Mon 27 Jan
***** F R i d A y _____N i GH t _______ F r E a K ***** AVAILABLE ALL NIGHT - 23
(290 and beltway 8)
__classy ,sassy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ *THuRsDaY TReaSuRe *..... PL ea SuRe .aWaiTs U * - 27
(northwest 290)
☆☆ Th!CK, ( . )BuSTy( . ), Ch0CoLaTe & S3XY $LuT waiting 2 SeRVe U!!! ☆ - 20
Sat 11 Jan
** GOT tha T h U R s D a Y b L u E s ??. ______OR _______jUsT nEEd 2 GeTaWaY ** - 30
(290 and beltway 8)
Fri 10 Jan
____ ______ ______ __ * LeT SaNtas (h)ea(d) HeLPeR, hELp YoU *_ ____ ______ _______ ______ ____ - 27
(out//everywhere OR__CuMe cLiMb iN!!)
Thu 09 Jan
........ AvAiLAbLe NoW ...... ,s Xy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ *MoNDaY MaDNeSS *....PLeASuRe A wAiTs - 30
(northwest 290)
** ___ NeW ___ ** ____ ** WaNNa x X x pLaY **_____ ** ___ PiCs ___ ** THUR$day $eductions ** - 27
(northwest 290 n Hollister in,all houston)
Tue 07 Jan
***** F i R s T __T H i N g S _______ F i R s T ***** M o N D a Y M o R N i N g H e L p is HeRe - 29
(290 and beltway 8)
........ AvAiLAbLe NoW ...... ,cLaSSy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ * GeTaWaY *....PLeASuRe A wAiTs - 30
(northwest 290)
........ AvAiLAbLe NoW ........ ,sX(x)Xy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ *S a T u R D a Y SeDuCtDreSS *.... - 30
(northwest 290)
... 5'10 160 sLiM n tha WaiSt PuRttY n tha FaCe.. tHiCK n tha RiGHt pLaCe PLeAsUrE at its best !! - 28
(59s beltway hobby outcalls all over)
.iF YOU DiDnT gEt eNuF STuFFiNg oN THaNkSgiViNg sEE mE ** DiScReet and CLEAN INCALL... - 30
(290 and beltway 8)
Mon 06 Jan
.. . ChEcK tHa PaWpRiNt !!! RiGHt AbOVe iT ... GoTTa WiLd SiDe ??? FeTiSh PRoViDeR ... VeRiFieD - 30
(290 and beltway 8 &610)
........ AvAiLAbLe NoW ...... ,sX(x)Xy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ *MoNDaY MaDNeSS *....PLeASuRe A wAiTs - 30
(northwest 290)
Sun 05 Jan
......LeT mE bE tHe ToPPiNg 4 uR SuNDaY ... !!!!!! im sensual personal and UNLIKE no OtHeR.. - 30
(290 and beltway 8 &610)
** ___ NeW ___ ** _____ ** WaNNa x X x pLaY **_____ ** ___ PiCs ___ ** TUE$day $eductions ** - 27
(northwest 290 n Hollister in,all houston)
Sat 04 Jan
... .. L (o)(o)KiN tO pLaY !!!!! SW FeTISh PROviDeR ... ReAdY !! - 28
(59s beltway hobby outcalls all over)
........((JuSt gOttA ..(0)c(0) .. tHiS)) ........Gr8 ReVieWs. ..on eCCie .
(northwest 290 n Hollister in,all houston)
HURRY leaving 4 AUSTIN ** NeW ** WaNNa x X x pLaY ** PiCs ___ ** $aturday $eductions ** - 27
(northwest 290 n Hollister in,all houston)
Fri 03 Jan
*** L (o) (o) K i N 4 t H e D i F F e R e N c e?? im sensual personal and UNLIKE no OtHeR - 30
(290 and beltway 8 &610)
Beautiful, classy,sexy, mature companion new to texas - 38
(Galveston, Galveston,Clearlake,LaMarque,Texas City.)
.. .... M a N i C M o N D a Y FuN? .... FeTiSh FaNTaSy PrOViDeR .... GoTTa WiLd SiDe ??? - 30
(290 and beltway 8 &610)
Thu 02 Jan
...M o N D a Y TrEaSurE .. ?? WaNNa RiDe oN WiLd SiDe ? FeTiSh PRoViDeR - 30
(290 and beltway 8 &610)