Mon 27 Jan
Incall Special CLassY Brunette ♥ G ** F ** E ** * Private Incall SW/Outcall ALL Houston - 30
(SW galleria area incall/outcall houston)
Houston and surr areas Kingwood, Woodlands, Pearland, Clearlake, Stafford anywhere you need me! - 30
(incall galleria area/outcall all houston)
Houston and surr areas Kingwood, Woodlands, Pearland, Clearlake, Stafford anywhere you need me! - 30
(incall galleria area/outcall all houston)
-- ♥- HOT-♥- SEXY -♥- G* F* E- ♥- private* Incall / Outcall all Houston - 30
(SW galleria area incall/outcall houston)
Houston and surr areas Kingwood, Woodlands, Pearland, Clearlake, Stafford, Conroe, Richmond, Ect.... - 30
(incall galleria area/outcall all houston)
Hot new sexy babe Lisa avaliable for outcall!!! 832 209 9761 - 21
(Houston, Outcall Only All Over 24-7)
HoTT *** Brunette *** G ** F ** E ** =_♥_= -:¦: Private Incall SW area/ outcall all houston - 30
(SW galleria area incall/outcall houston)
NO RUSH *** Sexy *** Classy *** Hottie *** Incall / Outcall all Houston - 30
(SW galleria area incall/outcall houston)
~~~~ **** Latina Honey Bunny's Waiting For Your Call ~~~~ ***** ~~~~~ - 25
(SW galleria area incall/outcall houston)
Hot & Seductive ♥ CLASSY ♥ Ask *About* Special * Private Incall SW/Outcall ALL Houston
(SW galleria area incall/outcall houston)
HoT *** Brunette *** G ** F ** E ** =_♥_= -:¦: Private Incall SW area/ outcall all houston - 30
(SW galleria area incall/outcall houston)
Hot & Seductive ♥ CLASSY ♥ G ** F ** E ** * Private Incall SW/Outcall ALL Houston - 30
(SW galleria area incall/outcall houston)
Hot & Seductive ♥ Naughty ♥ Ask *About* Special * Private Incall SW/ Outcall houston
(SW galleria area incall/outcall houston)
Hot & Seductive & CLASSY Brunette ♥ G ** F ** E ** * Private Incall SW/Outcall ALL Houston - 30
(SW galleria area incall/outcall houston)
_____Hot All American Babe ______ Ask * About * Special * Private Incall /Outcall all Houston - 30
(incall SW area area/outcall all houston)
********** Hey Guys Up Late *********** Incall SW area/ Outcall All houston surr areas 24/7 - 30
(incall SW area area/outcall all houston)
G** F ** E ***** 24/7 **** Play **** Time **** Incall / Outcall all Houston & surr areas - 30
(incall SW area area/outcall all houston)
G * F * E Sexy Brunette 24/7 ****** ****** Private Incall /Outcall all Houston - 30
(galleria area incall/ outcall al houston)
G * F * E Sexy Brunette 24/7 ****** FIREWORKS ****** Private Incall /Outcall all Houston - 30
(galleria area incall/ outcall al houston)
Classy __ Sexy __ Brunette __ Play __ Time ___ Private Incall /Outcall all Houston - 30
(incall SW area area/outcall all houston)
Classy __ Sexy ___ Just What The Doctor Ordered __ Private Incall SW area / Outcall All Houston - 30
Classy *** All *** American *** Hottie *** Incall SW area/ Outcall All houston 24/7 all night long - 30
(incall SW area area/outcall all houston)
Classy *** All *** American *** Hottie *** Incall SW area/ Outcall All houston surr areas 24/7 - 30
(incall SW area area/outcall all houston)
Classy 5 Star***** S--E--X--Y Girl ** Next ** Door ** Private incall SW area/ outcall all houston - 30
(incall SW area area/outcall all houston)
Classy 5 Star***** S--E--X--Y Girl ** Next ** Door ** Private incall SW area/ outcall all houston - 30
(incall SW area area/outcall all houston)
