Mon 27 Jan
❥Cum and Play with (YOuR DreAm GiRL))aLL FanTaSieS FulLFilLed HeRe☆ - 24
☑ I Have A MASTER'S In Ple@sing And A PHD In Te@sing!! ☑ - 22
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks In/Out [CLICK HERE!])
☆ ❤ I _ NEED _ SOME _ AFFECTION... DO _ YOU? ❤ ☆ - 22
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks In/Out & Surroundings!)
★☆★ I _ DO _ IT _ JUST _ LIKE _ IN _ THE _ MOVIES!! ★☆★ - 22
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks In/Out & Surroundings!)
✖✖✖ HONEST PROVIDER.... Let Me Restore Your Faith In Using Backpage!! ✖✖✖ - 22
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks In/Out [CLICK HERE!])
G O T __ T O __ G I V E __ T H E __ B O Y S __ W H A T __ T H E Y __ W A N T ! ! - 22
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks In/Out [CLICK HERE!])
-:¦:- ✧ G O O D ✧ G I R L ✧ G O N E ✧ N @ U G H T Y !! ✧ -:¦:- - 22
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks - In/Out Specials!!)
I CaN KeEp yOuR SeCrEtS oR DrOp tO My kNeEs n bECoMe oNe!! CaUtIoN wEtTeR tHaN A SuBmArInE - 24
★—*— ((★ Cute Face & The Perfect Body ★)) —**—Super Sexy In Specials ★ - 25
(Houston, 290 610 Beltway 8 1960)
✔ D o _ Y o u _ W a n t _ T o _ B e c o m e _ O n e _ O f _ M y _ R e g u l a r s ? ✔ - 23
(Houston, 290 & Beltway 8 In/Out)
Come Enjoy My 4 Part Massage ... New Pictures ... All "Yes" Reviews ... NOW BOOKING FOR TUESDAY - 30
(Houston, Upscale Location on Southwest Freeway)
░•❤•░ ★☆★ •❤•★☆★ B•U•S•T•Y •❤• B•E•A•U•T•Y •❤• O•N• ☆ S•E•X-Y D•u•T•y!!! ★☆★ ★☆★ ░•❤•░ - 20
(City of Houston, Downtown, midtown, 59, 610, 45, Houston)
Always Ready ! = LiGHT SKiN HoNEy DIP = 100% REAL PICS = >> French Mix = SmaLL Waist - 21
(Houston, Northside Incall & outcalls anywhere)
a unforgettable Xperience...the kinkyest around!!! 1 ebony is fun but 2 is EPIC - 23
(Houston, BELT8/610/288 incall near 59/bissonnett)
90$$ SEXY🔴BELIZEAN DOLL 24/7 Aim 2 Please 🔴Credit 🔴Card🔴805-399-0259 ▬▬▬▬▬ - 23
(City of Houston, Houston, OUTCALLS and INCALL 805-399-0259)
❦‿❦ A -- -- B A D D -- -- G I R L -- -- W I T H -- -- A -- -- S W E E T -- -- S I D E ! ! ❦‿❦ - 22
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks In/Out [CLICK HERE!])
A M A Z I N G _ P L E A S U R E _ A N D _ A _ W H O L E _ L O T _ O F _ F U N ! - 23
(Houston, (OUTCALLS!))
80$$ ██ ⭐Relaxation Specialist ⭐ ██ ✨ Massages, F∈tisHes and More ✨ Now Taking CC⭐ 805-399-0259 - 23
(Houston, i10 west Incall and Allover Outcall)
80Hhr💫🍭☁️Taste of heaven☁️🍭💫ρυRε ρℓ℮αδυRε💕5🌟🔝Qυαℓιτγ 👑 GORGEOUS upscale Barbie doll👠 - 23
(City of Houston, Houston, Houston & Surrounding areas)
80$$🎅SexXxy Christmas Special💋 🎄Relaxation Specialist🎅Holiday Special 🎄805-399-2116 - 23
(City of Houston, Houston, OUTCALLS and INCALL 805-399-2116)
{{90}} 🎀Relaxation Specialist 🎀{{AIM 2 PLEASE }}💦CC Accepted {{Specials}💦 24/7 ALL REAL - 23
(City of Houston, Houston, OUTCALLS and INCALL 805-399-0259)
80$$🎅SexXxy Wild Wendesday 💋 🎄Relaxation Specialist🎅Holiday Special 🎄805-399-2116 - 23
(City of Houston, Houston, OUTCALLS and INCALL 805-399-2116)
80$$.🍑Wild Wednesday 🍑 Relaxation Specialist🍒Holiday Special🍯 805-399-0259 - 23
(City of Houston, Houston, OUTCALLS and INCALL 805-399-0259)
☎80☎ *°•..-:¦:-..•° * Sexy Mixed Petite Treat Ready In The AM!* °•..-:¦:-..•°☎ 80☎ - 23
(Houston, 290 & Hollister Or Your Place 150 Outcal)
80$$ 🌺💋 CuRvAcEoUs 🌺& SuPeR Busty 🌺Vivacious ⭕⛔⭕ Enthusiastic ⭕⛔⭕ SEDUCTiVE ⭕⛔ 805-399-2116⭕⛔⭕ - 23
(City of Houston, Houston, Incall & Allover Outcall 805-399-2116)
