Mon 27 Jan
MlLF & Cookies! *:..:* 281 904 5810 *:..:* AFTERNOON SPECIAL TIL 3PM - 28
😘🏁 katy frwy $50 specials I'm all about pleasure call me now I'm waiting!!!!! - - 25
(Houston, I 10 & Hwy 6, 59,Katy, SW, 290, 610)
KAMILE YOUNG SEXXXY AND WETT in katy BLONDE outcalls all over (19yrs old) 832 352 3023 - 19
¥×¥¥× Jazzy Jones ¥×¥¥× is Coming Back... TODAY !!! and Thick *** LAST DAY HERE 281-865-1651 - 23
IN / OUT :: LTO :: Beautiful Blonde Model Type :: 100% REAL && VERIFIED - 24
(City of Houston, Houston, In/out hwy 6 and i 10, energy corridor w)
I caught your eye now give me a call! 832** 287** 3437 Available late - 23
(Houston, 290/hwy 6 ( private residence ))
❥Cum and Play with (YOuR DreAm GiRL))aLL FanTaSieS FulLFilLed HeRe☆ - 24
I Go Above & Beyond To See That You Are 110% Satisfied... 18 yr old, open-minded, FREAK!! - 18
(290/hwy 6)
I CaN KeEp yOuR SeCrEtS oR DrOp tO My kNeEs n bECoMe oNe!! CaUtIoN wEtTeR tHaN A SuBmArInE - 24
♥♥ I cAnT OpEN THeM WIDER THaN THIS !! SOo GEORGOUS !! HOT Mulatto!! ♥♥ - 23
(Houston, hwy 290, hwy 249, hwy 6, jersey village)
I Do The Things Your Wife Won't Do! *:..:* 281 904 5810 *:..:* INCALL: 290 / Hwy 6 / JERSEY VILLAGE - 28
(OUTCALL: north south east west)
hwy 290&1960/hwy 6 ➡Leaving in the morning ⚠ 30minute Special 💦JuiCY(◎人◎) T!ght CreamY K!TTy 😻 - 25
(City of Houston, Cyfair /Jersey Village/290 & 1960/hwy 6, Houston)
❤❤Hwy 6❤1960❤❤L00K❤Hablo Español❤Call Me❤St0p I DARE you too OPeN! U Will❤FAll❤Inl0ve❤ - 23
(Houston, 290 / Hwy 6 / Cy Fair/ 1960 /Call 4 spc!)
❤❤Hwy 6❤1960❤❤L00K❤Hablo Español❤Call Me❤St0p0pEn Me❤ Start Your Year❤RIGHT❤U Will❤FAll❤Inl0ve❤ - 23
(Houston, 290 / Hwy 6 / Cy Fair/ 1960 /Call 4 spc!)
☎☏ HONEY HONEY HONEY 5 Sexy Asian girl - - 23
(Houston, W Little York/Belwy 8/290/I-10/59/hwy 6)
*** HoT & ReAdY FoR SoMe FuN *** (((OnE SeXy CoLLeGe PlAyMaTe))) 100 Rose Special - 20
(290/Jones Rd/Hwy 6)
☎☏ HONEY HONEY HONEY 5 Sexy Asian girl -. - 23
(Houston, W Little York/Belwy 8/290/I-10/59/hwy 6)
Get What You Looking For Right Here.. GFE Experience.. The Best in Houston- *NEW PiCs taken 3/ 25/10 - 19
(290/hwy 6)
❤ FREAKY ❤ ❤ SEXY ❤ ❤ BlOnDe ❤ ❤ I'll HaVe YoU ❤ BeGGiN FoR MoRe ❤ ❤ - 23
(City of Houston, Houston, Hwy 290/Hwy 6/1960 ➖Incall/Outcalls ➋➍/➆)
I CaN KeEp yOuR SeCrEtS oR DrOp tO My kNeEs n bECoMe oNe!! CaUtIoN wEtTeR tHaN A SuBmArInE - 24
I CaN KeEp yOuR SeCrEtS oR DrOp tO My kNeEs n bECoMe oNe!! CaUtIoN wEtTeR tHaN A SuBmArInE - 24
❤*° *° ☆ Come Play with Just Me, or Just Hubby, or Both of Us! *° *° ❤ - 36
(Houston, NW Houston Hwy 290 FM 1960, Hwy 6 , I-10)
Come and Step into My World and Control Me... Submissive Asian, 18, and Ready to Play - 18
(290/hwy 6)
I CaN KeEp aLl yOuR SeCrETs BaBy...oR DrOp To mY KnEeS n bEcOMe OnE
(Stafford/Southwest Houston Private condo)
>>>>>>>> STEAM ----------- SWEET ---------- SEXY ------------- NEW ----------- RELAXATION
(13250 FM529 Houston, TX 77041)
>>>>>>> ----- STEAM -------- ~✿ ~✿ Sweet Sexy Girls You Dreamed of ---------- Hurry!!! - 25
(13250 FM529 Houston, TX 77041)
*¨¨*-: ✦ :-*__ Asian Hot Girls __(STEAM)*-: ✦ :-*¨¨* - - (New) 100% Real - 25
(13250 FM529 Houston)
=======>>> STEAM!!!! ====== >>>>>>> The Best choice to ease off your stress - 31
(13250 FM529 Houston, TX 77041)
>>>>>>>>----- STEAM -------- ~✿ ~✿ Sweet Sexy Girls You Dreamed of ---------- Hurry!!!
