Mon 27 Jan
!!! -------------- MIMI SPA ---------- Hot & Sexy ---------- NEW STAFF -------------- !!! - 28
(990 FM 1960 West, Houston TX 77090)
Mature Super Busty beauty overflowing w passion ready to shower u w exactly what u pics! - 45
(City of Houston, Galleria Area, Houston)
M * I * N * D * * B * L * O * W * I * N * G * * E * X * S * P * E * R * I * A * N * C * E * * - 23
((Westheimer/Beltway 8))
~44DDD Mega-Busty LATINA MAYA~ NO HOLES B@RRED @CTION / S@TISF@CTION ~ $100 Hr 24/7 ! ~ Cum On Baby - 28
M * I * N * D * * B * L * O * W * I * N * G * * E * X * S * P * E * R * I * A * N * C * E * *
((Westheimer/Beltway 8))
Mariah Moore and Vivian Raye...Have HIT HOUSTON >>>>> Kum Get These WET Kitties!! $60 QQ - 23
It's my last night in town and I would love to go out! Well reviewed blonde G*F*E/VIP for you! - 24
(Galleria Mall OR Out to you!)
It Takes 2 Hands To Handle My 60" WHOPPER Badunkadunk ASS & 48 FFF Cups! Just $60! 30 Mins! UNREAL!! - 35
Its me* Its me* who would you rather it be @ Back In Town @ attractive / addictive @ availabl - 18
★ Im Th€ ( €XoTiC ~ CuT!€ ) U WiSh £iV€d N€Xt DooR ★ iTs PlA¥TiM€:). [ SuPEr * KiNKy ! ] - 22
I want to P L E A S E YOU in E V E R Y way possible ! My pictures say it all ! Open me up :) - 18
(Houston, highway 6 and 290 west houston)
I will make ur day! im told i look better in person! Master of pleasure" quality in many ways" !! - 25
(Houston, laporte channelview baytown I10 east)
I Go Above & Beyond To See That You Are 110% Satisfied... 18 yr old, open-minded, FREAK!! - 18
(290/hwy 6)
❤❤Hwy 6❤1960❤❤L00K❤Hablo Español❤Call Me❤St0p I DARE you too OPeN! U Will❤FAll❤Inl0ve❤ - 23
(Houston, 290 / Hwy 6 / Cy Fair/ 1960 /Call 4 spc!)
💋★• _ I_ _DO_ _IT_ _ •★• _ _W_A_Y _ •★• _B_E_T_T_E_R _ _ •★SeXXy BLonD💋 - 23
(Houston, Houston all locations outcall only)
HouSToN, iT's TrUe ☠ DaLLaS GiRLs Do It BeTTeR ... cHoCoLaTe GiRLs GeT WeTTeR ☠ - 24
(Medical Center (In's/Out's))
HouSToN, iT's TrUe ☠ DaLLaS GiRLs Do It BeTTeR ☠ cHoCoLaTe GiRLs GeT WeTTeR! - 24
(Galleria/Westheimer (In's/Out's))
💜✨💛 Hott‼️ Petite 💁🏻 Foreign & Sexy 😻Soft bubble Booty 💦 Indian American 💚✨❤️ - Hey I'm Channel💋 - 21
(City of Houston, Houston, Outcalls)
HoTT & WeTT... ReAdY & wAiTiNg//// {{INCALL SPECIALS NoW aVaILaBLe}} - 24
(45n/fm1960 incall & I will come 2 u.)
♥ HOT ::: BrUnEtTe BaBe ::: StuNNiNg CuRvEs ♥ ReViEwEd :::SqUiRtEr:::: 120/60 - 25
(IN- 45 N /BeLtWaY 8 (120/60) REVIEWED)
💎💋hot brunette 💋MS.Jade💋 the one you won't forget 💋💎 - 24
(City of Houston, Houston, Missouri City, outcalls only, Pearland, Sugar Land, The Woodlands)
Horny ,Drippin ,Wet$60>> IM THE CURE >> $100 >> FOR YOUR SWEET TOOTH $160>> - 19
(All areas near U)
🌺💕Honduran Beauty🌺💕New in Town💖🍭🍇Slippery Fun ☔️🍊🌴🌺🌈Super Sweet🌴🌺 - 20
(City of Houston, Galveston, Galveston/Webster/Dickinson, Houston, I10 hwy6 Katy Sugarland 610 SW pearland)
Hot commodity Tall Blonde Spinner Very Spontanious All Natural - 21
(Sugarland/katy/sw fwy/all over)
~~~~ *** Holiday Specials ~~ Bubbly All Natural Blonde Beauty ~~~ Looking 4 Regulars ~~~ - 25
(Houston, Galleria Area - Can Travel Anywhere)
$# HEY DADDY Cum Have A ultimate experienceGFE with new TIGHT PUSSY MYA##$$ - 18
(richmond & beltway 8)
**hAve A carAmel Sundae With me on tOp**Call Now lunch time Specials - 19
★♡ HeLLo ! ♡★ == ( Gorgeous MiX GiRL ) === (Flat-Stomach ) = CALL ME Im always Ready: 36 DD's & SoFt - 20
(Houston, SUGARLAND / STAFFORD / Belt 8 / 59 South)
*-:¦:-° HAPPY 4TH OF JULY*-:¦:-° HeLLo Gentlemen of Houston Best WeTT WETT - 19
(Richmond & Beltway 8)
★ ——— ❤ ——— ★ ——— ❤ ——— █ ❤ H I G H L Y★ A D D I C T I V E ❤ █ ——— ❤ ——— ★ ——— ❤——— ★ - 19
(Houston, SW Houston- Katy)
$# HEY Cum Have A ultimate experienceGFE with new TIGHT PUSSY MYA##$$ - 18 - 19
(Richmond & Beltway 8)
🍭🍭🍭 Head master goddess50/60/70special🍫🍫 Black Chyna💋💋💋2girl special just ask - 22
(45s, fuqa,hobby, beltway 8, NASA, clear, City of Houston, Houston)
☑ GrEaT SeRvIcE ☑ DaNgErOuS CuRvEs ☑ GiRlFrIeNd ExPeRiEnCe ★ - 25
(Incall-45 South/Beltway 8 SpEcIaLs!!)