******** Call Me Baby ******* I Got What U Want ***** Private Incall galleria / Outcall all Houston - 30
(incall galleria area/outcall all houston)
Ask * About * Special ___Seductive and Naughty ___ (NEVER * RUSH) Incall/ outcall - 30
(galleria area incall/ outcall al houston)
Are * * You * * Up * * LATE * * TONIGHT * * Me * To * * Private Incall SW area/ outcall all houston - 30
(SW galleria area incall/outcall houston)
Ask * About * Special ____ Seductive____ Beautiful ___ Classy ____ Private INCALL / OUTCALL - 30
(incall galleria area/outcall all houston)
Ask * About * Special ** Girl ** Next ** Door ** Private incall SW area/ outcall all houston - 30
(incall SW area area/outcall all houston)
Ask * About * Special ____ Seductive____ Beautiful ___ Classy ____ Private INCALL / OUTCALL - 30
(incall galleria area/outcall all houston)
Ask About Special -- ♥- HOT-♥- SEXY -♥- Naughty - ♥- private* Incall S - 30
(SW galleria area incall/outcall houston)
G * F * E Classy __ Sexy __ Brunette __ Play __ Time ___ Private Incall /Outcall all Houston - 30
(galleria area incall/ outcall al houston)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 26
(♥ Houston/ALL surr areas ♥)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(_♥_ HoUsToN/SuRr ArEaS _♥_)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL - 26
(Houston/ALL surr areas)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(Houston/all surr areas)
=_♥_= ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE =_♥_= WeLL ReViEwEd =_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(Houston ALL surr areas)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL - 26
(Houston In's & Out's)
=_♥_= ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE =_♥_= WeLL ReViEwEd =_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(Houston ALL surr areas)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(♥ Houston In's & Out's ♥)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN SeXxXy BLoNdE)) =_♥_= (( WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(Houston/surr areas)
=_♥_= ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE =_♥_= WeLL ReViEwEd =_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(♥ Houston ALL surr areas ♥)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL - 26
(Houston ALL surr areas)
=_♥_= ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE =_♥_= WeLL ReViEwEd =_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(_♥_ HoUsToN/ SuRr ArEas_♥_)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL - 26
(Houston In's & Out's)
(* 1OO% ReAL PiCs *) * *SwEeT *&* SeXxXy* * (*WeLL ((ReViEwEd)) BLoNdE*) - 25
(Houston In's & Out's)
Sun 12 Jan
☆ __ GrEaT ReViEwS ( *Hot BLoNDe* ) __ ♥ __ ExTrA NaUgHtY __ ( *1OO% REAL* ) __ ☆ - 26
(Houston In's & Out's)
24/7 **** Play **** Time **** Incall / Outcall all Houston & surr areas - 30
(incall SW area area/outcall all houston)
Sat 11 Jan
☆ (B)l(O) _n_ (D)e (G)o_(N)_e (W)i_(L)_d G_(rE)_aT Re_(ViEwS) ☆ - 25
(☆ Houston/all surr areas ☆)
☆ (B)l(O) _n_ (D)e (G)o_(N)_e (W)i_(L)_d G_r(E)_aT Re_(ViEwS) ☆ - 25
(Houston/all surr areas)
-- ♥- HOT-♥- SEXY -♥- G* F* E- ♥- private* Incall / Outcall all Houston - 30
(SW galleria area incall/outcall houston)
Ask * About * Special ***** Classy 5 Star ***** private***** Incall SW area/ Outcall houston 24/7 - 30
(incall SW area area/outcall all houston)
Fri 10 Jan
5 STAR TREAT ♥ Th!cK Th!GhS __5★ ★ VaNiLlA JUICY BoOtTy150 OUTCALLS! - 21
