Mon 27 Jan
(F)_(O)_(R) _____ (P) _ (L) _ (E) _ (A) _ (S) _ (U) _ (R) _ (E) ____ ===> _ ( CLICK_HERE ) - 28
°°*☆( =F_L_ ¡_R_T_y= __ ★__ = _r_o_T_¡_© = __ ★_ ) ° °*☆new pics!!! - 20
(Stafford ☆Local Houston)
✔ ExTrEmELy PeRfeCt AsS *ShAvEd KiTtY ☃ AmAziNg SeRviCe ♋ ReAl PhoToS!!! - 26
(northwest houston/outcalls all over hous)
💫Exotic Princess👑 §∈xxY L¡P§ & H¡P§💍 ⓓⓞⓛⓛⓕⓐ©ⓔ ØN€ DØS€ & YØUR HØØK€D 💎👑 αvαiℓ➜N0W 🍸 - 21
(City of Houston, Houston, Pasadena, clearlake,hobby45S, nasa)
★ [[ ExOtic Eb0nY bEaUtY ]] * UnFoRgEttAbLe ExXxPeRiEnCe * [[ ExXxtreme GFE ]]★ - 20
(59 Southwest Hwy Galleria Area( New Pix))
Exclusive & Young Sexy Blonde *Stunning & Stellar* (( *G*F*E* )) Classy & The Total Package - 21
(Westheimer & 610)
Experience Mature Playmate Established /Ready for a Real Gentleman.$80 incall special - 35
Exotic Barbie Girl Lo ve Fetish Dont waist your time with the those non Talented Girls Call me!!!! - 21
(Houston, I10 and Highway 6)
*ExoTic Mix SweethearT * GerMan JamaCiaN Mix * Wanna PlaY AroUnd NakEd Tonight * - 19
❤ ❤ 💋 ExOtiC, and SeXy ❤ ⭐I'm Ready CoMe & GeT Me 💋 🌞 💋 24/7 In/Out Calls 🌚 $pecial$ 💖 💋 - 25
(Pasadena, Hobby)
Evry Womans Worst Nightmare! __ Bootylicious Action & Satisfaction 24-7 ! __ Evry Mans Dream Tru! - 28
(4ODDBabe $80 NoTime Limits 610 Loop)
© Eva Da Beast © 40DD & 48" @SS █ BLK/LATINA █ aLL rAcE fRiEnDLy SPCL! - 21
(Houston, In/Out 610,59,i10,bltway,katy)
Evry Womans Worst Nightmare! _____ BOOTYLICIOUS ___ ACTION & SATISFACTION _____ Evry Mans DreamTru! - 30
Ever wondered what it would be like to have your own personal "Genie in a Bottle"? - 36
(Northside of Houston)
💕Everything You Want & Need💕 Out/ Only - 21
(Galleria , Clearlake , Sugar Land, Katy, Houston, The Woodlands)
Evry Womans Worst Nightmare ___ Bootylicious Action & Satisfaction $10O___ Evry Mans Dream CUM Tru ! - 30
(NoRushing BootyliciousBabe 610 Loop)
Every Womans Worst Nightmare! __ Bootylicious SatisfAction $80hr_ Every Mans FUCKIN Dream CUM True! - 30
(I-10@Voss or 290@610 or 59@ Westpark)
❤ °°•★•°° ExOtIc 1 Of A KiNd °°•★•°° ❤ 50/ 100 /150 $pecials - 25
(Houston, Westheimer & Beltway 8 Incalls)
ExOtiC____120__ __ ______ EBONY__120__ _______ KNOCK-OUT - ---- Be@uTy!!!!... - 24
(Houston, 45n, 45s, galleria, downtown outcalls)
EVERYTHING A1 👈 👉💋SOFT-SKIN💋👍 👉SeXy-VoIcE👄 👉💃Pretty Face ★• DiVe In DEEP - avl 2 girl sp! - 21
(City of Houston, Houston, SOUTHWEST FWY - 59 - W.AIRPORT)
© Eva Da Beast © Soft jUiCy BOOTY w/ { TIG OLE BITTIES } More private pics @ e.c.c.i.e.c.o.m - 21
(Houston, in Galleria area , out 59,610,bltwy,290)
Espetacular Colombiana Ready to enjoy New friends ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Services !! Busty blonde - 25
(City of Houston, Houston, Westheimer and 8)
Exotic blonde 😍😍 ready to play 😘😘 OUTCALL - 22
(City of Houston, Galleria,Sugarland,Stafford,Downtown, Houston)
💕Everything You Want & Need💕 Out/ Only - 21
(Galleria , Clearlake , Sugar Land, Katy, Houston, Pasadena)
EROTIC sweet WET Carmen *FREAKY Saturday late nite$pecial* Special 50 Roses/15mins or$100 flat
(Location: 610/ south post oak)
Everything You Wanted & More... I Bring The Fun... Let Me Prove It ! ! ! [60 & 100 Incall Specials] - 21
(Incall 45 South.. Outcall your place!)
