Mon 27 Jan
(I)N(C)A(L)L " SPECIALS" Today's lines reads ! D star has the BEST UM in THE CITY! gifts! - 24
(SOUTHWEST/59s and beltway 8)
💦Incall Specialz💦 👄BeSt💦👄 M👅u.TH💦👄SkILLs☆ KiNkY ☆ Dr!Pp!nG💦 ☆ t!GhT🐱 ✿T♡e CURRLINg Bbw - 24
(59s & BELTWAY 8 southwest, City of Houston, Houston)
[ HOT LATINA] * *Exotic* *Erotic* *UPSCALE COMPANION* * 80$ sp - 20
(Houston, southwest ,stafford/ beltway8/ 59s)
【 🌟🆕F¡√ε 🌟EbOny Barbiie😻❄😻】🛬【 💦🍒💦NeW💮 In Town 💦🍓💦 🍧δωεε† Crεam¥ 🍦🍧 - 22
(City of Houston, Houston, Stafford area/Southwest/ beltway 8/ 59s)
Double The Pleasure, Double The Fun Sexy Blonde & Exotic latina - 20
(Houston, 59s,galleria,hobby,southwest outcalls)
Dstarr now doing incalls /outcalls Ready Right now thick and lovely 125 outcall special ..60 kisses. - 24
(SOUTHWEST/59s and beltway 8)
DeLiCiOuS BuStY BaBe 👅 ReAL KiNkY 👯💎 EXoTiC MiX 🔥 S M O K I N G HoT BodY▐▐▐ 💋SeXy NeW PiCs💋▐▐▐ - 25
(Houston, GALLERIA Incall Richmond Post Oak 610/59)
_______ _ Come Spend An Hour Underneath My Talented Hands :-) NOW BOOKING FOR SUNDAY ... 12pm to 8pm - 30
(Houston, 4 Star Hotel In Southwest Houston on 59s)
I CaN KeEp aLl yOuR SeCrETs BaBy...oR DrOp To mY KnEeS n bEcOMe OnE
(Stafford/Southwest Houston Private condo)
8.0((★ ATTENTION ★)) BruNeTTe █ PLEASURE SEEKERS █ (U*P*S*C*A*L*E) - 22
(Houston, Houston Southwest 59s Beltway Sugarland)
$80 special ~~^^Don't Miss Out A Chance of a life time~~^^ - 19
(Houston, Houston /southwest 59s/wilcrest)
50 SPECIAL! THiCk CurvY👅🍌 Sl¡p N Sl¡dє B¡G BOoty Hug€ T¡TS ★SK¡LL€D L¡PS & T¡GHT GR¡PS♥ - 22
(City of Houston, Houston, Southwest fwy - 59s -beltway8)
50 SpEc ~♡♡ GooD dAy To GeT uR OiL cHaNgEd PaPi, C{U}M c Me ♡♡ ~ Incall spec - 24
(City of Houston, 59s,beltway 8, southwest, beechnut)
Sun 12 Jan
80 Spec!!![ Go Texans!!!] ___ ___ [TEXAS MADE!!!] ___ ★ ___ [BRUNETTE] ___ ★Real photos - 21
(Houston Southwest, Southwest Houston 59s)
Sat 11 Jan
50 SpEc ~ ToDaY iS A GooD dAy To JuSt LeT iT aLL hAnG oUt PaPi !! ~ CaLL mE !! Incall spec - 24
(Houston, 59s,beltway 8, southwest, beechnut)
Fri 10 Jan
I CaN KeEp aLl yOuR SeCrETs BaBy...oR DrOp To mY KnEeS n bEcOMe OnE
(Stafford/Southwest Houston Private condo)
50 SpEc ~♡♡ OnCe iT HiTs My LiPs i StArT 2 Do MaGiC tRiCkS, C♡M c Me PaPi ♡♡ ~ Incall spec - 24
(Houston, 59s,beltway 8, southwest, beechnut)
50 sPeC !! ooooH Wee PaPi i LoVe 2 HeAr ThAt GuShY SoUnD wHeN uR BHiNd Me ~ CaLL mE !! Incall spec - 24
(Houston, 59s,beltway 8, southwest, beechnut)
Wed 08 Jan
☞ ☞♥★ Busty * Bl0nde * B0mb ♥★ *@zZ & T!tS* ♥★ *Freaky Friday Spcl* ★ Upscale Companionship - 21
(Houston, Southwest Katy Westheimer Stafford 59s)
°•°• ♥★☆ Busty BubblE ButT BombShell ★☆ Bangn Blonde w/ Green Eyes ★☆ AzZ n T!tt!es ★☆ I-C Spcl - 21
(Houston, SouthWest Westheimer Galleria 59s Bltway)
Tue 07 Jan
Bubbly Latina 💓💓 Bombshell New 💓💓 In Town 💓💓 - 19
(59s & BELTWAY 8 southwest, City of Houston, Houston)
50 SpEc ~♡♡ i StAy HoRnY n ReAdY tO GeT tHiS wEEk StArTeD, C♡M c Me PaPi ♡♡ ~ Incall spec - 24
(Houston, 59s,beltway 8, southwest, beechnut)
40,60,80 Sp€c¡al$ are back... HOT NEW PICTURES Call Vicki Now 765 205 3998 - 25
(City of Houston, Houston, Southwest Houston 59s, Beltway8, Hwy6s)
Mon 06 Jan
~*~MALARY BANKS ! >beautiful and captavateing .*SPECIALS* 120 (832-362-3180) 24/7 - 19
(southwest frwy & 59s)
ECCIE reveiwed If u demand the best get satisfied l!!! 713-518 5778 - 24
(sugarland,59s,hobby southwest)
((BaNGiN' B0Dy!)) .☆.Sexy. BlOnDe - ALWAYS satisfaction .☆. New PIX .☆. - 25
(Private Condo Southwest 59s)
Sun 05 Jan
50 sPeC ~ PuT tHaT bAcK oN My LiPs i'M nOt ThRu WiTh iT PaPi !! ~ CaLL mE !! Incall spec - 24
(Houston, 59s,beltway 8, southwest, beechnut)
$60 Special ~~^^Don't Miss Out A Chance of a life time~~^^ - 19
(Houston, Houston /southwest 59s/wilcrest)
Sat 04 Jan
BEST RATES in Houston !!! Get it while its hot dont delay ready right now in STAFFORD!!! - 20
(SOUTHWEST/beltway 8 /59s)
Fri 03 Jan
Let me cater to your every need incall /outcall please ask about my lunch time special..... - 24
(SOUTHWEST/59s and beltway 8)
Late Night Snack!!! Creeping Through Your Space!!! Call me!!! (Outcall ONLY!) - 20
(Houston, Houston / Southwest / 59s / bellaire)
ECCIE reveiwed If u demand the best come get satisfied l!!! 713-518 5778 - 24
(sugarland,59s,hobby southwest)
Thu 02 Jan