Me Baby : 409-392-8557 : - 53
(45 N 1960, City of Houston, Houston)
Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
*¨¨*:☆ Chocolate ☆ ¯`·._.· ☆ Barbie ☆ ¯`·._.· ☆ Jenna ☆:*¨¨* - 22
(Galleria Incall/Outcall *Your Place*)
!! NeW LET ____"This LUCIOUS LaDy"___ LOVE YOU LONG TIME < !!!! ( a must see) !!!!!!! - 26
(NORTH HOUSTON /Southwest 2incalls)
Leave those BLAND chicks behind & see TASTY!! 60qk/100hh/180h - 22
(Houston, 45 North/1960 INCALL ONLY)
ESCORT / YOUNG / BLONDE 832 319 4706 hotter than the girl next door XXXGFE available - 119
(YOUR PLACE TONIGHT,,,,OK? 832 319 4706)
@duLT Bbw ST☆R *Naughty* | 45$ 45$ | ☆☆ Fetish Friendly Back demand on The North Now - 27
(Houston, north 45 & 1960 INCALL 45$ In call)
Sat 04 Jan
NEW 100% REaL nO bAiT nD SwitCH IM thE ReaL DEal COmE SeE NEW! - 22
(Houston, north houston incall/45 North/1960)
Fri 03 Jan
Thu 02 Jan
IM ** eXaCtLy ** WhAt ** YoU ** WaNt - 23
(Houston, incall/outcall north houston 1960 off 45)