Girls are Sexy Guys Are Fine...I'll be your six if you'll be my nine... Yummy Mature BBW - 54
(Houston, Galleria/Inside the loop)
(5003 Antoine dr/713-269-1977)
(5003 Antoine dr/713-269-1977)
♥:: • [ FLaWL€SS ] • ::♥ • [ S€DuCTIV€ ] • ♥:: • [ UNFoRG€TTABL€] ♥:: • - 19
(Houston, SW Houston- Katy)
((FrEaKy NyMpHo)) ((+)) (( gIrL nExT dOoR)) ((=)) ((YoUr CrEaM dReAmZ C*U*M tRuE)) ~SqUiRtEr~ - 25
(IN-HoBbY Area *SpecIaLs*)
....... ...... ..... FOR DISCREET GENTLEMEN ONLY...... ....... ........
(Galleria area Upscale Location)
E.X. T.R.E. M.E.L.¥. ==> S.E.X.X.¥ < == { P*L*E*A*S*U*R*E } == P.R.I.N.C.€.S.S - 19
(Houston, FM 1960 AND THE 45 FREEWAY ( in calls ))
-:¦:- ECCIE Reviewed .-:¦:- CHaRmInG BruNETTE °° .-:¦:- SeXxXi M$. BeNtLeY - 21
(hoUstON(hwy 6) incalls oNly)
█ ► • • • ► 💘💞( ( E V E R Y T H I N G ____ U R ____ L O O K I N G ____ F O R ) ) ) 💘💞 █ ► - 19
(Houston, FM 1960 AND THE 45 FREEWAY ( in calls ))
Ebony L♥vers' #1 Pick ⎷ ⎛ F L A W L E s S ☆ . * ☆ . BeAuTy!!!!! - 21
(Houston, Houston, All Houston only out call)
Doorstep Delivery "Exotic Cutie" Delivered 2 (Home, Apt, Hotel, Or Office) Let ME Come To U
(Your Place As Soon As U Call)
~~~~Don't Miss Out! ~~~ Hot Curvy Blonde From Next Door ~ Monday Specials 💝 ~~~~~~~~ - 25
(Houston, Houston/Galleria Incall - Can Travel)
(¯`'·.¸ ☆ ¸.·'´¯)_DOWN ON MY _KNeeS_ WiTH_ SHAMeLeSS_ CONFESSiONS (¯`'·.¸ ☆ ¸.·'´¯) - 20
~~~~ *** Don't Miss Out ! ~~ Classy All Natural Blonde Beauty ~~~ Monday Night Specials ~~~ - 25
(Houston, Houston Area - Can Travel Anywhere)
~~~~Don't Miss Out! ~~~~ Hot Curvy Blonde From Next Door ~ Afterwork Specials 💝 ~~~~~~~~~~ - 25
(Houston, Baytown/Channelview Incall - Can Travel)
Didn't get enough tender white breasts, stuffing, pie? Then come see ME! - 53
(Houston, Deep South Ireland near Spring)
~~~~ *** Don't Miss Out ! ~~ Classy All Natural Blonde Beauty ~~~ Looking 4 Regulars ~~~ - 25
(Houston, Galleria/Houston Area - Can Travel)
Did Your Last Encounter Leave You Disappointed? No Worries Here, My Reviews Say It All! - 27
(Upscale Midtown Incall)
Dallas Exotic Spinner Has Touched Down In Your Lovely City! Come Experience The Time Of Your Life :) - 19
(West Loop South (Galleria Area))