Thu 13 Feb
Mon 27 Jan
Jasmine 80 100 SPECIALS ! ThA dEEpER U gO ThA wEtTeR iT GeTs!!°¤°Cum & See°¤°- GFE for you - Call! - 23
(Bissonett 59 SW Southwest Frwy)
► I'M 62 with BIG BOOBS, BIG BRAINS & a small BOOTY! LOL ◄ Incall/$200 an hour. - 62
♥ § i M p L y ♥ § T u N N i N g (S)(u)(P)(e)(R) (-S-w-E-e-T-) ° ° (C)(u)(T)(i)(E) - 28
(all over houston)
££££ I have really good over night deals so call JEWELS ££££ - 23
(Houston, houston area will travel)
last day visiting ✦ CHERRI LUST ✦ ℵew BBW ℘orn Star ✦ 44DDD & 68" oF ASS - 26
(Greenspoint Mall Area)
****$80 °*° KNO CK °*° OUT °*° CUT IE °* ViSiTiNG*** _____ - 24
(290 Your Place Or Mine.....)
StaRt yoUr WeEk RigHT wiTh A TriP 2 Paradise YOU deserve the bESt ....So Here I Am - 27
(Clearlake, ,League City, Texas City)
Female Owned And Operated - Make Between $1,200 And $1,400 Per Day Escorting - All Expenses Paid!!!
(Beaumont/Pt Arthur, College Station, Galveston, Houston, Huntsville)
Sun 12 Jan
=== === BUSTY === === BLONDE === === ALL AMERICAN === === PLAYMATE === === FOR YOU === ===
Sat 11 Jan
Fri 10 Jan
KAT! Premier Austin Indy w/ Top-Notch Reputation for Reliability, Personality, and SKILLZ!
Looking for the full fun package with a unique lady of excellent reputation? - 53
(Houston, Wherever you need me to be!)
Thu 09 Jan
I don't want you to come and go. I Want You to Stay! Reviewers agree, "This is different!" - 43
Wed 08 Jan
I CaN tAkE yoU on A TrIP that NASA cant EvEN ReacH....CaN U HandlE thE riDe - 27
(Clearlake, ,League City, Texas City)
BIG THICK LADIES - 2 ItaLianas & a BiG BooTy CUBANA _-hablo espanol-_ *$110* FOR A FULL HOUR!! - 20
(SW Houston/ Sugarland)
Tue 07 Jan
Beautiful hazel eyed all american open minded and loves to have a great time - 24
(all of Houston and surrounding areas)
Mon 06 Jan
~*~KeEpiN Houston HOTTER!! JuSt FoR YOU!! ~*~ Sweet N Petite GFE Latina!! ~*~
(North Houston!! Call Me!! 24/7!(:)
last day visiting ✦ CHERRI LUST ✦ ℵew BBW ℘orn Star ✦ 44DDD & 68" oF ASS - 26
(Greenspoint Mall Area)
BIG THICK LADIES, PLUMP ASS CuBAnA & BLONDE iTaLiaNa>> _-hablo espanol-_ *$110* FOR A FULL HOUR!! - 20
*Updated* ((Pretty Ebony ladies)) NoW u hAvE a AgEnCy!_NUBIAN NIGHTS_cash 4 BiG bOoTy CuTiEs! - 100
(Houston, Houston/Galveston/Beaumont/Dallas/Austin)
Sun 05 Jan
Mature, mischievous, and Irish, this redhead gives you great value for your green! - 54
(Houston, Incall near Spring, outcall far beyond.)
BIG THICK LADIES - 2 ItaLianas with BiG JiGGly MeLons!!! _-hablo espanol-_ *$110* FOR A FULL HOUR!! - 20
(SW Houston/ Sugarland)
Sat 04 Jan
#1Busy Agency has Openings!! No Car - No Exp - Accommodations - Make $$$$ Today - 21
(Houston, Houston & Willowbrook Mall Area.)
Fri 03 Jan
GFE **** The Gentelmans Choice ***** PSE 6am-3pm specials - 23
(Humble,Galleria ,Kingwood and Deerbrook)
Get Hired 2day! ((Pretty Ebony ladies)) NoW u hAvE a AgEnCy!_NUBIAN NIGHTS_cash 4 BiG bOoTy CuTiEs! - 100
(Houston, Houston/Galveston/Beaumont/Dallas/Austin)
Beautiful open minded all american that loves to have a great time - 24
(all of Houston and surrounding areas)
I don't want you to come and go. I Want You to Stay! You will gasp but you will last! - 43
Thu 02 Jan