Mon 27 Jan
** IZZY ** Young & Exoctic thick curvy babe ready to get dirty ill do whatever it takes. - 18
(Houston, Westheimer & Southwest surrounding areas)
__( HoT! )—•—( D€L¡C¡OUs )—•—( H€aRT-SToPP¡NG )—•—( €BoNy MixX€D)—•—( BoMBSH€LL )—•— - 22
(Houston, Southwest In/ OuT Surrounding areas)
hey guys , new in houston & wanting to get out (: - 19
(Houston, southwest, all of houston & surrounding.)
Girl Next Door, Upscale, discreet, sweet, and sexy ---> EMILY IS BACK!!!!! - 20
(Houston and willing to travel to you)
>>> Do What You Want To Do-----With Who You Want To Screw ; )
(Southwest Houston and surrounding areas)
__classy ,sassy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ *THuRsDaY TReaSuRe *..... PL ea SuRe .aWaiTs U * - 27
(northwest 290)
Attributes & Assets: A Cutie and A Booty - 22
(City of Houston, Houston, Southwest Houston and surrounding areas)
80hr [OutCaLl $.p.c.l.] ~ LeT Me BE YoUr FAnTAsY ~ 80hr [OutCaLl $.p.c.l.] - 19
(Houston, southwest, galleria and surrounding area)
Sun 12 Jan
Come let ⭐STARR👸 share some 🌈JOY👧 in your day. 👭Specials - 24
(Houston Southwest, Outcalls Houston and surrounding)
Fri 10 Jan
____ ______ ______ __ * LeT SaNtas (h)ea(d) HeLPeR, hELp YoU *_ ____ ______ _______ ______ ____ - 27
(out//everywhere OR__CuMe cLiMb iN!!)
Thu 09 Jan
........ AvAiLAbLe NoW ...... ,s Xy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ *MoNDaY MaDNeSS *....PLeASuRe A wAiTs - 30
(northwest 290)
**$Lip ~N~ $Lide* Pan@m@nian$ Do iT BeTTer*$pecial$ All NITE* Call Now BRiTtany 2818547109 - 21
(Houston, southwest & surrounding areas)
Wed 08 Jan
°°•★•°° ♥C0ME LET ME SP0iL Y0U!♥ KyNdAl HoUsToN°°•★•°° - 24
(Houston, Southwest/Surrounding Houston)
Tue 07 Jan
........ AvAiLAbLe NoW ...... ,cLaSSy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ * GeTaWaY *....PLeASuRe A wAiTs - 30
(northwest 290)
........ AvAiLAbLe NoW ........ ,sX(x)Xy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ *S a T u R D a Y SeDuCtDreSS *.... - 30
(northwest 290)
Mon 06 Jan
BrAnD nEw pIcS nIcE bIg pHaT bOOtY rEaDy tO bOunCe oN yOu 80/100/$180 - 22
^^^2 freak spc^^^ 80 **** together again by popular demand*** huggs & kisses - 18
(Houston, southwest, galleria and surrounding area)
✨Naughty Cambodian& Hawaiian💯real , 🎀 only visiting for limited time - 21
(City of Houston, Houston, SouthWest Freeway-surrounding areas)
Blonde Barbie Come Play With Me!!! Tell your girlfriend goodbye!!!! - 26
(Houston, Southwest Houston/ 290 and Surrounding)
........ AvAiLAbLe NoW ...... ,sX(x)Xy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ *MoNDaY MaDNeSS *....PLeASuRe A wAiTs - 30
(northwest 290)
Sun 05 Jan
60 $pcl (incall) LIMITED TIME ONLY... Hot ebony Goddess!!!! - 21
Let a Redhead see you off To bed! - 45
(City of Houston, Houston, Southwest Galleria and surrounding area)
Beautiful, brazillian . stallion $80 special - 22
(Houston, southwest surrounding areas /in out call)
Sat 04 Jan
(Southwest Houston & surrounding area)
$120hr Incall DARK and LOVELY literally ️SMOKIN' HoT 💯 EXotIC [✔]🌟 $150hr Outcall😍 💯 - 22
(Houston, Southwest houston and surrounding areas)
Fri 03 Jan
👅💦🍑 LADY 💋 , Pretty Brown R🔴und 😍, SLiiM Waiist PHAT A💲💲 (🚨ASK ABOUT MY SPECIALS🚨) - 22
(City of Houston, Houston, Southwest , i10 , 290 , all surrounding)
"Endangered Species" - Sexy Redhead - 45
(City of Houston, Houston, Southwest Galleria and surrounding area)
Thu 02 Jan