100$$ ⭐Relaxation Specialist ✨ Massages, F∈tisHes and More ✨ Now Taking CC⭐ 805-399-0259 - 23
(Pearland, Outcall and incall location)
100$$ 🎀 LET THE FUN BEGIN🎀805-399-0259 - 23
(Baytown, Beaumont, Beaumont/Pt Arthur, City of Houston, College Station, Houston, Huntsville, Outcall and Incall, Pasadena, Pearland, Sugar Land, The Woodlands)
100$$ 💚👑💚 BELiZEᗩᑎ💜 Barbie 💚👑💚 See THE BEST 💚👑💚 ᗩᐯᗩiLᗩbLe ᑎoᗯ 💚👑💚 805-399-2116 - 23
(City of Houston, Houston, Incall & Allover Outcall 805-399-2116)
Sun 12 Jan
♥♣♥♣ Come Get A Taste Of PERFECTION... The BEST You Ever Had!! ♥♣♥♣ - 23
(Houston, N.W. 290 Incalls* - Outcalls All Areas*)
○•Available Now‼ In:Out Anywhere💋💋GORGEOUS *blonde *BABE! 》Extremely S K I L L E D← REAL PHOTOS‼°○ - 28
(Houston, 45S.HOUSTON Hobby ClearLake Pasadena)
Sat 11 Jan
*FliP & TurN Me * -:¦:-In EvErY WaY -:¦:- FlExiBlE HoTTie* - 24
(SouthWest Houston In/Out All Over)
Fri 10 Jan
☛C☎A☛L☎L +++ NoW ❖♡ Erotic:::^^Appeal ◆◇-- Sexy ♡Skilled ♥Blonde-IN/Out Available
EXTRA" xxx Hot Goddess No Restrictions!! " GFE" with a Cherry ON TOP - 25
(woodlands baytown, downtown hwy 45n)
Thu 09 Jan
Wed 08 Jan
☆ Lov3 Petite LaTeNiTe50 hlfSpecial& StartUr NewYear w/aCoCoBANG Better&Legit; WoW ➫ - 20
(Houston, 610 S loop W/ MED.CEN./Reliant/ Galleria)
Limited Time In Town Gorgeous Selena Yu tell Me If you Like It Naughty Or Nice 2*3Girl Sessions Avai - 21
(Houston, 59 near 610 Greenway Plaza)
Tue 07 Jan
miss trena tha undeniable!!! ur ultimate playmate.... - 23
(Houston, NEAR 59/BELTWAY 8/288/610 MEETUPS)
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Everybody Needs A Little TLC Sometimes... Don't MISS Your Chance!! Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - 22
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks - In/Out Specials!!)
Mon 06 Jan
100$$ ▬▬▬▬ SEXY🔴BELIZEAN DOLL 24/7 OUTCALL🔴Credit 🔴Card▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌805-399-0259 ▬▬▬▬▬ - 23
(City of Houston, Houston, Incall and Outcall)
☛C☎A☛L☎L ++++++ NoW ❖♡ Erotic:::::^^ Appeal ◆◇→----- Sexy ♡Skilled ♥Blonde---- - 26
(Houston, In -i10 Wilcrest Katy W.Houston Out Any)
Sun 05 Jan
B e i n g __ T h i s __ B a d d __ F e e l s __ S o __ G o o d ! ! - 22
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks In/Out [CLICK HERE!])
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Lets Make a NEW Holiday... It's called PLEASURE GIVING!! Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - 23
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks In/Out [CLICK HERE!])
Sat 04 Jan
L e t s __ N o t __ R u s h __ U n f o r g e t t a b l e __ P l e a s u r e ! ! - 22
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks In/Out [CLICK HERE!])
★LOOK••••►HeRE ❤ ❤ FReAKY ❤❤ CLiCK HERE ❤1OO% EXOTiC ]•((CuTiE❤❤ BuSTY ❤❤ BiG BOOTY - 23
(Houston, Outcall and incall location, The Woodlands)
80$$ ❀█▓█ Lips Hips &Fingertips; OUTCALL Fun █▓█ ★ BEST SERVICE IN TOWN ★ █▓█▓█▓█ ❀ 805-399-0259 - 23
(Houston, outcall incall)
Fri 03 Jan
•●•100●Outcall/Spcl ♡♡Looks & Skills, I have it all!!! ☆☆Sexy Ebony♡100●Incall/Spcl•●• - 25
(Pearland, Incall S. Loop 610, NRG, Main, Reliant)
100$$▌▌▌▌SEXY🔴BELIZEAN DOLL 24/7 OUTCALL🔴Credit 🔴Card▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ 805-399-0259 - 23
(Pearland, Incalls and Outcall)
* Mouth Watering *❤* S. T. U. N. N. I. N. G . *❤*° CuTie WitH SmAcKable BoOty - 21
(NEAR 59 /610)
75$$ Early Bird▂▃ VISITING ▉Lips Hips Fingertips▂▃▉ BELIZEAN DOLL ▂▃▉ 805-399-0259 - 23
(City of Houston, i-10 Incall and Outcall)
Thu 02 Jan