(13250 FM529 Houston, TX 77041)
>>>>>>> ----- STEAM -------- ~✿ ~✿ Sweet Sexy Girls You Dreamed of ---------- Hurry!!! - 31
(13250 FM529 Houston, TX 77041)
💜〓💜〓【💜】〓💜〓 ⓢⓝⓔⓐⓚ 〓💜〓 Ⓐⓦⓐⓨ 〓💜〓 & 〓💜〓 Ⓒⓞⓜⓔ 〓💜〓 Ⓟⓛⓐⓨ 〓💜〓💜【HWY 290】 💲1OO🇮🇳🇨🇦🇱🇱 〓💜〓💜 - 24
(City of Houston, Houston, 💯SPECIAL➰Hwy 290/1960/Hwy 6 ➰💯SPECIAL)
💜〓💜〓【💜】〓💜〓 ⓢⓝⓔⓐⓚ 〓💜〓 Ⓐⓦⓐⓨ 〓💜〓 & 〓💜〓 Ⓒⓞⓜⓔ 〓💜〓 Ⓟⓛⓐⓨ 〓💜〓💜【HWY 290】 💲1OO🇮🇳🇨🇦🇱🇱 〓💜〓💜 - 25
(City of Houston, Houston, 💯SPECIAL➰HWY 290 /Hwy 6/1960 ➰💯SPECIAL)
832 352 3023 KAMILE (19) BLONDE in katy so BARBIE-LICIOUS shapely tight and wwwettt - 19
80 80 80 ~ * ~ NeW PiCs ~ * ~ I LoVe WhAt I Do ~ * ~ 1 or 2 ~ * ~ Miss LaDy ~ * ~ 80 80 80 SpEcIaL - 21
(Houston, 290 / / 610 / / Hwy 6)
*60q Special* Shay: Voluptuous 38DD, Thick & Curvy, Blonde 'Girl-Next-Door' - 37
(Houston, North West Houston, Hwy 6 & 290, FM1960)
6 Asian Cutey 22ys Japanese Korean Beauty Model H®T & SexxY . - 22
(Houston, W Little York/Belwy 8/290/I-10/59/hwy 6)
$50 Sexy, Busty, Beautiful Girl Looking to PLEASE You NOW!! Hurry, I'm waiting!! - 21
(Houston, I 10 & Hwy 6, 59,Katy, SW, 290, 610)
5 Asian Students 20ys Japanese Korean Beauty Model H®T & SexxY - 20
(Houston, W Little York/Belwy 8/290/I-10/59/hwy 6)
Sun 26 Jan
🍓🍓treat yourself to a luxurious, sensual, full-body massage. pamper yourself with this delicious treatment and escape🍓 the 🍓worries of the day. 🍓🍓book your 🍓🍓session now🍓�
(290 & hwy 6 / Cypres)
🍓🍓treat yourself to a luxurious, sensual, full-body massage. pamper yourself with this delicious treatment and escape the worries of the day. 🍓🍓book your session now🍓🍓
(290 & hwy 6 / Cypres)
🍑🍆desert pardice spa 🍑🍆 new place 🍒treat yourself to a luxurious, sensual, full-body massage. pamper yourself with this delicious treatment and escape the worries of the day🍑🍑🍒
(290 & hwy 6 / cypres)
Sun 12 Jan
☠ 80 SMOKING HOT Mulatto !! 80 GEORGOUS BEAUTIFUL PIC's !! scpecial today ONLY ☠ - 23
(Houston, 290, Jersey village, hwy 6, beltway 8 w)
🌺🌺🌺🌺 GRAND OPENING IN 290 HFFMEISTER Rd 🌺🌺 LL SPA 🌺🌺 832-433--2875 🌺🌺🌺🌺 - 22
(11045 Huffmeister Rd. CypressTX, 77065, City of Houston, Houston)
Sat 11 Jan
available now!!! @maZing Ms. Coco!!! come indulge !! - 19
(Houston, all Houston new 290 1960 hwy 6 i10 katy)
*FliP & TurN Me * -:¦:-In EvErY WaY -:¦:- FlExiBlE HoTTie* - 24
(SouthWest Houston In/Out All Over)
Fri 10 Jan
I CaN KeEp aLl yOuR SeCrETs BaBy...oR DrOp To mY KnEeS n bEcOMe OnE
