Mon 27 Jan
Angel Kisses (GFE) looking for one good Man to please Today!!!! Outcalls only!!!! - 21
(Outcalls all of Houston)
Angel Kisses!!! Wants to please one good man Tonight! GFE Outcalls all of Houston all Night!!! - 21
(Outcalls all of Houston)
Angel Kisses IN and OUT Special Wednesday!! Get a piece of this GFE Pleasing Baby!!! - 21
(Incall Galleria/Greenway Outcall ALL Hou)
Arriving Nov. 13th! °♥° •New Real East Indian Bomshell Desi Girl Hindi Punjabi •°♥° • - 22
(Houston, Incall only Galleria Area)
Angel Kisses (GFE) looking for one good Man Today!! Outcall Special!! - 21
(Outcalls all of Houston)
Angel Kisses IN and OUT Special Thursday!! Get Your Piece of this GFE Cutie with a NICE BIG BOOTY!! - 21
(Incall Galleria/Greenway Outcall ALL Hou)
Angel Kisses IN and OUT Special Thursday!!! Get Your Piece of this GFE Cutie with a NICE BIG BOOTY!! - 21
(Incall Galleria/Greenway Outcall ALL Hou)
Angel Kisses (GFE) looking for one good Man to please Monday Night!!!! Outcall Only!!! - 21
(Outcalls all of Houston)
> A P E R F E C T ➓ ____ ☑1OO% REAL ( iTALiAN HoTTiE ) CALL 4APPT - 20
(Right next to the Galleria!!)
An Intimate Conversation w/Tia Thompson... Exclusive.. Decerning... Amazing Mature Drama Free BBW - 54
(Houston, Southwest Houston)
&$&It; Aint No Fun Unless We Both Get Sum...2 Girl Special Come Get It!!!! - 21
(Houston, Southwest frwy)
_____________ ______ __________ __ AMAZING 15O ASSETS__ __________ ___________ ______________ - 29
ALL - AMERICAN BLONDE *Co*eD* So AdoRaBLe! HuRRy! AvAiLabLe NoW! - 21
(~Houston/Galleria~ Visiting Blonde!)
★A lady in the streets, BUT A freak in the sheets!★ $pE©i@L$ - 25
(Houston, beltway 8 & westheimer area)
LAST DAY IN TOWN. . .CUmM See How REALTexas Gals Do It/ VISITING from the 24th-26th - 22
(Houston/ Galleria Area!! (IN or OUT))
♥832-229-3916♥ HoT -&- SeXy = { BLoNDE _ PaRTy _ GiRL } =Very PeTiTe /with RounD BooTy = (Today ~ 80 - 23
(Houston, 45/hobby/ southwest/ houston in/outcall)
832-272-5454 - 2 Hot, & Sexy "Genies in a Bottle" to Grant you 3 Wishes! - 832-507-8046 - 37
$80 specials 5/9 Hot and drippin ebony model ready to drip all over you to night - 18
832-561-4881 Romantic Babe Or Slave Or Exotic Body Works Kiss me All Over - 19
(Houston, westhemier - beltway and hwy 6)
-$-$- 80 SpEcIaL -$-$- FeeliN PINK 2Nite?..... CuM GeT it =cAlL Me * 832 744 3309 :] - 23
80 $P£€L © Eva Da Beast © 52 INCHES OF @$$ w/ { HUGE 42DDD's } More pics @ e.c.c.i.e.c.o.m - 21
(Houston, in Galleria area , out 59,610,bltwy,290)
*~*~*~*~ (80) ErOTiC SeXy PlAy MaTe WeT & ReAdY FoR FuN (80) *~*~*~*~* - 20
832-837-3213 [$200 Specials] [ 2GIRL Shows Specials] 'Choclate And Vanilla Swirl - 29
[832-837-3213 ] FOR 'CHOCLATE' LOVERS AND ' ASS MEN ONLY.....[ 832- 837-3213 ] - 29
-$-$- 80 SpEcIaL -$-$- FeeliN PINK 2Nite?..... CuM GeT it =cAlL Me * 832 744 3309 :] - 23
****$80 °*° KNO CK °*° OUT °*° CUT IE °* ViSiTiNG*** _____ - 24
(290 Your Place Or Mine.....)
