Mon 27 Jan
Last Day In Houston and Outcalls to Downtown, Galleria, The Medical Center and Surrounding Areas
❥Cum and Play with (YOuR DreAm GiRL))aLL FanTaSieS FulLFilLed HeRe☆ - 24
I CaN KeEp yOuR SeCrEtS oR DrOp tO My kNeEs n bECoMe oNe!! CaUtIoN wEtTeR tHaN A SuBmArInE - 24
I CaN KeEp yOuR SeCrEtS oR DrOp tO My kNeEs n bECoMe oNe!! CaUtIoN wEtTeR tHaN A SuBmArInE - 24
I CaN KeEp yOuR SeCrEtS oR DrOp tO My kNeEs n bECoMe oNe!! CaUtIoN wEtTeR tHaN A SuBmArInE - 24
EXOTIC mixed (Puerto Rican/Ebony) PLAYMATE!!! COME GET A TASTE/ in & outcalls - 23
💰💋💎dimond💋💰💎😘💋you💋have 💎to💰 Come💋back 😍for❤️more❤️💋💰💎😘👯💖💖💖 - 21
(Houston, Outcall Spring Bush IAH Humble Woodland)
I CaN KeEp aLl yOuR SeCrETs BaBy...oR DrOp To mY KnEeS n bEcOMe OnE
(Stafford/Southwest Houston Private condo)
🌸Bunny & Friends 🌸 Gent's SO Call Now (Beauty @ Brains :-) Classy, Clean Fun
(Houston, Outcalls Outcalls Outcalls Outcalls)
████████▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ B U S T Y __A S I A N __K A R E N ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒████████ - 26
(Houston, Downtown/Medical Center/Galleria/INCALL)
B U S T Y ☼ A S I A N ☼ K A R E N ______________ ℡ 8 3 2 _ 2 7 1 _ 0 3 3 3 - 26
(Houston, Heights/Downtown/Medical Center/Galleria)
K A R E N 🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺 🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺 - 26
(Houston, Heights,Downtown,Medical,Center,Galleria)
K A R E N 🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺 🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺 - 26
(City of Houston, Heights,Downtown,Medical,Center,Galleria, Houston)
➜➜➜ A MUST SEE!! ▓▓▆▃✹▃▆▓▓ NEW 36DD BRUNETTE HOTTIE! Explosively Hot With A Body that don't stop - 29
(Houston, Medical Center Reliant Galleria Downtown)
281 570 5213 BLONDE 281 570 5213 XXX 281 570 5213 i can come 2 your place now - 19
Sun 26 Jan
independent massage/bodyrub incall and outcall 8329462684, downtown, medical center, galleria, midtown
(Medical, Downtown, Galleria,)
independent massage/bodyrub incall and outcall 8329462684, downtown, medical center, galleria, midtown
(Medical, Downtown, Galleria,)
independent massage/bodyrub incall and outcall 8329462684, downtown, medical center, galleria, midtown
(Medical, Downtown, Galleria,)
Sun 12 Jan
——— ★ ———Looking for a busty PlayMate? Classy VIP Brunette 281-616-5745 LIZ ——— ★ ——— - 28
(Houston, Galleria Heights Med center Woodlands)
B U S T Y ♡ A S I A N ♡ K A R E N ________℡ 8 3 2 _ 2 7 1 _ 0 3 3 3 - 26
(Houston, Heights/Downtown/Medical Center/Galleria)
Sat 11 Jan
It's another cold night but the HOTTEST REDHEAD GFE in Houston knows how to warm you up!!! - 35
(Houston Metro Area)
*FliP & TurN Me * -:¦:-In EvErY WaY -:¦:- FlExiBlE HoTTie* - 24
(SouthWest Houston In/Out All Over)
_________ ________ B__U__S__T__Y ______ A__S__I__A__N ______ K__A__R__E__N ________ _________ - 26
(Houston, Heights/Downtown/Medical Center/Galleria)
Fri 10 Jan
I CaN KeEp aLl yOuR SeCrETs BaBy...oR DrOp To mY KnEeS n bEcOMe OnE
(Stafford/Southwest Houston Private condo)
Thu 09 Jan
☎ ♛ Mz.Bs♛ ✘Upscale✘ℴ Uℓtiℳαtε❣ Busty ♥ §εχγ *♥ ♨️Steamy♨️ EbOny ρℓαγβυηη¥ ♥ ♡ - 29
(Baytown, City of Houston, Conroe, Houston, i45 North (๏人 ๏) 610 West rd, Missouri City, Pasadena, Pearland, Sugar Land, The Woodlands)
Wed 08 Jan
_________ ________ B__U__S__T__Y ______ A__S__I__A__N ______ K__A__R__E__N ________ __________ - 26
(Houston, Heights/Downtown/Medical Center/Galleria)
☑1OO% Independent ☑1OO% SeXy & ReaDy! ☑ 1OO% Total Package!!! - 24
(SouthWest Houston In/Out All Over)
Tue 07 Jan
CALL ME!! 832 272 0288 Immediately Available Blonde " HOT YOUNG SNOW BUNNY " - 20
(katy,cypress,249,290,HWY 6 the heights)
█▒ _100% _® € A L_ ▒█ █▒__B Ü S T Y _ Ä S I Ä N _ K Ä R € N__▒█ █▒ _100% _I N D € P € N D € N †_ ▒█ - 26
(Houston, Downtown/Medical Center/Galleria/INCALL)
████████▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ B U S T Y __A S I A N __K A R E N ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒████████ - 26
(Houston, Downtown/Medical Center/Galleria/INCALL)
Mon 06 Jan
_________ ________ B__Ü__S__T__Y ______ A__S__Ï__Ä__N ______ K__Ä__R__Ë__N ________ _________ - 26
(Houston, Heights/Downtown/Medical Center/Galleria)
B U S T Y ♀ A S I A N ♀ K A R E N _________ ℡ 8 3 2 _ 2 7 1 _ 0 3 3 3 - 26
(Houston, Heights/Downtown/Medical Center/Galleria)
Happy New Year H-O-U-S-T-O-N!! Bring in YouR New YeaR WitH CaliFoRniA's FiNesT!!
(Galleria//Downtown// Medical Center)
Sun 05 Jan
Sat 04 Jan
60hhr (incall spcl) HOT & TASTY ebony YOUNG & FLAWLESS!!! **Outcalls Available** - 21
(Houston, 45 NORTH/1960/WOODLANDS/BUSH/JFK/290)
Fri 03 Jan
**CLaSsY ** BuT **NasTY ** BLoNde ** FrEaK ** & WaItInG 4 U!!!! **** (( SpEcIaL )) - 36
(Houston, 59 & HILCROFT)
LATE NIGHT FANTASY BABE ))) 281-901-2324 ((( tall, sexy, clean, beautiful, friendly, relaxed - 23
For a LimiTeD TiMe OnLy YoU CaN ExPeRiEnCe the BesT with CaLiFoRnIa's HoTTesT AduLt SpoKeSModeL
(Galleria and Surrounding Area)
Thu 02 Jan