Eva Da Beast ¤ Quality time w/ Adorable Caramel Queen ¤ New Look ¤ New Stats 42DDD-38-52 Booty - 21
(Houston, reliant area In/OUt NW,SW,All over Hou)
Evry Womans Worst Nightmare ___ Bootylicious Action & Satisfaction $8O___ Evry Mans Dream CUM Tru ! - 30
(NoRushing BootyliciousBabe GalleriaCondo)
__________ EVERYTHING __________ UR ___________ LOOKING ___________ FOR!!! __________ - 26
Evry Womans Worst Nightmare! __ 40DD Bootylicious Action & Satisfaction $80! __ Evry Mans DreamTru! - 30
EVERY HOUR IS HAPPY (Come See This) Call Me & I Will Come To U/Anywhere U Want IT!!!!!!! !!!!!!!
(Your Place As Soon As U Call)
© Eva Da Beast © Soft jUiCy BOOTY w/ { TIG OLE BITTIES } More private pics @ e.c.c.i.e.c.o.m - 21
(Houston, in Galleria area / out all over Hou TX)
Elite Companionship... Gorgeous Brunette Playmate ...🔥HOT🔥 HOT🔥 Kamren - 21
(Houston, Outcalls All Over 🚗 i Drive Myself 15 Mi)
-:¦:- ECCIE Reviewed .-:¦:- CHaRmInG BruNETTE °° .-:¦:- SeXxXi M$. BeNtLeY - 21
(hoUstON(hwy 6) incalls oNly)
Enjoy stocking stuffing holiday cheer with a doggone discount if you're nice before naughty! - 55
(Houston, Wherever you need me to be!)
☆ [E] [X] [O] [T] [i] [C] [E] [B] [O] [N] [Y] [B] [E] [A] [U] [T] [Y] ☆ - 24
(☎ (Southwest Freeway) Incall Only)
EBONY gal with MONSTER HUGE BOOBS anything goes hour !! 1OO.OO gfe ~ NO rushing ( new gal)
(59 and HILCROFT)
!ErOtIc & ExoTiC 505-402-5705 1960/champion /cypress in&out; Good GiRls HaVe the DiRtiest minds :-) - 19
(Houston, 1960/ cypress/ champions in and out)
💙❤👄💜✔End The Night Right🍒🎂🍓Authentic❤💙💛💗 - 20
(City of Houston, Conroe, Houston, Houston Outcalls All Around, Pasadena, Pearland, The Woodlands)
--- E-A-S-Y M-E --- Come -B-Y- --- Come -I-N- --- Come -O-V-E-R- ---&--- You'll -S-E-E- --- - 24
EARLY Morning SPCLS****60rs **** SPCLS!!!! ****80rs*** SPCLS!!!** 100rs!!! spcls!! - 20
(Houston, incalls, hobby-surrounding areas)
💋💋EBONY Big bOOty❤️BeauTy WiTh CuRves 👅 SwEet To EaT🍭 (100 OUTCALLS NOW) 👍Let's Have Fun!!!💋💋 - 24
EBONY gal with MONSTER HUGE BOOBS anything goes hour UNLIMTIED fun !! 1OO.OO gfe ~ NO rushing !