52 i.n.c.h @$$ °EVA DA BEAST° {S. Main } MEGA BOOTY *e.c.c.i.e. reviewd* REAL 44DDD_ Adorable Face - 21
(Houston, Reliant in/out SW, Inr Loop, dwtwn,i10)
60** SpecialsNEW--- * ? ? ?* Top NoTcH Quality * last day- - available N O W -100** Specials - 19
(59 Southwest Hwy Kirby/All areas)
60♥ SpEcIAL♥I Can Help Find♡Exactly What You're Missing - 22
(Houston, 45 north side 1960 Tx8 Greenspoint)
52 i.n.c.h @$$ °EVA DA BEAST° {S. Main } MEGA BOOTY *e.c.c.i.e. reviewd* REAL 44DDD_ Adorable Face - 21
(Houston, S. main 610 area/ out 2 u)
50 Special* GFE*Multiples* I'm Everything You Want and Need!100.SUPER WeTT & Ready Become A Regular - 20
(north houston)
50 Special* GFE*Multiples* Fantasy* Just For You..100.SUPER WeTT & Ready Become A Regular - 20
(north houston)
$50 SPECIAL ◄ ErOtiC Ebony GODDE$$A v A i L a b L e ** N o W - 25
(Westheimer/Dairy Ashford/I-10/Beltway 8)
24/7 ~ UP LATE / UP EarLy ~ ANY TiMe > > I'm UP & ReadY > 24/7 AVAILABLE NOW!!! - 20
(Midtown,Galleria,Downtown Area)
===> { $100 Hr Special } cUm _F**K __ tHiS Pu$$y _ sLoppY WeTT _ suPeR TigHt _ { $100 Hr INcall } - 21
(Bush Airport/North Houston/Greenspoint)
100, 80, 60 Specials All Day Incall ***$$$*** Come Relax & Unwind ***$$$*** Friday Specials - 24
(Houston, (Southwest Incalls) (All Over Outcalls))
Mon 13 Jan
* HouSToN!...i'M HeRe!! *♥* ReaDy To PleaSe » [(¯ SiZzLiN' HoTT *EbOnY* SpiNNeR ´¯)] - 24
(Galleria (Incalls/Outcalls))
Sun 12 Jan
~ * ~ BRUN3TT3 ~ * ~ * ~ * C@UcAs!@N ~ * ~ * ~ * GR3@T @SS3Ts ~ * ~ * ~ * J3RS3y V!LL@G3 / 290 ARE@ - 25
-: L()()KS G()()DDD ....BUT____ FEELS___ EVEN___ BETTER$100 outcall Specials :--:✦ - 21
(Houston, All Houston only out calls)
-: L()()KS G()()DDD ....BUT____ FEELS___ EVEN___ BETTER$150 outcall Specials :--:✦ - 21
(Houston, All Houston only out calls)
----** FAMOUS **---- JuST GeTTiNG oFF WoRK??? ---- uP aLL NiGHT---- HiGHLY ReVieWeD ---- XOXO ---- - 22
--- *FAMOUS* ---YoUR TRuE GiRL NeXT DooR--- **WeLL ReVieWeD** ---eVeRY MaNS FaNTaCY!!! --- - 22
*[★] JuSt WhAt ThE DoCtOr OrDeReD ★ *80 SPECIAL[★ ] AVAIL 24hrs - 25
(Houston, GREENSPOINT/45 @Rakin)
Give to my Toys for Tarts drive, and you can be bad with a good conscience! - 51
(Ranging the Houston area and far beyond.)
(($1OO$)) ♥ (*HoT BrUnEtTe*) (*FrEaKy FuN*) (*GrEaT ReViEwS*) ♥ (($1OO$)) - 25
(♥ Galleria Incall ♥)
Sat 11 Jan
MY ♥o°• CANDY •°o♥o°• SHOP •°o♥o°••°o♥o°• NEVER •°o♥o°• CLOSES •°o♥ - 24
(Houston, All areas of Houston and outskirts)
* ~ * 2 girls * ~ * Independent * ~ * Have Both or Just One.Your Choice * ~ * EAST HOUSTON - 22
(East Houston/ Baytown)
Ms. Elizabeth ~ 8*3*2 * 2*0*8 *6*6*6*5 ~ OUT~ CALL ~ ONLY ~ 60 ~ SPECIAL ~ !!!! - 20
(Houston, 45 NORTH/BELTWAY 8/ GREENS rd.)
lets have fun alisha is back thick in sexy in all the right places 24/7 - 26
(Houston, southwest...hwy 6.. katy..incall&outcall;)
___ BBW CHoCo SWeeTHeaRT ..... CoMe oVeR HeRe aND SPReaD MY LeGS aPaRT !!! ___ - 24
(290 & Fairbanks ( IN-CALL ONLY ))
!!!!! INCALL Special!!!!! Get Your Piece of this GFE Cutie with a NICE BIG BOOTY! - 21
(Incall Galleria/Greenway Outcall ALL Hou)
DALLAS#1 MiXeD BeAuTy....* ~** K.I.N.K.Y & K.R.E.A.M.Y*~** 36 GG's!!! FrIdAy FuN & So MuCh PlEaSuRe - 22
..~~**~~.. C-U-M Inside & C Me ..~~**~~.. *FAMOUS* ..~~**~~.. HoT YoUNG - BLoNDE - NYMPHo ..~~**~~.. - 22