(Stafford/Southwest Houston Private condo)
5 STUNNING, HoT Japanese Blond Very Very SEXxY - 23
(Houston, W Little York/Belwy 8/290/I-10/59/hwy 6)
100% ReAl, *BeAuTiFuL, *GaRaNtEeD *SaTiCfAcTiOn* Incall/outcall - 24
(Houston, hwy 6/290/Katy/FM529/Houston/I-10)
💯%Me✔ I'm ☆ Al💥w@ys ☆ On ☆ My ☆ 🔥N@ughtiest 💥☆ Beh@vior!!!👄.○°•●¤` - 27 - 27
(Houston, 290 CYPRESS 1960 249 willowbrook)
Long Day?...Come Unwind w/ Houston's #1 Premier Provider NIKKI T! .:* ¨*:. .:* ¨ 281 904 5810 - 28
(INCALL 290 / hwy 6 / Jersey Village)
🍭ExotiC Latina BBW❤️💵Specials! 290 hwy 6 1960🍫Sweet as CanDy🍭si hablo español💙come see!!👀 - 24
(Houston, 290 hwy 6 1960)
🍭ExxxOtiC latina BBW❤️290 N Hwy 6💵Specials!!🍬Sweet as CanDy🍭si hablo español💙come see!!👀 - 24
(Houston, 290 hwy 6 1960)
$65 * ❤.* L✪ ✪K * ★★★★★ __5__ STAR__ EXPERIENCE__ ★★★★★ N!CE_H!PS & LUC!0US L!PS Fetish Friendly - 22
(Houston, I 10 & Hwy 6, 59,Katy, SW, 290, 610)
Thu 09 Jan
❤*•° *•° Just Wife or Just Hubby, or Both of Us! This Couple Loves to Play ❤ - 36
(Houston, NW Houston Hwy 290 FM 1960, Hwy 6 , I-10)
6 Asian Cutey 20ys Japanese Korean Beauty Model H®T & SexxY - 20
(Houston, W Little York/Belwy 8/290/I-10/59/hwy 6)
~~ITS FRIDAY LETS HAVE FUN ~~~~ 49.99 ~~~ Cum Get Some Special ~~ 405-206-7760
((((290 &1960/HWY 6 Nortwest Houston))))))
1 888 316 1532.15 Min For $50, 30 Min For $100.Incall Only 290 and Hwy 6 - 42
(Close to290/Hwy6 Incall Only)
Come and Step into My World and Control Me... Submissive Asian, 18, and Ready to Play - 18
(290/hwy 6)
Wed 08 Jan
Miss LINNEA is Back!!!! COLLEGE GIRL In Need of HELP!! Take advantage of specials NOW!! REVIEWED - 24
(Houston, 290 & HWY 6 ... OUTCALLS 2 UPSCALE ONLY)
$65 Sp. L00K ==>> THE Best of the BEST!! Top of Line Services!! Come Experience a wild Night - 21
(Houston, I 10 & Hwy 6, 59,Katy, SW, 290, 610)
☑1OO% Independent ☑1OO% SeXy & ReaDy! ☑ 1OO% Total Package!!! - 24
(SouthWest Houston In/Out All Over)
Tue 07 Jan
$50 Special! Busty,Sexy, Playmate Waiting On You Now!! Come enjoy a non rushed pleasure filled time! - 20
(Houston, I 10 & Hwy 6, 59,Katy, SW, 290, 610)
Hannah - Houston's Hottest Housewife - (hubby & kids r gone for the weekend... LETS PARTY!!) - 29
(Houston, INCALL ONLY - 290 / hwy 6 - INCALL ONLY)
❤❤Hwy 6❤L00K❤Hablo Español❤Call Me❤St0p I DARE you too OPeN! U Will❤FAll❤Inl0ve❤ - 23
(Houston, 290 / Hwy 6 / Cy Fair /Call for my spec!)
Mon 06 Jan