E.B.O.N.Y. M.O.D.E.L. Ready to fulfill your wildest fantasy !!!!!!!!***** 713-391-4124 ****** - 26
(all over Houston)
EBONY BARBIE DOLL. . . . GFE/ NO RUSH!!! _ _ _ NeW 2 HoUSToN _ _ _ SPeCiALS _ _ _ - 21
§ E x O t I C C u T i E T i G h T J u I c Y & R e A d y T o G o § - 27
(290 area/Outcall Houston)
Dynamite $60 Sk ills===((((SWEE T * SEXY * EXOT IC * EBONY * PL AYGIRL))))===Dy namite $60 Skil ls - 26
(Houston, +45/North@Beltway=8+Incalls&Outcalls;)
»» S_E_xXx_Y »-» C=L=A=S=S=Y »» BARbie »» TRUE=== G === F === E - 24
(houston/surrounding--in & outcalls)
*=DTown'S FiNeST MiXXd DeSSeRT=*= So HoT=*= So SPiCy=*= NeW HoT PiCS=*= SWeeT OutcaLL SPcLS=*= - 25
(Houston, All over Houston Out)
=*DTowN'S FiNeSt MiXXd DeSSeRt=* A HoT&SPiCy; DiSH=* GeT SoMe WHiLe it'S HoTT=* W!Ld OutCl SpCls=* - 26
(Houston, All Over HouSton OutCalls ONLY)
=DTowN'S FiNeST MiXXd KiTTeE= So SWeeT but YeT So N@uGhTy= Can U MaKe Me PuRR?= W!Ld SpCLS= - 24
(Houston, i10,wilcrst IN/all over OuT((NEW PICS!)))
Earlybird Specials!!! Few Days Before I Leave Town!!! Lets Play!!! - 20
(Houston, Houston Downtown/ all over)
**( _E_ x _ Q _ U _ i _ S _ i _T_E_ )**( E _ x_ O_T_i _C )**(B _e _A _u _T _y)** - - 24
(houston/surrounding --in& outcalls)
★ ☆====× E_S_C_A_P_E ___ F_R_O_M ___ T_H_E ___ O_R_D_I_N_A_R_Y ×====☆ ★ - 26
Double Blondes Double Trouble ! Take your pick two super freaks - 19
(Houston, Galleria Area 610 Westheimer)
Dont Miss This"* Oppertunity To Be With The Best!! NEW AND SO SWEET $80 HH INCALLS - 32
(45 South /All Over Houston)
** DONT CHEAT YOURSELF ** CLASSY ** UPSCALE ** TOP SHELF ~~ Peruvian and Italian Diva *** !!!!! - 23
(Houston, Westheimer / Galleria Area)
Ebony Doll(((( -----80 Kisses ---- OUTCALL SPECIAL )))) - 21
(All over Houston Sugarland Pearland Katy)
*=DTowN'S FiNeST MiXXd DeSSeRT=* DeLiCiouSLY eXoTiC w/a SPiCY attiTuDe=* SiZZLiN HoT OuTCall SpCLS=* - 25
(Houston, All over Houston Out)
=DTowN'S FiNeST MiXXd DeSSeRT= HaPPy FReaKy FRiDay=LeT'S GeT FReaKy 2GeTheR= SWeeT OutcaLL SPcLS= - 25
(Houston, All OveR HouStoN OutCallS ONLY)
!~!~!~((((EARLY -BIRD SWEET HON EY-DIP in need of a hot MORNIN G TREAT=== $50Spcls==come & get it - 26
(Houston, **45/North@Beltway/8**incalls=outcalls)
~~~~ {{DOUBLE your TROUBLES or DOUBLE your FUN} "OutStanging Sessions"! - 23
=DTowN'S FiNeST MiXd KiTTeE= So SWeeT but YeT So N@uGhTy= Can U MaKe Me PuRR?= SLiPPeRy OuTCl SpCLS= - 25
(Houston, All OveR HouStoN OutCallS ONLY)