(in-hobby out-houston and surr areas)
Kinky ___ Classy __ Sexy __ Brunette ___ Play __ Time ___ Private Incall /Outcall all Houston - 30
(incall SW area area/outcall all houston)
Thu 09 Jan
********Good Morning Guys ******* Any Time ***** Private Incall galleria / Outcall all Houston - 30
(incall galleria area/outcall all houston)
(* 1OO% ReAL PiCs *) * *SwEeT *&* SeXxXy* * ((*WeLL ReViEwEd BLoNdE*)) - 25
(Houston/ALL surr areas)
Tue 07 Jan
G **** F **** E *** Hottie *** NO RUSH ** Private Incall SW area / outcall anywhere - 30
(incall galleria area/outcall all houston)
G * F * E Classy __ Sexy __ Brunette __ Play __ Time ___ Private Incall /Outcall all Houston - 30
(galleria area incall/ outcall al houston)
******** Call Me Baby ******* Any Time ***** Private Incall galleria / Outcall all Houston - 30
(incall galleria area/outcall all houston)
Ask * About * Special ___Seductive and Naughty ___ (NEVER * RUSH) Incall/ outcall - 30
(galleria area incall/ outcall al houston)
Mon 06 Jan
Kinky *** Good Morning Guys *** Incall SW area/ Outcall All houston surr areas 24/7 - 30
(incall SW area area/outcall all houston)
♥ Latina Horny Bunny's Waiting For Your Call ♥ No Rush ♥ 120 SPECIAL of $120.00 - 25
(SW galleria area incall/outcall houston)
~~~~ **** Latina Honey Bunny's Waiting For Your Call ~~~~ ***** ~~~~~ - 25
(SW galleria area incall/outcall houston)
G **** F **** E *** Hottie*** B R U E T T E ** Private Incall SW area / outcall anywhere - 30
(incall galleria area/outcall all houston)
Ask _ About _ Special _ Smart _ Beautiful _ Classy _Naughty _ private incall SW area/outcall houston - 30
(SW galleria area incall/outcall houston)
Ask * About * Special _____ Seductive and Naughty ____NO * RUSH * INCALL / OUTCALL - 30
(incall galleria area/outcall all houston)
Ask * About * Special _____ Seductive and Naughty ___ 5 Star ***** Private INCALL / OUTCALL - 30
(incall galleria area/outcall all houston)
Sun 05 Jan
Classy __ Sexy __ Eatable __ Brunette **Ask * About * Special Private Incall /Outcall all Houston - 30
(incall SW area area/outcall all houston)
G **** F **** E *** Hottie*** B R U E T T E ** Private Incall SW area / outcall anywhere - 30
(incall galleria area/outcall all houston)
G * F * E Sexy Brunette 24/7 ****** ****** Private Incall /Outcall all Houston - 30
(galleria area incall/ outcall al houston)
Sat 04 Jan
(* 1OO% ReAL PiCs *) * *SwEeT *&* SeXxXy* * ((*WeLL (ReViEwEd) BLoNdE*)) - 25
(Houston/All surr areas)
☆ __ GrEaT ReViEwS ( *Hot BLoNDe* ) ♥ __ ExTrA NaUgHtY __ ( *1OO% REAL* ) __ ☆ - 26
(Houston In's & Out's)
♥ Latina Horny Bunny's Waiting For Your Call ♥ No Rush ♥ - 25
(SW galleria area incall/outcall houston)
G **** F **** E *** Hottie*** B R U E T T E ** Private Incall SW area / outcall anywhere - 30
(incall galleria area/outcall all houston)
Ask _ About _ Special _ Smart _ Beautiful _ Classy _Naughty _ private incall SW area/outcall houston - 30
(SW galleria area incall/outcall houston)
Fri 03 Jan
♥ Latina Horny Bunny's Waiting For Your Call ♥ No Rush ♥ 120 SPECIAL of $120.00 - 25
(SW galleria area incall/outcall houston)
G *** F *** E ***** SEXY **** Today Special * *** Private Incall / Outcall all Houston - 30
(galleria area incall/ outcall al houston)
******** Hey Guys ******* Any Time ***** Private Incall galleria / Outcall all Houston - 30
(incall galleria area/outcall all houston)