Mon 27 Jan
L:|O:|O: |K:|I:|N:|G F:|O:|R T:|H:|E T:|O:|T:| A:|L P:|A:|C:|K: |A:|G:|E - 23
(★ In's:- Southwest ★)
Jasmine 80 100 SPECIALS ! ThA dEEpER U gO ThA wEtTeR iT GeTs!!°¤°Cum & See°¤°- GFE for you - Call! - 23
(Bissonett 59 SW Southwest Frwy)
((AL L A M ERIC A N* - BLONDE* - B A R B IE!)) Visiting *Hot New Pics!* - 21
(*SouthWest Houston!*)
((AL L A M ERIC A N* - BLONDE* - B A R B IE!)) Visiting *Hot New Pics!* - 21
(*SouthWest Houston*)
$80 specials 5/9 Hot and drippin ebony model ready to drip all over you to night - 18
Fri 10 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
***MY KILLER BODY*** + SeDuCTiVe SeXY Night = UNforGeTTabLe SMILE !! !! - 20
(Houston, Southwest Houston Area SPECIALS)
Sun 05 Jan
Guaranteed to Please Whatever it takes Openminded Available now $100 Specials NEW PICS - 27
(Houston, southwest galleria area $$Specials)
Fri 03 Jan